Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Have you ran qsc Semax prior ? If so what dosages and results did you see ?
I've only run it briefly from another source, not QSC. Intranasally 500mcg/day, nothing super drastic but overall mood enhancement and a sort of calming/clear headed effect it's hard to describe.
Not saying this is wrong but I haven't heard it. Russia this stuff is popular and used so there should be accounts of it.

Well I say popular... it's legal there

... I did a quick Google the only evidence it showed is from reddit. If you have better I'll read it. Otherwise it's all bro science on the matter.
Somehow, I have a feeling you haven't scoured all of the russian-language message boards about this.

Anyway, Semax is well established to increase BDNF, and BDNF is well established to have a negative effect on hair.

That + all of the anecdotal reports is enough for me, although IMO this is one of those scenarios (similar to Masteron) where a lot of the hair loss effects seem worse than they are because a significant portion are temporary shedding caused by acceleration into the catagen phase.
I found the episode. They briefly discuss LR3 but very superficial.

Good contender for Oxygen gym protocol but still unknown. Plus, I don't believe a word Tony Huge says.

Last thing about LR3 publicly I remember is that. Dave Palumbo is now putting it in his bulking cycles (with HGH). I saw those written...whether it means something or not...up to you :)
I always find myself wondering why this forum is always filled with such miserable people like yourself, but then again I guess people like us who run scientific experiments on themselves with steroids are quite the odd bunch, bound to have some bad apples here and there.
You seem like a real creepy weirdo.
those fucktards there forgot to mention she was also on saxenda.

There are also different reports saying she was on both at the same time/

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So many people are stacking sema with other GLPs like Tirz and Reta, I see people talking about it all the time, and it seems widely accepted. I rarely see people warning against it. If stacking has serious risks of lethality (not saying it does, who knows what actually happened), then that’s extremely scary, because people are not taking it that seriously.

The autopsy reported “acute gastrointestinal illness” as cause of death, which involves inflammation of the intestines and stomach. This was undoubtedly an excruciating way to go. From the quick googling I did, it seems this illness is caused by viral or bacterial infection, which would seem to disqualify sema or lira as the culprit, barring contamination. There are so many unanswered questions with this one.

If anyone here is medically literate and able to explain more about this illness, please do. It would be helpful to know if it can happen without infection.
So many people are stacking sema with other GLPs like Tirz and Reta, I see people talking about it all the time, and it seems widely accepted. I rarely see people warning against it. If stacking has serious risks of lethality (not saying it does, who knows what actually happened), then that’s extremely scary, because people are not taking it that seriously.

The autopsy reported “acute gastrointestinal illness” as cause of death, which involves inflammation of the intestines and stomach. This was undoubtedly an excruciating way to go. From the quick googling I did, it seems this illness is caused by viral or bacterial infection, which would seem to disqualify sema or lira as the culprit, barring contamination. There are so many unanswered questions with this one.

If anyone here is medically literate and able to explain more about this illness, please do. It would be helpful to know if it can happen without infection.
The cringe more plates more dates fan shows up smdh
Keep my name out your damn mouth!

Nah it’s alright. Yeah. Some of folks do stack and it saves a lot of money.

And that lady wasn’t on both at the same time and she was getting violently ill for weeks and didn’t seek medical attention.

There is definitely more to that story.
Where? Reddit? lol. If you need to stack these drugs it’s time to get off the computer and look at your diet.
If they cared about eating healthy they wouldn't be morbidly obese. You're talking about people who lack the self awareness to realize they need to put the fork down for 5 minutes a day. They are lazy and lack any type of discipline. They want the easiest fastest route, Because they are lazy.
If they cared about eating healthy they wouldn't be morbidly obese. You're talking about people who lack the self awareness to realize they need to put the fork down for 5 minutes a day. They are lazy and lack any type of discipline. They want the easiest fastest route, Because they are lazy.

Well. Those lazy folks have a tool to give them the willpower now. You naturally skinny people aren’t special anymore.

Don’t bother with talking about how awesome you are at being disciplined because you genetically have the necessary satiety signals.

Naturally skinny folks are going to be just basic now. A revolution is happening whether you like it or not.

If you make a living trying to get fat folks to put down the fork then find another line of work. Change is here. Get out and find a new career before it’s too late.
Well. Those lazy folks have a tool to give them the willpower now. You naturally skinny people aren’t special anymore.

Don’t bother with talking about how awesome you are at being disciplined because you genetically have the necessary satiety signals.

Naturally skinny folks are going to be just basic now. A revolution is happening whether you like it or not.

If you make a living trying to get fat folks to put down the fork then find another line of work. Change is here. Get out and find a new career before it’s too late.
It doesn't take genetics to have one shred of discipline you fat lazy piece of pond scum. Go back to reddit
It doesn't take genetics to have one shred of discipline you fat lazy piece of pond scum. Go back to oh

Oh you bigcheeze. You will survive. Just let it all out. Cry it out. It’s going to be ok. Those formerly fat people won’t take over everything!!!

Be careful though. A lot of skinny people are just fat people in disguise. You gotta be on the look out!!

I’m skinny as F now. Thanks glp!!!
Well. Those lazy folks have a tool to give them the willpower now. You naturally skinny people aren’t special anymore.

Don’t bother with talking about how awesome you are at being disciplined because you genetically have the necessary satiety signals.

Naturally skinny folks are going to be just basic now. A revolution is happening whether you like it or not.

If you make a living trying to get fat folks to put down the fork then find another line of work. Change is here. Get out and find a new career before it’s too late.
“Safety signals” it’s all discipline. Coming from myslef who was at fat fuck.
But tell your self you dont have safety signals if that makes validating your poor discipline easier on your self.
Keep my name out your damn mouth!

Nah it’s alright. Yeah. Some of folks do stack and it saves a lot of money.

And that lady wasn’t on both at the same time and she was getting violently ill for weeks and didn’t seek medical attention.

There is definitely more to that story.
Good to know. I’m guessing she just thought she should just push through the side effects since nausea and vomiting are common on this stuff. Can’t imagine how bad she let all that get before it snowballed into all this though.