Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Well. Those lazy folks have a tool to give them the willpower now. You naturally skinny people aren’t special anymore.

Don’t bother with talking about how awesome you are at being disciplined because you genetically have the necessary satiety signals.

Naturally skinny folks are going to be just basic now. A revolution is happening whether you like it or not.

If you make a living trying to get fat folks to put down the fork then find another line of work. Change is here. Get out and find a new career before it’s too late.
You're kinda weird.
Yeah. I agree. Weird isn’t always bad though.
Truly glad you have an aid, but also hope yourself and others change other habits to benefit and most importantly keep the change you're looking for. I think that's all everyone here is leaning toward. Glp1s are cool, steroids are cool. If you drop either and do not change lifestyle habits you will gain it back/lose the gains.

If anything Tracy is happy with you purchase I'm sure.
If you’re so damn smart then make a trillion dollars with your awesome weight loss system.
It’s actually the same “system” that governs the physical universe, the first law of thermodynamics. In the context of this conversation that means eat less than you expend each day. GLP-1/GIP drugs don’t have some magical powers, they just help people do the only thing that actually works for weight loss.
anyone here experience uptick in libido from Masteron, my partner put me on 100mg a week and we been banging twice a day
I would be very careful with Mast as a female, especially at that dose. You're putting yourself at high risk of masculinizing your body. And those effects are permanent. You can grow body hair, having an enlarged clitoris that looks like a small penis, your voice may deepen, things like that. I'm not joking either, that really happens and once it does it's too late you just live with it now. Your body and your choice but if you don't want to be a dude I would drop that shit ASAP.
Not saying this is wrong but I haven't heard it. Russia this stuff is popular and used so there should be accounts of it.

Well I say popular... it's legal there

... I did a quick Google the only evidence it showed is from reddit. If you have better I'll read it. Otherwise it's all bro science on the matter.
You’re right that to my knowledge there have not been rigorous scientific studies on this. That’s true of a whole lot of what we are doing here. The anecdotes and speculation are enough to put me off of the stuff considering the benefits aren’t something I can live without. You may reach a different conclusion.
You’re right that to my knowledge there have not been rigorous scientific studies on this. That’s true of a whole lot of what we are doing here. The anecdotes and speculation are enough to put me off of the stuff considering the benefits aren’t something I can live without. You may reach a different conclusion.
I knew of the bdnf but correlation doesn't always mean causation. Semax is used clinically overseas. I would think they would have some translated information on the problem other than just reddit posts crossing possibly lines. I could be totally wrong, just seems a little funny since it's used medically.

You can't really compare the lack of info using AAS for muscle building, they have no medical use the way we use them. Medical studies would just be unethical specifically for gainz.... stuff like anadrol is studied for other reasons that has medical use
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