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to the however many people saying i'm ill and need to be medicated. I'm well past aware, I just function normally besides that so people don't notice. I also probably got that Schizoid thing, been a long time I've had that, because I'm flat as fuck emotionally, even relationships. Also Strattera so i've been told online by people, sucks ass unfortunatley. I'm going into the Dr. on the 16th, didn't plan on it, but I'll try to come out with an adderall script, i've been wanting one for a while to cut anyways...

Also to that post alluding to the fact I didn't do that binge, you also realize I was about 350 pounds in the 6th grade? I loaded into life an anomaly.

But yeah, any Ret users? (or stimulants, EC didnt do shit and I need 600mg of caffeine in 1 dose to feel stimulated, but fuck yohimbine) Even anyone smoke Vapes or something like that who used to be fat? Lmao.
I’m sure you can find a pharmacological intervention that will work for you, but unless the underlying issue is taken care of, it will only be a bandaid.
Anyone looking at the list and under "raw powder " section and see something they want, but only need a couple grams of? If anyone wants to go in half on some of that sweet sweet mirtazapine, hit me up. Only thing that helps me sleep during a tren assisted cut.
It's usually the people that want stimulants but get strattera instead. It doesn't make you high, that's why they are mad. It's great at making you not doing / not saying stupid shit though.
Only problem is I tried Wellbution (bupropion generic) AND Naltrexone and got 1 day of peace and it was all back to basics.
I’m sure you can find a pharmacological intervention that will work for you, but unless the underlying issue is taken care of, it will only be a bandaid.
That's fine. I only need it to work for a few months, some of these people get on and stay on it for life on purpose. I hate taking pills, injections, inhalations, fuck that. I got no issue doing it, but I don't like it, I should be able to do it without them (ironic on the steroid board I know).
Yeah something isn't right here. I'm on semaglutide and I have to count my calories to make sure I'm actually eating enough even though I'm dieting hard, which is not the kind of problem I ever thought i would have in this life. I've been on it for 4 months and haven't even hit 2mg/week dosage because it's been working almost too well. I smoke a bit of weed on my days off and the effect of the semaglutide completely disappears, which has been a blessing because i'll eat a whole sushi boat and feel like a million bucks the next day. Not trying to rub it in, just saying something is definitely wrong because this shit is potent as hell. You should be dying of malnutrition at 9mg/week in my opinion.
nah man i am in the same boat as this guy. I take 5 mg of semaglutide every 5 days for marginal effects. I barely feel it, like if I didnt know i was taking it i wouldnt feel the difference at all
to the however many people saying i'm ill and need to be medicated. I'm well past aware, I just function normally besides that so people don't notice. I also probably got that Schizoid thing, been a long time I've had that, because I'm flat as fuck emotionally, even relationships. Also Strattera so i've been told online by people, sucks ass unfortunatley. I'm going into the Dr. on the 16th, didn't plan on it, but I'll try to come out with an adderall script, i've been wanting one for a while to cut anyways...

Also to that post alluding to the fact I didn't do that binge, you also realize I was about 350 pounds in the 6th grade? I loaded into life an anomaly.

But yeah, any Ret users? (or stimulants, EC didnt do shit and I need 600mg of caffeine in 1 dose to feel stimulated, but fuck yohimbine) Even anyone smoke Vapes or something like that who used to be fat? Lmao.
Have you ever talked to a doctor about a real physical operation like gastric bypass surgery. I think you are way past these GLP-1 and fat burner remedies.

I have a co worker get past 300lbs and is developing all kinds of ailments due to that sheer amount of weight, his doctor approved the operation and lost half of the weight within a year. Probably saved his knees and joints, was able to walk properly again plus his cardiac health massively improved.
You could try atomoxetine, in my experience it's the best drug for impulsivity, much better than stimulants (which can make you impulsive af). I can see how it could help with binge eating. I use it for adhd/staying off rec drugs.

Atomoxetine in the treatment of binge-eating disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled trial

Atomoxetine Reduced Binge/Purge Symptoms in a Case of Anorexia Nervosa Binge/Purge Type
Thanks for this post. I suffer from binge eating which I believe is just a symptom of my ADHD, and has to come off Adderall as it's destroyed my hair. There isn't much literature besides anecdote of others who suffer the same issue, so I'm curious if atomoxetine would be helpful in my ADHD, binge eating, and not make me suffer hair loss.
Therapy isn't just about mental illness. I'm in therapy and definitely not afraid to admit it. First it started out as a way to figure out my anxiety, and then as I got deeper into my early childhood and family life I'm now finding ways to unlearn all the shitty things I learned from a father who had zero idea how to express his emotions aside from anger and selfishness. I don't need to go any deeper and clog the thread up with this, but count yourself lucky if you didn't pick up any baggage from a shitty parent. Or maybe you're just as ignorant as they were.
Or maybe he understands that his life is his now to make what he wants of it and not continue to dwell and cry about the past. That’s what I’m talking about, oh my parents did this when I was 12 yrs old …. Well guess what !!!! You have 70-80 years to do you and make your life wonderful !!

