Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Good morning you pack of gorillas,
Today is a good day to start deca, is it not? Is there any evidence to suggest deca heals connective tissue or do the reports of joint relief stem solely on its ability to increase synovial fluid?
Good morning you pack of gorillas,
Today is a good day to start deca, is it not? Is there any evidence to suggest deca heals connective tissue or do the reports of joint relief stem solely on its ability to increase synovial fluid?
It just pulls water into the joints providing pain relief.
It just pulls water into the joints providing pain relief.
It increases synovial fluid in the joint capsule, very different than pulling water into the joint, but close enough.

Synovial fluid is produced when blood supply passes through the membrane lining the joint, so no actual water per se is being moved into the joint at all, just an fyi.
semax is the sleeper. Not many people talk about it but it always sells out. Grabbed a kit with my last order. Going to run it at ~600mcg to 1mg per day (subq) while keeping an eye on my hair, lol. Most people say it's intranasal or it won't work. I dunno...
semax is the sleeper. Not many people talk about it but it always sells out. Grabbed a kit with my last order. Going to run it at ~600mcg to 1mg per day (subq) while keeping an eye on my hair, lol. Most people say it's intranasal or it won't work. I dunno...
I would think it's nasal because most are getting it clearnet where it is available nasally, so you have more reports on it. Injection should work just as good or probably better due to bioavailability
semax is the sleeper. Not many people talk about it but it always sells out. Grabbed a kit with my last order. Going to run it at ~600mcg to 1mg per day (subq) while keeping an eye on my hair, lol. Most people say it's intranasal or it won't work. I dunno...
If you’re generically predisposed to baldness apparently it can accelerate that tremendously and irreversibly. If you’re already bald you’re gtg.
If you’re generically predisposed to baldness apparently it can accelerate that tremendously and irreversibly. If you’re already bald you’re gtg.
Not saying this is wrong but I haven't heard it. Russia this stuff is popular and used so there should be accounts of it.

Well I say popular... it's legal there

... I did a quick Google the only evidence it showed is from reddit. If you have better I'll read it. Otherwise it's all bro science on the matter.
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