Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Weird going from not being able to afford a few vials of test at a time to being able to have too much lol.. thinking of upping the dose now, Order from Canadian warehouse took only 2 days, Thanks Tracy <3
The guy claimed that there is a HUGE difference between 18iu/day of Serostim for 1 week and 20iu/day of generics for an entire month.

I've tried pharma genotropin and assessed it alongside meditrope and QSC's gh, I didn't notice a single difference

Genos, Cinna, Opti grey tops, QSC, and maybe one other (it's been a while). I don't remember noticing any major differences, but I wasn't tracking very diligently.

If there were major differences, I would've noticed and remembered.

@narta @Laxbro88
igf1 levels with 3 iu ed pinning on waking up
went from 122 to 183.
still kinda low, isnt it?
both bloodtest were done around 11 oclock at the same lab

How long have you been on 3 IU/d GH?

Some people say IGF-1 takes up to 6 weeks to reach steady state.

That seems long to me but there are no studies supporting or refuting it.

Otherwise, yeah, that looks low by my very crude estimation: Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic
Thanks, man. Which injuries, in particular? I have been dealing with some knee pain from heavy leg movements.
A few actually, 1. I had what i believed to be some damaged cartilage which lead to a bit of neuropathy which greatly improved after ghk (i ran it with bpc & tb but used both for months prior without ghk with minimal improvement).
2. Little pulls/Tweaks, like my tri & ham string - i feel it really helps speed things along with a few days rest
3. i have used it in my knee with flair up of itb syndrome / runners knee symptoms - very very very painful lol, but again i do feel it helps along with rest and rehab.

of course I cannot give all the credit to the ghk, as obviously time, healing and rehab are important, but I do think it helps, and well worth the cost and it goes a VERY long way..
GHK copper doesn't have very long half life so for it to do anything u need to approach copper poisoning... (who knows what other heavy metals are in there aswell as promise the copper they use isn't 99.999% and known for arsenic and lead content).. if want benefits of GHK u need to get basic GHK and inject 5-10 times daily (half life of 30min to an hr).... otherwise its just painful lumps and low zinc... studies showed this, and very annoyed that it isn't common knowledge lol.... ghk copper is JUST for topical use, inject GHK sans Cu 5-10 times daily for ANY results... carry on...
@AlexDavis43 just read plenty of anecdotes, and if cells have copper from injection that means they will be out of "balance" anywhere in the body... ie Metallothionein is not isolated to gut, and will cause copper for example to be excreted at higher rate rather than prevent absorption from my understanding..

at any rate people have noted it(copper toxicity/low zinc sides)alot... and because of such quick half life and HOW ghk works a 1 time dose is not going to do a whole bunch other than provide Cu and PIP... its just not a super practical thing for injection as need sustained levels obviously for it to do anything/prevent oxidative stress. the point was more the risk of GHK cu outweighs any benefit... the only lasting effect ive heard form GHK is scar tissue.. some peoples skin gets much worse on GHK topically when used for long periods.

there is 1 study with mice that shows they did a puzzle faster(in 3 of 5 trials so nothing CRAZY), but I wonder if mice will move/think faster when in pain/stress from PIP of GHK Cu?
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