Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

FYI whatsapp is non secure... BORIS PM of Uk got busted using WhatsApp and they(Facebook) gave up his convos which included letting covid kill old people. why china kept it away for so long as actually wanted to protect its people.. anyhoo, just keep in mind its not secure.
Yeah I have no idea why so many people use what's app and think it's safe. Use telegram or signal.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7I_vImwI28&t=1264s

here we go again. They just keep promoting pharma HGH
never tried pharma so i cant speak
for those who have tried pharma and generic HGH , any difference?

I've tried genotropin that tested a couple %lower than the qsc 99% batch. At 4 ius I had SLIGHTLY less cts symptoms with the phizer, but it was such a minimumal difference it was not worth the price for me. Never done doses above 6, but it seems like the hard on is for serostim at huge doses. Maybe at those doses it does make a difference with tons of other AAS on board? Todd had a point about just using more generic to get the same effect as less pharma and it would still be hella cheaper, but with more sides most likely. Dude funnels his paid discord members to his overpriced "private" sources so he gets kickbacks/free gear so I'm taking it with a grain of salt, it looks like a good business move, haven't tried serostim. $600 buys a lot of qsc gear that tests good.
I've tried genotropin that tested a couple %lower than the qsc 99% batch. At 4 ius I had SLIGHTLY less cts symptoms with the phizer, but it was such a minimumal difference it was not worth the price for me. Never done doses above 6, but it seems like the hard on is for serostim at huge doses. Maybe at those doses it does make a difference with tons of other AAS on board? Todd had a point about just using more generic to get the same effect as less pharma and it would still be hella cheaper, but with more sides most likely. Dude funnels his paid discord members to his overpriced "private" sources so he gets kickbacks/free gear so I'm taking it with a grain of salt, it looks like a good business move, haven't tried serostim. $600 buys a lot of qsc gear that tests good.
Exactly can run 10x the amount for same price
why not use Test C?
Earlier, I had the thought to just order test C or sust, but while multitasking on my computer, I inadvertently went with what I'm accustomed to and ordered more test E. Typically, I have to blend half test E with something else, usually EQ, to address issues. I'm optimistic that QSC's test E might bring a different experience, so let's wait and see.
Most of orders via alibaba yesterday weren't paid successfully for some bug on alibaba account, payment failed for many, it is adviced to pay using bank transfer or cryptocurrency, and we will try again today hoping the bug was solved by alibaba customer service. Do not hesitate to recontact me again to redo the link and create a new one, or to switch to other payment mean
FYI whatsapp is non secure... BORIS PM of Uk got busted using WhatsApp and they(Facebook) gave up his convos which included letting covid kill old people. why china kept it away for so long as actually wanted to protect its people.. anyhoo, just keep in mind its not secure.

They obviously don't use it for security reasons. They use it because they get more customers this way.
Thanks Tracy for Another successful transaction. Ordered US Domestic Sunday evening and it arrived Thursday you can’t beat that T/A. Can’t wait to try this DHB out and see if it’s really all that or not. So many mixed reviews it’s either amazing or almost worthless I guess I’ll find out if it’s any good for me or not.

On another note my DHB arrived crashed which I fully expected with the cold temps here. How long do you all usually leave vials on a candle warmer to bring them back into solution? They weren’t completely crystallized but more kind of like gel with some crystallization. Thanks