Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

He is pushing Serostim cause he gets kickbacks. Plain and clear. He can denied it, dismiss it or whatever. IDGAF really, just pisses me off that he gained traction by being honest about his aas dosages and he jumped straight into exploiting it.

It is what it is though.
His whole business is people paying him to access his sources right? Or have I misunderstood what he does?
His whole business is people paying him to access his sources right? Or have I misunderstood what he does?
You pay him to show you how and where to buy gear, how to use it, how to make it, where to inject it, all behind a pay wall with his personal information publicly laid out on YouTube.
I'm not a doctorologist or a doctor tony huge of law, but I think that might be illegal.
He is pushing Serostim cause he gets kickbacks. Plain and clear. He can denied it, dismiss it or whatever. IDGAF really, just pisses me off that he gained traction by being honest about his aas dosages and he jumped straight into exploiting it.

It is what it is though.
100% this, couldn’t agree with you more. It’s extremely disingenuous but that’s the world we live in today. I’ll happily shoot my UGL HGH for 20% of the price.
I don't have the energy to look up the post from Tracy, but I'm pretty sure it's exactly the opposite of what you're saying. QSC's realized the folly of not changing caps between batches, which got them fucked with the 4mg/10mg debacle. I understood that they are now going to change colors between batches.

They also mentioned tracking batches, but without a label, I don't know exactly how that'd be done, maybe mark the carton with something?

Anyway, it sounds like someone needs to look into testing this new gold/clear.
Yes, U.S. domestic there was another number/label on boxes of order I just received. My guess is it contains batching/lot info. Also has the UPC. Ordered 4 different products all had gold clear caps and no label on vials, I made my own labels to distinguish each so I didn’t get them mixed up. Perhaps they start changing out caps to differentiate products but likely add more cost, production change overs, etc. I’m sure Tracy is beyond swamped and getting bombarded with tons of inquiries and all doing best to keep up.
Hey has anyone received a parcel without the tracking number updating from “pending”?
Specifically aussie customers? Package got posted a couple weeks ago but tracking number hasn’t shown any activity…
Before anyone goes crazy and says jUsT bE pAtIeNt aNd It wiLl CoMe - no I’m not worried, I’m just CURIOUS if people receive packages without the number updating. Cheers boys
Is it still pending
You pay him to show you how and where to buy gear, how to use it, how to make it, where to inject it, all behind a pay wall with his personal information publicly laid out on YouTube.
I'm not a doctorologist or a doctor tony huge of law, but I think that might be illegal.
The disclaimer apparently protects him lol. Anyway, if it's worth the trouble to prosecute him they should've done it by now, I'm guessing he is not worth it to make a case for. They're using your tax money to prosecute ex president cheetoo instead.

