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GLP-1 medications hold the promise to dramatically alter a person's life course. At 5 feet 7 inches, I weighed 270+ pounds, consumed alcohol daily, followed a poor diet, and exercised little to none. Within 7 months, I've shed 70 pounds, almost eliminated alcohol, fixed my diet, and now I'm hitting the gym 5+ times a week. My muscle mass has noticeably increased while my body fat percentage has significantly decreased. Additionally, starting testosterone replacement therapy has played a major role in this profound shift in my health and lifestyle. I know there is a tendancy to belittle those that use these compounds as taking a shortcut. Maybe, but the outcome speaks for itself. The countless hours of training, tracking macros, tracking PRs, and learning to love the effort all would not have happened for me without that kick start that it provided.
I'd say you're the exception and not the rule though, I'm glad to see how you've decided to take responsibility for yourself and become a better person. Wish most were like you. We actually want people like yourself here. Most of us love the success stories. Keep up the good work and always remember there really are no shortcuts. Even though we may use steroids, gap-1 agonists, or whatever else, they are only tools and not the magic button to achieve what we want.
GLP-1 medications hold the promise to dramatically alter a person's life course. At 5 feet 7 inches, I weighed 270+ pounds, consumed alcohol daily, followed a poor diet, and exercised little to none. Within 7 months, I've shed 70 pounds, almost eliminated alcohol, fixed my diet, and now I'm hitting the gym 5+ times a week. My muscle mass has noticeably increased while my body fat percentage has significantly decreased. Additionally, starting testosterone replacement therapy has played a major role in this profound shift in my health and lifestyle. I know there is a tendancy to belittle those that use these compounds as taking a shortcut. Maybe, but the outcome speaks for itself. The countless hours of training, tracking macros, tracking PRs, and learning to love the effort all would not have happened for me without that kick start that it provided.
Good for you and congratulations on the hard work. I was in a similar situation but did it without the glp drugs cause I was just hearing about them when I started last year. I lost 60 pounds on my own by diet and exercise/lifting then found out I needed trt so I started that. Lost a few more pounds but more body composition change than anything along with strength and stamina. Then I started with ozempic and had decent success but the sides were horrible for me. Finally switched to mounjaro and has been another life changer. Lost another 35 pounds and got to the leanest I’ve been in my life while also packing on some muscle. It’s a tool like everything else if used properly.
DHB or NPP better for building quality lean mass? I cannot run deca long ester so I am hesitant to try npp but I’ve seen people say the same thing but they had good luck with npp so I’m curious. Plan is to run a clean bulk for 16-20 weeks. Was gonna keep test low at 200mg and run DHB or NPP at 400-600 week. Never ran either of these 2 compounds before.
DHB or NPP better for building quality lean mass? I cannot run deca long ester so I am hesitant to try npp but I’ve seen people say the same thing but they had good luck with npp so I’m curious. Plan is to run a clean bulk for 16-20 weeks. Was gonna keep test low at 200mg and run DHB or NPP at 400-600 week. Never ran either of these 2 compounds before.
im no expert but over the past two years, the most size i put on was with test/mast/npp 500/500/500. This was like my 3rd blast. I just always run mast with everything because i aromatize like a bitch, ill be running the same this winter but with test higher
DHB or NPP better for building quality lean mass? I cannot run deca long ester so I am hesitant to try npp but I’ve seen people say the same thing but they had good luck with npp so I’m curious. Plan is to run a clean bulk for 16-20 weeks. Was gonna keep test low at 200mg and run DHB or NPP at 400-600 week. Never ran either of these 2 compounds before.
I've ran both. Put on almost no weight with DHB but I lost some body fat and did look better. NPP will put on more mass for most people for those who can handle it. Joint aches went away considerably while using NPP.
Also worth noting that with DHB the inflammation compounded week after week until I had to call it quits.
DHB or NPP better for building quality lean mass? I cannot run deca long ester so I am hesitant to try npp but I’ve seen people say the same thing but they had good luck with npp so I’m curious. Plan is to run a clean bulk for 16-20 weeks. Was gonna keep test low at 200mg and run DHB or NPP at 400-600 week. Never ran either of these 2 compounds before.
DHB doesn’t seem worth the risk profile on liver. NPP would give favorable size
Of the two another vote for NPP as it’s one of the gentler compounds for us older guys and proven for mass. I have also only ran it with Mast though as I fear the potential for anxiety and have 0 evidence to support that mast can offset potential Nandrolone anxiety with its noted mood lifting effects except “feels”. Sorry.

