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So many shit heads wanting to starve themselves instead of get big and smash weights. What's up with that? When did people stop having money for food but have money for glp1 drugs..
We're all beauty queens here, just with different aesthetic goals.

And have you seen the price of food lately? $100 a month for a GLP1 dropped my grocery bill by $500. Keeps ahead of inflation--both kinds.
So many shit heads wanting to starve themselves instead of get big and smash weights. What's up with that? When did people stop having money for food but have money for glp1 drugs..
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
Which studies are you referring to? The only studies I’ve seen which support your statement were ones were participants were not consuming enough protein.
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
I see it as a bigger draw for the general public and fluffy fitness drones. If serious bodybuilders are using them and losing muscle mass then good. Less competition
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
It depend who you talk to. I've always been into aesthetics. Huge muscles was never the goal. Fit, athletic, strong. Been around for a bit and it's always been my goal.
Everything is assbackwards these days man. Glp1 drugs have proven in studies to cause significant lean mass loss and I guess that’s just A OK. I mean it’s 2023, having big muscles was so 2019. That shit went out of style along with bodybuilders tracking macros.
Did they conduct studies on bodybuilders on steroids, eating enough protein + working out losing significant lean mass during GLP-1 usage? Or are you just looking at studies conducted on grandmas losing lean mass during a calorie deficit on GLP-1 and then pulling that conclusion out of your ass?
Don't think that will prevent it from inducing insulin sensitivity. It's really really bad with MK677, probably using insulin itself would be the only way to really counteract it. It induces it differently than HGH due to its Ghrelin mimicking, cant remember where I saw that but I am pretty sure.
I think you mean insulin resistance.

I took mk677 for 2 years straight and my blood sugar was not impacted unless I over ate on a bulk but that happened when I bulked prior to mk677.

It’s the excess calories that cause insulin resistance and mk677 is such a great appetite inducer that if you aren’t tracking your food it is incredibly easy to over eat.
Did they conduct studies on bodybuilders on steroids, eating enough protein + working out losing significant lean mass during GLP-1 usage? Or are you just looking at studies conducted on grandmas losing lean mass during a calorie deficit on GLP-1 and then pulling that conclusion out of your ass?
Glp1s lose weight, mass. If there are other studies showing opposing views I'm open to them. All I've seen is they lose weight with no factoring of muscle vs fat

If you're looking for studying on bodybuilders on aas, all you'll get is acedotal accounts. It's unethical to put a subject on aas to study on them in this day and time
Did they conduct studies on bodybuilders on steroids, eating enough protein + working out losing significant lean mass during GLP-1 usage? Or are you just looking at studies conducted on grandmas losing lean mass during a calorie deficit on GLP-1 and then pulling that conclusion out of your ass?
Yeah scientists biggest concern is studying bodybuilders. What kind of question is that?

It’s conceivable that healthy people using it can mitigate lean mass loss from gl1-p but it’s also conceivable that they will lose lean mass. THAT is what I conclude and that is what anyone with two non biased brain cells to rub together would conclude.

Furthermore, you CAN lose fat just as efficiently and fast in the absence of GLP-1 drugs so to me, and I would think this would be true for most bodybuilders who umm you know require some form of self control in order to look like a bodybuilder anyways, wouldn’t t want to be the god dam ginny pig. Control what goes in your mouth and stop being a bitch, is what I say. The side effects of these drugs alone are enough to keep me away.

And anecdotally , I know 2 bodybuilders who came in flat AF when using glp-1 drugs in their prep.
Did they conduct studies on bodybuilders on steroids, eating enough protein + working out losing significant lean mass during GLP-1 usage? Or are you just looking at studies conducted on grandmas losing lean mass during a calorie deficit on GLP-1 and then pulling that conclusion out of your ass?
You know if I came in here talking shit about tren... or test c I would rightly be told to stay in my lane (did you know the studies say it can cause a stroke... or a seizure ?!!?!?! :eek:)

Why are we turning drug use into a culture war. Everyone should use their gray market drugs to do whatever the fuck they want to their body.
I'm gonna wait for the GLP-1 VS STEROIDS thread and debates, it's already beginning. Gym bros on roids telling fat people to learn to eat and not use GLP-1 drugs while fat loss fanatics telling bodybuilders to stop using drugs to build muscle and cut.

Everyone on each other's throats lol.
I'm gonna wait for the GLP-1 VS STEROIDS thread and debates, it's already beginning. Gym bros on roids telling fat people to learn to eat and not use GLP-1 drugs while fat loss fanatics telling bodybuilders to stop using drugs to build muscle and cut.

Everyone on each other's throats lol.
GLP-1 and green tea is for ladies.
Real men should stick to chicken breasts and DNP :)