Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That's how I have done it. Screenshot of the blockchain confirmed transaction showing the amount and that you sent it to the correct address. I've pasted a link to the transaction on a blockchain explorer site in addition, but maybe that's overkill.
Yes ok, just wanted to make sure, guess they really are just so busy…..as i am used to it being a quicker process from all my old orders…
I decided to take the plunge, really needing primo. Emailed to place a domestic order. Whether I get a response remains to be seen
Oh the suspense
Well if you have never ran dhb I would first buy a single.vial from a source and see how you do with pip, cuz some people can't take dhb bcuz of pip issues, but I will say qsc dhb is pretty smooth vs other brands of dhb and it doesn't have any super solvents which is a plus. And dhb is not liver toxic like that other dude was saying "risk on liver", so don't worry about that. Personally I got way better results with dhb than npp or deca. It does take a little bit longer for dhb to really kick in and show it's results and a lot of people have to cut their dhb cycles short because of pip issues so they don't see the full results. If you choose dhb, I would try to keep injections with only 1ml of dhb per shot mixed with test to help smooth it out. And 400-600 dhb is perfect. I ran it at 400 with around 400 test c.
Thank you u I appreciate the reply. I’m planning on running qsc’s so unfortunately can’t buy just 1 to try it out. Have seen nothing but good reviews on it from them though so I’m gonna give it a try and hope for the best. I think that’s what I’m gonna do is the same as you 400/400. Won’t be for a little while yet though.
Thank you u I appreciate the reply. I’m planning on running qsc’s so unfortunately can’t buy just 1 to try it out. Have seen nothing but good reviews on it from them though so I’m gonna give it a try and hope for the best. I think that’s what I’m gonna do is the same as you 400/400. Won’t be for a little while yet though.
I didn't have the best results from DHB but I did learn some things about dealing with the PIP.

Glute injections didn't hurt at all, delt and lat almost debilitated me immediately. Try to put the DHB in your ass cheek and the other compounds in your secondary pin spots.

Warming up a bit before drawing, DHB crystallizes fairly easily and sometimes it's not at a visible stage but enough to cause issues when you pin.
That's how I have done it. Screenshot of the blockchain confirmed transaction showing the amount and that you sent it to the correct address. I've pasted a link to the transaction on a blockchain explorer site in addition, but maybe that's overkill.
I don't think pasting a blockchain explorer link is overkill at all. When you send a screenshot, it's obviously an image, and it's not easy for the receiver to copy the hash out and paste it elsewhere so that they can validate it themselves.

It's like when someone emails a screenshot of a parcel tracking number -- I always curse them. I can either run it through OCR to get a copyable number, and OCR is likely to screw up a digit or two, or I can rekey the whole thing. I don't know which is worse, but they both suck.

Hell, you'd be better off emailing the hash as copyable text.

My 2 cents, anyway.