Also Telmisartan as an ancillary with nandrolone as I did read a white paper about nandrolone specifically causing left ventricle hypertrophy and another study with Telmisartan providing some protection. Of course all AAS have potentially reversible myocardial hypertrophy. Sorry, I’m not that guy that records each article and post links as that just seems like I’m playing doctor/researcher and I’m just some dude on an AAS forum but you can google fu what I’m talking about and find all the papers.
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Of the two another vote for NPP as it’s one of the gentler compounds for us older guys and proven for mass. I have also only ran it with Mast though as I fear the potential for anxiety and have 0 evidence to support that mast can offset potential Nandrolone anxiety with its noted mood lifting effects except “feels”. Sorry.

Also Telmisartan as an ancillary with nandrolone as I did read a white paper about nandrolone specifically causing left ventricle hypertrophy and another study with Telmisartan providing some protection. Of course all AAS have potentially reversible myocardial hypertrophy. Sorry, I’m not that guy that records each article and post links as that just seems like I’m playing doctor/researcher and I’m just some dude on an AAS forum but you can google fu what I’m talking about and find all the papers.
I was hesitant to use NPP because of the anxiety issues associated with it. I also used mast to try and counteract it. It was good for awhile but after 9 or 10 weeks the anxiety hit me like a truck. Not saying mast won't work for a lot of people in this situation. Everyone is different. But it wasn't enough in my case.
That anxiety potential is why I’ve only ran NPP for joint support at 50-100mg week these days, I probably should have said that! I know many that have run way more and love nandrolone but I only ran large amounts in my 20s and I can’t differentiate/remember my naturally high anxiety at the time vs nandrolone effects.
Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
My calculation was actually pretty straightforward. Cutting hard makes me miserable and negatively impacts my life in ways that make it not worth it. Finding a way to nearly eliminate that problem is worth the cost of some lean mass, especially because gaining is easier for me than losing. Not everyone will have the same conditions as me, but for those who do the math checks out.
My calculation was actually pretty straightforward. Cutting hard makes me miserable and negatively impacts my life in ways that make it not worth it. Finding a way to nearly eliminate that problem is worth the cost of some lean mass, especially because gaining is easier for me than losing. Not everyone will have the same conditions as me, but for those who do the math checks out.
Tirzepatide does not appear to result in excess loss of lean mass vs any standard weight loss method - most likely the opposite. I can provide details, however indications are it aids in recomposition:


The mean reduction in total body fat mass was 33.9% with tirzepatide, as compared with 8.2% with placebo, for an estimated treatment difference relative to placebo of −25.7 percentage points ... The ratio of total fat mass to total lean mass decreased more with tirzepatide than with placebo.

...Participants treated with tirzepatide had a percent reduction in fat mass approximately three times greater than the reduction in lean mass, resulting in an overall improvement in body composition. The ratio of fat-mass loss to lean-mass loss was similar to that reported with lifestyle-based and surgical treatments for obesity.21

Additionally it improves numerous organ health markers, lipid profiles, insulin sensitivity and increases adiponectin.

What the stigma really seems to be is we are a bodybuilding forum being overrun by the cast of my 600 lb life.
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I can say this. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight on ozempic and now mounjaro both prescription because I’m t2d. I have also put on a significant amount of muscle at the same time which yeah yeah I know people will say that’s not possible but it absolutely is especially someone who has a significant amount of weight to lose. I’ve lost 100 pounds in just over a year. Half of that was before being in anything and I pretty much hit a wall at that point, so I started ozempic for 3 months then switched to mounjaro once my insurance approved it. I stayed at the same calories or very close to it and lost another 50 pounds with sema/tirz. At the same time I became the leanest and lowest body fat% I’ve been as an adult and I’m in my 40’s also while putting on significant amount of muscle and strength increase. I never had a scan or any of that because there’s not one anywhere around where I live but my results speak for themselves and I can see them in the scale and I’m the mirror. This was all while cruising at 150-200mg test a week which is my trt dose. I was working out 5/6 day religiously so it’s very possible.
Tirzepatide does not appear to result in excess loss of lean mass vs any standard weight loss method - most likely the opposite. I can provide details, however indications are it aids in recomposition:


The mean reduction in total body fat mass was 33.9% with tirzepatide, as compared with 8.2% with placebo, for an estimated treatment difference relative to placebo of −25.7 percentage points ... The ratio of total fat mass to total lean mass decreased more with tirzepatide than with placebo.

...Participants treated with tirzepatide had a percent reduction in fat mass approximately three times greater than the reduction in lean mass, resulting in an overall improvement in body composition. The ratio of fat-mass loss to lean-mass loss was similar to that reported with lifestyle-based and surgical treatments for obesity.21

Additionally it improves numerous organ health markers, lipid profiles, insulin sensitivity and increases adiponectin.

What the stigma really seems to be is we are a bodybuilding forum being overrun by the cast of my 600 lb life.
Wow all this time I’ve been running tren

Looks like need to get some tirz