Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah scientists biggest concern is studying bodybuilders. What kind of question is that?

It’s conceivable that healthy people using it can mitigate lean mass loss from gl1-p but it’s also conceivable that they will lose lean mass. THAT is what I conclude and that is what anyone with two non biased brain cells to rub together would conclude.

Furthermore, you CAN lose fat just as efficiently and fast in the absence of GLP-1 drugs so to me, and I would think this would be true for most bodybuilders who umm you know require some form of self control in order to look like a bodybuilder anyways, wouldn’t t want to be the god dam ginny pig. Control what goes in your mouth and stop being a bitch, is what I say. The side effects of these drugs alone are enough to keep me away.

And anecdotally , I know 2 bodybuilders who came in flat AF when using glp-1 drugs in their prep.
Your argument will look flawed especially if you're using a group of people who will use diuretics and dnp to lose weight/fat, then use diabetic/muscle wasting drugs to put size. GLP-1 fanatics will find so much holes in your premise then add all the deaths related to aas on top of it.

Better find a more solid angle for your argument.
I think you mean insulin resistance.

I took mk677 for 2 years straight and my blood sugar was not impacted unless I over ate on a bulk but that happened when I bulked prior to mk677.

It’s the excess calories that cause insulin resistance and mk677 is such a great appetite inducer that if you aren’t tracking your food it is incredibly easy to over eat.
Yes that’s what I meant, good to know it’s an overstated side effect
Accutane raws are easily degraded by UV radiation and other exposure, so they put them in airtight UV resistant capsules im pretty sure.

Mk677 will stimulate appetite but will fuck you insulin sensitivity so its not really a trade off I would be willing to take. Also the water retention is unreal with it, turned me into a water buffalo and shot my resting heart rate up over 100.
Use it alongside metformin/berberine,issue solved for the insulin resistance,as for the water retention,astragalus 2g+ daily+dandelion root 1g+low dose weak diuretic
I'm gonna wait for the GLP-1 VS STEROIDS thread and debates, it's already beginning. Gym bros on roids telling fat people to learn to eat and not use GLP-1 drugs while fat loss fanatics telling bodybuilders to stop using drugs to build muscle and cut.

Everyone on each other's throats lol.
There is plenty of guys running this on cycle, I have a buddy running it on cycle and went from being fat to having abs pretty fast.
Whatsapp order sent Friday 8AM. Paid Friday 3PM. Tracking sent Saturday morning. Package just received. U.S. domestic. First order that did not include GLP1's. So fast!
Your argument will look flawed especially if you're using a group of people who will use diuretics and dnp to lose weight/fat, then use diabetic/muscle wasting drugs to put size. GLP-1 fanatics will find so much holes in your premise then add all the deaths related to aas on top of it.

Better find a more solid angle for your argument.
I don't think he or the other guy even remembered lean mass loss occurs even on a normal calorie restricted diet. There is no drug or anything that forces the body to use 100% fatty acids in a deficit. Tirzepatide and the like just speed up the weight loss faster than a prolonged less calorie restrictive diet.

So of course you lose some muscle on GLP products, you're dieting. It's to be expected, though can be minimized some by higher protein and sufficient weight training.

I find it hilarious some guys here on AAS so against others using these products, insulting them by saying they have no self control. So what if someone chooses to use it, why feel the need to cut people down because they don't personally need it.
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
None-sense. I have had awesome results.
GLP-1 medications hold the promise to dramatically alter a person's life course. At 5 feet 7 inches, I weighed 270+ pounds, consumed alcohol daily, followed a poor diet, and exercised little to none. Within 7 months, I've shed 70 pounds, almost eliminated alcohol, fixed my diet, and now I'm hitting the gym 5+ times a week. My muscle mass has noticeably increased while my body fat percentage has significantly decreased. Additionally, starting testosterone replacement therapy has played a major role in this profound shift in my health and lifestyle. I know there is a tendancy to belittle those that use these compounds as taking a shortcut. Maybe, but the outcome speaks for itself. The countless hours of training, tracking macros, tracking PRs, and learning to love the effort all would not have happened for me without that kick start that it provided.
GLP-1 medications hold the promise to dramatically alter a person's life course. At 5 feet 7 inches, I weighed 270+ pounds, consumed alcohol daily, followed a poor diet, and exercised little to none. Within 7 months, I've shed 70 pounds, almost eliminated alcohol, fixed my diet, and now I'm hitting the gym 5+ times a week. My muscle mass has noticeably increased while my body fat percentage has significantly decreased. Additionally, starting testosterone replacement therapy has played a major role in this profound shift in my health and lifestyle. I know there is a tendancy to belittle those that use these compounds as taking a shortcut. Maybe, but the outcome speaks for itself. The countless hours of training, tracking macros, tracking PRs, and learning to love the effort all would not have happened for me without that kick start that it provided.
Phhh new influx. I'm happy for you all but it's a change. These forums use to be a dedication to diet and training. It's now hey this shit works I've changed my life. It's awesome but an easy street compared to the dedication this life use to take. For better, for worse all good though, drugs, more drugs.
Phhh new influx. I'm happy for you all but it's a change. These forums use to be a dedication to diet and training. It's now hey this shit works I've changed my life. It's awesome but an easy street compared to the dedication this life use to take. For better, for worse all good though, drugs, more drugs.
Can't we all just get along? I like sex, I like drugs, I like money, it's so silly but it ain't funny.
Can't we all just get along? I like sex, I like drugs, I like money, it's so silly but it ain't funny.
We totally can. I'll adjust with the times but hopefully we realize also taking aas didn't mean everyone is a bodybuilder.. also applies with expectations with the new weight loss craze... lots of reports at the clinical max or above of tiza.. time will tell in all
GLP-1 medications hold the promise to dramatically alter a person's life course. At 5 feet 7 inches, I weighed 270+ pounds, consumed alcohol daily, followed a poor diet, and exercised little to none. Within 7 months, I've shed 70 pounds, almost eliminated alcohol, fixed my diet, and now I'm hitting the gym 5+ times a week. My muscle mass has noticeably increased while my body fat percentage has significantly decreased. Additionally, starting testosterone replacement therapy has played a major role in this profound shift in my health and lifestyle. I know there is a tendancy to belittle those that use these compounds as taking a shortcut. Maybe, but the outcome speaks for itself. The countless hours of training, tracking macros, tracking PRs, and learning to love the effort all would not have happened for me without that kick start that it provided.
Aren’t you a big boy
So many shit heads wanting to starve themselves instead of get big and smash weights. What's up with that? When did people stop having money for food but have money for glp1 drugs..

There are a shit-ton more fat people.

There are not that many skinny guys, let alone those who want to pack on muscle.

It's a numbers game.