I dont know about studies because real igf1 is very rare. Theres only 2 sources that even sell real igf1. But real igf1 hasn't been around for long besides increlex and I doubt there's been any studies done with increlex vs igf1 Lr3. But going off anecdotals coming from a lot of.very experienced body builders(some pros) they all say that there's nothing else like real igf1, they say you take igf1 when you have taken every other compound and stop getting good gains off other things then you take real igf1. If you look on eroids, look at the reviews on the 2 sources that sell igf1 and see what everybody says about it. And if you want message some of them. The labs and technology has gotten better in the last recent years so they are able to produce real igf1 now because for a while there was only that pharma increlex and not many could even source it or afford it. And still not many people have even got to try real igf1 because not a lot of sources have it. I'm not sure if either of the 2 sources that have it are on this forum.