Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yup, i saw the protocol. Its a recipe for cardiac remodeling, arterioslerosis, diabetes, infarctions and embolism.

But he doubled the cardio.

If it's actual cardio -- like running zone 3/4 for 60 minutes a day -- not bullshit "fasted walking" -- it would benefit these outcomes.

Almost every death associated with steroid abuse in this study seemed to involve cardiovascular changes that are specifically benefitted by endurance-type training.

Not many bodybuilders run 8 miles in an hour every day. They think 10000 steps a day is cardio.

But he doubled the cardio.

If it's actual cardio -- like running zone 3/4 for 60 minutes a day -- not bullshit "fasted walking" -- it would benefit these outcomes.

Almost every death associated with steroid abuse in this study seemed to involve cardiovascular changes that are specifically benefitted by endurance-type training.

Not many bodybuilders run 8 miles in an hour every day. They think 10000 steps a day is cardio.

Recently up until today I could only run a quarter of a mile at a time and from what I now understand intense cardio while on this much gear hypertrophies your heart and raises bp and heart rate, cardio has been a daily 3 mile walk with a small amount of jogging when I feel like it, I couldn't do the once every 3 days 5 mile run at about week 7 in of these 18 and a half weeks I've been blasting.
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I’m Jins tou blown away with some of these replies regarding people using the igflr3 from QSc. When I was using it I could feel it almost immediately identical to insulin hence the name “insulin like growth factor”. I’d eat like a monster so i experimented with it both pre and post workout . And pre obv gave pumps like nothing else can give but had to keep my intra constantly handy and post constantly eating. But as time went on my vascularity and hardness were outta this world . I did always shoot it IM but not into any specific muscle for the purpose of specific growth in that area . Would run a month starting with 70iu daily then 85iu daily 2 week and last 2 weeeks 100iu daily
Yeah exactly Same effects here, but I did not had it from QSC. Also IGF-1 receptor downregulates Fast...maybe if you are heavy user for longtime of GH and inzulín sensitivity is fucked too..you wont feel nothing..
It's all user feedback and bro-science. I know there's at least one study with gains, I really still am deciding my opinion about it, I'm 5 vials in this time, the kit last year I ended up using to stay healthy during meth use, for 2 months once a week I'd come down and eat 4 pints of Ben and Jerry's and 6 to 8 candy Bars and then shoot an entire vial of lr3 and gh with a 20iu shot of humalog and then sleep for a few days.

I didn't take my 7iu growth, .5mg tb500, .5mg bpc157, 100mcg lr3, or 10iu humalog until after my workout today and had gone in for just the treadmill, my cardio doubled in one day
You were taking meth 6 days a week?
You were taking meth 6 days a week?
Sort of like a week on and 3 or 4 days off while sleeping for 2 months, 9 eightballs delivered in that time, I'd really rather not do any of that again ever.

Is this daily? For how long have you run this? Any feelz reports?
Ya, I'm 18 and a half weeks on, high tren high gh at first, now high test but cts is bad enough that I dropped from 20iu to 6iu a couple of weeks ago, 12 or 13 weeks of this was spent at 20 to 30iu a day. I feel great, just found out I've been running estrogen low as fuck the last few weeks, just came back at 12 a few minutes ago. I had some liquid aromasin that had crashed and when I heated it up it bubbled out of the container so I was only guessing the dose and never attempted to dissolve it again, I was chewing on salt sized chunks of adex a couple of times.
Sort of like a week on and 3 or 4 days off while sleeping for 2 months, 9 eightballs delivered in that time, I'd really rather not do any of that again ever.

Ya, I'm 18 and a half weeks on, high tren high gh at first, now high test but cts is bad enough that I dropped from 20iu to 6iu a couple of weeks ago, 12 or 13 weeks of this was spent at 20 to 30iu a day. I feel great, just found out I've been running estrogen low as fuck the last few weeks, just came back at 12 a few minutes ago. I had some liquid aromasin that had crashed and when I heated it up it bubbled out of the container so I was only guessing the dose and never attempted to dissolve it again, I was chewing on salt sized chunks of adex a couple of times.
Tren and meth. Is that a new cut combo? Mpmd have a video on it?
Use special line, last 2 China post didn’t make it through
What is special line? I thought all shipping methods were the same and you could just pay 20% more for guaranteed re-ship?? My packages are always landing fine but I'm paying 20% for a re-ship...just checked n my packs started China post.. I don't think there is "special line" because I pay 20% for reship n why would they send china post in that case
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Now i'm not trying to fear monger, and these folks were picking ups lbs of other shit, but a quick google search shows it clearly does happen at the post office. I am still of the opinion these guys delayed packages will show up eventually.

I don’t think snifferdogs sniff steroids and I sure hope you don’t look as sus as that woman
Its none of my business, but since im Czech and we are number one meth users in the world....every bber combining meth with steroids I know ended up with heart damage.... I dont remember the terminology, but its that thing when efficiency of your left ventricule start to drop. Doctors use that percentage thing of contraction and relaxation diference....every single has drop in this.....so heart failure.
Left ventricular hypertrophy which leads to pulmonary hypertension. End of days in a hospital bed on a dobutamine drip while drowning on lungs filled with fluid. Its a brutal way to go out.
Its none of my business, but since im Czech and we are number one meth users in the world....every bber combining meth with steroids I know ended up with heart damage.... I dont remember the terminology, but its that thing when efficiency of your left ventricule start to drop. Doctors use that percentage thing of contraction and relaxation diference....every single has drop in this.....so heart failure.
We call it congestive cardiac failure.
Its none of my business, but since im Czech and we are number one meth users in the world....every bber combining meth with steroids I know ended up with heart damage.... I dont remember the terminology, but its that thing when efficiency of your left ventricule start to drop. Doctors use that percentage thing of contraction and relaxation diference....every single has drop in this.....so heart failure.
Drop in Ejection Fraction you mean.
I had this in 2020, acute heart failure with an ejection fraction of 15%.
Cause is unknown. Some weeks prior i had a brutal sickness (maybe first appearance of corona when tests were not done yet) but ive also changed gh to a very crappy chinese generic one which lead to huge side effects