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DHB or NPP better for building quality lean mass? I cannot run deca long ester so I am hesitant to try npp but I’ve seen people say the same thing but they had good luck with npp so I’m curious. Plan is to run a clean bulk for 16-20 weeks. Was gonna keep test low at 200mg and run DHB or NPP at 400-600 week. Never ran either of these 2 compounds before.
Well if you have never ran dhb I would first buy a single.vial from a source and see how you do with pip, cuz some people can't take dhb bcuz of pip issues, but I will say qsc dhb is pretty smooth vs other brands of dhb and it doesn't have any super solvents which is a plus. And dhb is not liver toxic like that other dude was saying "risk on liver", so don't worry about that. Personally I got way better results with dhb than npp or deca. It does take a little bit longer for dhb to really kick in and show it's results and a lot of people have to cut their dhb cycles short because of pip issues so they don't see the full results. If you choose dhb, I would try to keep injections with only 1ml of dhb per shot mixed with test to help smooth it out. And 400-600 dhb is perfect. I ran it at 400 with around 400 test c.
Don't know how long you've had your NAD+ but if you search this thread you will find where a few tried it and had severe PIP. Someone tested it as highly acidic. Newer batch might be OK but I couldn't use mine.
I've had it for a few months I tried reconstituting it with 3ml and just used 5 units the first day which is about 2mg and it was fine so the next day I used 10 units or 4mg and had a pink spot the size of 4 quarters for a few days so I didn't try any more .
Don't think that will prevent it from inducing insulin sensitivity. It's really really bad with MK677, probably using insulin itself would be the only way to really counteract it. It induces it differently than HGH due to its Ghrelin mimicking, cant remember where I saw that but I am pretty sure.
Yes mk677 does cause worse glucose problems than hgh but it can't definitely be managed by taking slin pills, I've taken mk677 long term and my a1c and glucose is always very good and I take slin pills, metformin will work also but metformin lowers igf1,and.nobody wants lower igf1. But I will say if you have are like prediabetic or a very high chance of diabetes from family genes it's probably smart to stay away from mk677 but most normal people can manage their glucose while taking mk677.
Yes mk677 does cause worse glucose problems than hgh but it can't definitely be managed by taking slin pills, I've taken mk677 long term and my a1c and glucose is always very good and I take slin pills, metformin will work also but metformin lowers igf1,and.nobody wants lower igf1. But I will say if you have are like prediabetic or a very high chance of diabetes from family genes it's probably smart to stay away from mk677 but most normal people can manage their glucose while taking mk677.
Pretty sure the studies showing Metformin lowering hgh was regards to your body’s natural output of hgh and igf levels - and not relevant in taking hgh as a supplement.
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Go back to Reddit with all this semaglutide/tirzepatide/retardedtide talk. We don't care how much weight you fat fucks are losing.
Too much tren huh.
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