Ughhhhh drives me nuts, fuck your past, build your future !!!!
Or maybe he understands that his life is his now to make what he wants of it and not continue to dwell and cry about the past. That’s what I’m talking about, oh my parents did this when I was 12 yrs old …. Well guess what !!!! You have 70-80 years to do you and make your life wonderful !!

Ughhhhh drives me nuts, fuck your past, build your future !!!!
would you say this to the combat vet who saw his brothers eviscerated by an IED?

“just get over it, bro. shits in the past now.”
Thanks for this post. I suffer from binge eating which I believe is just a symptom of my ADHD, and has to come off Adderall as it's destroyed my hair. There isn't much literature besides anecdote of others who suffer the same issue, so I'm curious if atomoxetine would be helpful in my ADHD, binge eating, and not make me suffer hair loss.

You should try it for sure. I would start low at 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg at afternoon. Would not go higher than 60 mg per day though. Always eat something solid like bread before you take it, otherwise you will throw up because it "foams" in the stomach. People complain that it makes them nauseous, it is because they take it on an empty stomach.

It doesn't suppress hunger like stimulants at all, but you will most likely eat less because you will act less impulsive in all regards.
Anyone looking at the list and under "raw powder " section and see something they want, but only need a couple grams of? If anyone wants to go in half on some of that sweet sweet mirtazapine, hit me up. Only thing that helps me sleep during a tren assisted cut.
This is why i went to other sources, and got screams at, since it was PPL, but i only need a couple grams of anadrol and things not 10….package did come though
nah man i am in the same boat as this guy. I take 5 mg of semaglutide every 5 days for marginal effects. I barely feel it, like if I didnt know i was taking it i wouldnt feel the difference at all
Bronkaid/Ephedrine and Caffeiene…..
ECA stack….it helps
would you say this to the combat vet who saw his brothers eviscerated by an IED?

“just get over it, bro. shits in the past now.”
Yes I would !! After 3-4 years …. Yes. What can he possibly do to keep thinking about it, a lot of people say oh I feel guilty if I enjoy life or don’t think about someone after they die etc. You think that’s what they wanted for you?
would you say this to the combat vet who saw his brothers eviscerated by an IED?

“just get over it, bro. shits in the past now.”
I am a combat veteran. I found calm and happiness myself, I didn't lay on a couch dwelling ..overeating or using receational drugs. I don't go pay someone to tell me to live a healthy lifestyle and find happiness. The people who sit around whining and not taking accountability for their own lives are just victims of themselves. Life isn't fair, bad things happen, but you can overcome it yourself if you truly have strong desire.
I am a combat veteran. I found calm and happiness myself, I didn't lay on a couch dwelling ..overeating or using receational drugs. I don't go pay someone to tell me to live a healthy lifestyle and find happiness. The people who sit around whining and not taking accountability for their own lives are just victims of themselves. Life isn't fair, bad things happen, but you can overcome it yourself if you truly have strong desire.
I feel like some people are better equipped to cope properly. Usually the way they were raised.

I definitely notice it based off of different generations, but my generation is mixed.
Some people can lose 20+ thousand dollars, learn and move forward.

Other people fall apart at losing a dollar.
I am a combat veteran. I found calm and happiness myself, I didn't lay on a couch dwelling ..overeating or using receational drugs. I don't go pay someone to tell me to live a healthy lifestyle and find happiness. The people who sit around whining and not taking accountability for their own lives are just victims of themselves. Life isn't fair, bad things happen, but you can overcome it yourself if you truly have strong desire.
Being someone who experienced some stuff that a child should not ever deal with, I can see the value in therapy. Can’t find a therapist where I’m at so I deal with it. It’s mostly an impulse control issue, I have strong desires to act out in ways that would destroy my marriage because of what happened to me.

I struggle with it sometimes but knowing the consequences of my behavior would destroy the best thing I have going for me keeps me in line. Do I think therapy would help me manage those impulses more easily? Absolutely, but I do my best with what I have.

This is also why I don’t call myself a victim of abuse, because once you internalize the idea that you are a victim it takes control out of your hands. That’s not a mindset that lends itself to progress and I hate hearing people talking about how they have been victimized. Did something bad happen/ did you have to see some things no human should have to go through? Sure, are you going to let that define you? I have chosen not to allow that to define me or my behavior. Am I a little crazy, sure, but am I determined to move past it and try and contribute positively to society? Absolutely.

Some people are just mentally stronger than others, but I agree there’s a lot of my peers that love to have a pity party and blame their issues on everyone but themselves and they will never move forward.
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I am a combat veteran. I found calm and happiness myself, I didn't lay on a couch dwelling ..overeating or using receational drugs. I don't go pay someone to tell me to live a healthy lifestyle and find happiness. The people who sit around whining and not taking accountability for their own lives are just victims of themselves. Life isn't fair, bad things happen, but you can overcome it yourself if you truly have strong desire.
Speak it sir !!! Well said again, thank you for your service. I am 10000% in agreement with everything you just said.