Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What he said is fact, I cut and pasted it. Not hard to read.

Sorry, I'm not a liberal, I judge all. Don't have to agree, but I'm entitled to my judge if I wish.

That could happen to any of them.

I just counter the couple trolls that come on here, with facts. Q is as good as any, and better than most overall.

I think everyone would like to see what people buys! I see many on this board have orders from others, and never got their products.

Once again, I believe most can think for themselves. It's just a product, the test results are out there. We are not picking a religion or a God to worship
Again, it is all beliefs and opinions that you try to pass off as fact, the part of your sentence that I emboldened was you saying that your opinion is that "Q" is the best. I never said a word about MSG. Take your own advice and learn how to read.

It is not your place to put your nose in others people's business, let them spend their money where they choose. That is called being a libertarian, and sticking your nose in other people's business is what libtards are very good at. So keep being a libtard too. That is what I am referring to about being judgmental. But you knew that, you just like to troll.

These are all your opinions that you like to pass of as facts. You are not always right, but you are certainly a classic narcissist.
Not sure who asked you to get involved with anything. I'm glad you guys hugged it out but he's been an unprofessional dick to more people then you including a paying customer who deserved a refund.
Not sure who asked you to get involved with anything. I'm glad you guys hugged it out but he's been an unprofessional dick to more people then you including a paying customer who deserved a refund.
assuming this is directed at me?

not sure who asked you to get involved? GFY. I'm a member here just like anyone else. honestly this is the type of fucking cunt attitude that is so prevalent from some members. How DARE I speak about a topic!!!! total retard.

I don't give two shits about any source. None. dealers are dealers at the end of the day. just like we are buyers/users/however you want to dress it up.

the fucking audacity.
assuming this is directed at me?

not sure who asked you to get involved? GFY. I'm a member here just like anyone else. honestly this is the type of fucking cunt attitude that is so prevalent from some members. How DARE I speak about a topic!!!! total retard.

I don't give two shits about any source. None. dealers are dealers at the end of the day. just like we are buyers/users/however you want to dress it up.

the fucking audacity.
You response says it all. You ended your statement with you're not getting involved with the rest while quoting me. So pound your keyboard tough guy because there wasn't any attitude in my post directed anywhere except your new friend. And obviously my response was to you.

Hopefully that clears it up but if it doesn't I couldn't care less. You certainly are a sensitive little twunt though. Feeling guilty?

I was answering your point with a counterpoint of my own, MegaMind. I'm avoiding all the other drivel because it's all the same by now and everyone can make their own choice.

If I misread "not sure who asked you to get involved" as being a dick at me, then I apologize for the assumption and the shithead remarks. If I didn't then my statement stands lol.

I was answering your point with a counterpoint of my own, MegaMind. I'm avoiding all the other drivel because it's all the same by now and everyone can make their own choice.

If I misread "not sure who asked you to get involved" as being a dick at me, then I apologize for the assumption and the shithead remarks. If I didn't then my statement stands lol.
You clearly misread it. When I'm being an asshole I make it clear and it's rarely to other members.
When a package is Coming to Canada when is the tracking number supposed to start working and will it track with China post or Canada post can anyone clear this up for me please and thx

Some China Post trackings can need update, don't hesitate to contact me about.
All provided trackings can be tracked on 17trach or ship24.
For Thaï orders I provide always the link where to track.
Their customers are blinded by the cheap prices. Only when a problem arises, do the blinders come off and they realize that these folks aren't their buddies and they wouldn't piss on you to save your life if you were on fire.

Fuck QDS and especially this dirtball rep. Maybe consider ordering from one of the other reps such as Alisa, I believe her name is, on WhatsApp if you really have your heart set on spending with these assholes.

Stay safe.

P.S. Fuck you @Cherokee. Don't order from this shitty rep either.
You chose the perfect handle name lol
What he said is fact, I cut and pasted it. Not hard to read.

Sorry, I'm not a liberal, I judge all. Don't have to agree, but I'm entitled to my judge if I wish.

That could happen to any of them.

I just counter the couple trolls that come on here, with facts. Q is as good as any, and better than most overall.

I think everyone would like to see what people buys! I see many on this board have orders from others, and never got their products.

Once again, I believe most can think for themselves. It's just a product, the test results are out there. We are not picking a religion or a God to worship
You know we all know your Sworder. You've made that obvious with your typical rhetoric and piffle. I've also noticed that when you refer to Q, you have used the term "we", like you guys are business partners
USA Domestic orders can in the future be shipped by UPS or Fedex

shipping fee : $24

Customer is free to choose between mode of tranportation he wants, either it's USPS (5$ shipping) or UPS/FedEx (24$ shipping)
Damn. I just ordered should have chose special line to Canada. Chose free one. Scared it would get seized

Pass rate for Canada special line is 98%, we usually inform client before shipping if there is any customs inspections possibility, when I tell customer it's g2g, there is no worries about seizure, when I advice him to choose china post or deny to send his order via this method, it's for a reason.
Pass rate for Canada special line is 98%, we usually inform client before shipping if there is any customs inspections possibility, when I tell customer it's g2g, there is no worries about seizure, when I advice him to choose china post or deny to send his order via this method, it's for a reason.
I will choose that next time. Looking to grab 20 kits of GH next time. Can’t wait to give it a try. Never tried GH before
Pass rate for Canada special line is 98%, we usually inform client before shipping if there is any customs inspections possibility, when I tell customer it's g2g, there is no worries about seizure, when I advice him to choose china post or deny to send his order via this method, it's for a reason.
I know you don’t want to say too much, but this has me intrigued.
Pass rate for Canada special line is 98%, we usually inform client before shipping if there is any customs inspections possibility, when I tell customer it's g2g, there is no worries about seizure, when I advice him to choose china post or deny to send his order via this method, it's for a reason.
How is China post/USPS right now, g2g?