Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone else have this problem with bpc-157? First I reconstituted the vial with 1ml bac water. It was very cloudy and had these swirls almost like a thin tissue look. So I added another 1ml of bac water. It's still cloudy and has these swirling things?
Ok thanks for your input and explanation it makes sense, but what are you referring to this gear is tested? QSC'S? I don't question the authenticity of QSC'S gear. I've seen all the lab tests they have tested with jano.

Everything I've purchased through him works as it should. What I am questioning is the authenticity of the cyp that I've purchased through Napsgear the brand dragon pharma. Due to me reacting different from two different suppliers, but as you said we build toleranace and react different each time. Does this matter though even thoughyou're injecting l carnitine? Isn't supposed to help out androgen receptors? Test is real cheap to brew, but mistakes can happen and the brew doesn't always come out right.
Yes QSC has test results for his batches. However, like you say, you can never be sure and mistakes during brewing happen. But in worst case it turns out to be 200mg instead of 250mg for example.

You need time off between cycles to really reset, how long that is, is different per person.And I think I speak for everyone here, you have good cycles and you have lesser cycles. Why? If only I knew lol....

Also, dont forget that other compounds also affect your test levels in your blood. It is not only based on testosteron.
And some other dude from germany was writing days ago, he has zero pip from it.
That shows only: every user is an Individuum. ☝️
It had a little sting to it, and a bit of a dull ache afterwards. No worse than any other high concentrate. I can only assume either some people are far more sensitive to it, or are just big babies. It’s not like I’m hardcore or anything, it just really isn’t that bad (for me).
Anyone else have this problem with bpc-157? First I reconstituted the vial with 1ml bac water. It was very cloudy and had these swirls almost like a thin tissue look. So I added another 1ml of bac water. It's still cloudy and has these swirling things?
So I just got some bpc157 from Q.. maybe I can help, first vial i reconstituted was right out of the box , room temperature, 1ml of bactsteriostatic water , clear as day.. so then I put the remaining kit in the fridge , when it was time for reconstituting 2nd vial , this time it hardly dissolved and there were visible floaters all over , no matter how long I swirled it etc.. so then the. 3rd time I Took the vial out the night before and let it sit overnight before I reconstituted, this time it was clear as day like the very 1st vial .. so don’t keep in fridge until after reconstituted, hope this helps ya bro .. no issues tho at all with TB500
So I just got some bpc157 from Q.. maybe I can help, first vial i reconstituted was right out of the box , room temperature, 1ml of bactsteriostatic water , clear as day.. so then I put the remaining kit in the fridge , when it was time for reconstituting 2nd vial , this time it hardly dissolved and there were visible floaters all over , no matter how long I swirled it etc.. so then the. 3rd time I Took the vial out the night before and let it sit overnight before I reconstituted, this time it was clear as day like the very 1st vial .. so don’t keep in fridge until after reconstituted, hope this helps ya bro .. no issues tho at all with TB500

My bpc from qsc never had floaters, wtf
Blood work first 6 week on cycle 600 mg test cyp injected 300 mg twice a week. From an old batch I purchased about last year from napsgear dragon pharma. I believe it's underdosed because I've ran at 500mg different supplier and I was almost at 4000 for test.

Could also be because my last injection prior to lab work was on Saturday night and appointment was on a Tuesday at 4 pm.

Also running QSC EQ at 450 mg per week. Split into two injections. As well as QSC'S Hgh 15 iu kit at 3ius per day split on morning when I wake up and at night before bed.

Plan on increasing test to 800mg a week split to 3 injections as well as EQ. Shooting for a total of a 20 week blast then cruising. Going to drop anastrozole for blast, seems like e2 is low. Also running hcg 1000iu per week split into two doses. And some home brewed l carnitine everyday at 600mg.
How much water you put in your hgh 15mg vials? I have some on the way
Anyone else have this problem with bpc-157? First I reconstituted the vial with 1ml bac water. It was very cloudy and had these swirls almost like a thin tissue look. So I added another 1ml of bac water. It's still cloudy and has these swirling things?
I've gone through five vials, and each one blends seamlessly with two milliliters of water. While I haven't noticed any discernible effects from the BPC, at least the solution is consistently clear, I suppose.
Anyone else have this problem with bpc-157? First I reconstituted the vial with 1ml bac water. It was very cloudy and had these swirls almost like a thin tissue look. So I added another 1ml of bac water. It's still cloudy and has these swirling things?
That's the QSC golden ticket. Tracy jizzes in every 1000th vial and the lucky recipient gets a tour of the facility and gets to meet the Oompa Loompas.
So I just got some bpc157 from Q.. maybe I can help, first vial i reconstituted was right out of the box , room temperature, 1ml of bactsteriostatic water , clear as day.. so then I put the remaining kit in the fridge , when it was time for reconstituting 2nd vial , this time it hardly dissolved and there were visible floaters all over , no matter how long I swirled it etc.. so then the. 3rd time I Took the vial out the night before and let it sit overnight before I reconstituted, this time it was clear as day like the very 1st vial .. so don’t keep in fridge until after reconstituted, hope this helps ya bro .. no issues tho at all with TB500
I keep mine in my closet until I am ready to use it
all emails are often answered within 48 hours.
Maybe your emails doesn't go through, especially if you are using protonmail.

you can whatsaap me:
+86 16503300980

whatsaap is the fastest way to get answers within few hours only
Tracy I have also send a number of emails without reply. I use countermail and I did receive a reply to my first email but nothing since. Can you not use Telegram where one does not have to share telephone numbers?
FYI whatsapp is non secure... BORIS PM of Uk got busted using WhatsApp and they(Facebook) gave up his convos which included letting covid kill old people. why china kept it away for so long as actually wanted to protect its people.. anyhoo, just keep in mind its not secure.
Yes QSC has test results for his batches. However, like you say, you can never be sure and mistakes during brewing happen. But in worst case it turns out to be 200mg instead of 250mg for example.

You need time off between cycles to really reset, how long that is, is different per person.And I think I speak for everyone here, you have good cycles and you have lesser cycles. Why? If only I knew lol....

Also, dont forget that other compounds also affect your test levels in your blood. It is not only based on testosteron.
It's crazy and it's cool how that works. There's a lot in play to this. Kinda like how it is with recreational drugs and alcohol. First time you use the feeling is different. Then you start using more and then needing more in order to gain the same effect due to tolerance building, but the further you get into it the higher the risk of side effects and causing damage.

Thank you for your response. I greatly appreciate it.