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with ED injections you barely get peaks and troughs with a Prop ester. Ace ester and no ester would give peaks and troughs ED.

If you pinned 50mg Test P vs 50mg Test E everyday, you are right that the relatively consistent amount of Testosterone in your system would be more.

One is 125mg TestC
The other is 100mgTestP
ED injections guess witch is witch ?
See the difference ?
Hope you learned something new today
Also many people feel different on prop me included .
Faster saturation, quicker to be cleared from your system. Gotta know your goals and the mechanisms of the tools you’re using before you hop into a cycle.
I understand that, some things I get.

For some reason mast is so mild I could care less. If they had a hex/d/u version of it. I would run it instead of E.

I can see a reason for tren ace vs hex to mitigate and stop sides. I guess I just don't feel anything negative from mast
I understand that, some things I get.

For some reason mast is so mild I could care less. If they had a hex/d/u version of it. I would run it instead of E.

I can see a reason for tren ace vs hex to mitigate and stop sides. I guess I just don't feel anything negative from mast
Have you tried mast at higher doses?
I understand that, some things I get.

For some reason mast is so mild I could care less. If they had a hex/d/u version of it. I would run it instead of E.

I can see a reason for tren ace vs hex to mitigate and stop sides. I guess I just don't feel anything negative from mast
Do you pull bloods? Mast can be harsh on cholesterol. Sounds like you cruise it
Thats not true at all.
Same dosage of hormone with esters weight added to the equation(meaning more test C then P)you get higher peaks with testP even with ED injections.
I did mention difference in mgs in the quote. You can inject test c everyday you can inject test u everyday, just like test p. I was just just saying it's all test, it's all mast. It's all deca

Npp isn't less bloating than deca. Test C isn't less bloat than test e... peaking is debate I'm fine with longer esters
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View attachment 270899

One is 125mg TestC
The other is 100mgTestP
ED injections guess witch is witch ?
See the difference ?
Hope you learned something new today
Also many people feel different on prop me included .

I see. I’d have to sit down and do some math. I’m skeptical that with a half life of ~4 days , ~33% is cleared in 1 day, regardless of what plotyourcycle shows.

So the formula for concentration at a given time relative to half life is:


Where T is time passed since administration
H is the half life

0.5^(1/4) = 0.82

So give or take 18% loss is more realistic of loss in a day assuming 4 day half life.

125mg of prop a day yields approx 100mg of actual test.

Your peak should be roughly 100mg and through roughly 82mg.
So the formula for concentration at a given time relative to half life is:


Where T is time passed since administration
H is the half life

0.5^(1/4) = 0.82

So give or take 18% loss is more realistic of loss in a day assuming 4 day half life.

125mg of prop a day yields approx 100mg of actual test.

Your peak should be roughly 100mg and through roughly 82mg.
Nice dive into it.

If you can feelz 50 mg more test more power to you. I don't feel a thing different except onset myself
Yeah I was thinking this guy must be single. I imagine not many married couples are fucking twice a day after they have been together more than a few years. At this point in my life twice a day would be too much if I'm being honest here lol. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Single and just started TRT or first cycle.

Tennis elbow from jerking off so much.
Nice dive into it.

If you can feelz 50 mg more test more power to you. I don't feel a thing different except onset myself
I use a blend but it’s mostly Prop. I don’t really feel it. But I do notice it helps keep E2 and other sides like water retention at bay.

Also it’s only 18mg difference. 125mg has approx 25mg of ester in weight. 100mg is test
I knew of the bdnf but correlation doesn't always mean causation. Semax is used clinically overseas. I would think they would have some translated information on the problem other than just reddit posts crossing possibly lines. I could be totally wrong, just seems a little funny since it's used medically.

You can't really compare the lack of info using AAS for muscle building, they have no medical use the way we use them. Medical studies would just be unethical specifically for gainz.... stuff like anadrol is studied for other reasons that has medical use
Correlation not always meaning causation isn’t the same as correlation never means causation. Like said, until there is more certainty that there isn’t a causal relationship this is a risk I wouldn’t be willing to take given the purported benefits. Sounds like you’ve determined that it is one you will take, so keep on trucking.
Woah, what is your wife taking for hrt? (I have no idea about female hrt, is it estrogen or test?) and how do I get my wife on it lol
Mast sends my libido through the roof but it’s also hard on my hair and definitely caused an uptick in thinning it out in the crown of my head. If you’re a woman you better drop it immediately like others have said unless you’re planning on transitioning to a guy then by all means keep at it lol. If you’re a guy then hairline is really the only thing to worry about, well increased prostate size is possible too.

Unless your wife is on hrt then it’s a totally different ballgame! Married 20 years this year and we are going at it now more than ever. She will literally wake me up in the middle of the night for it sometimes even after just getting off before going to sleep lol. Sometimes it’s 3-4 times a day which I’ll admit is almost too much for this middle aged man lol
So the formula for concentration at a given time relative to half life is:


Where T is time passed since administration
H is the half life

0.5^(1/4) = 0.82

So give or take 18% loss is more realistic of loss in a day assuming 4 day half life.

125mg of prop a day yields approx 100mg of actual test.

Your peak should be roughly 100mg and through roughly 82mg.
So test prop has a half life of 4 days now?
Prop in mct or other thin oil is really fast absorbing and releasing .
I think you just want to be right and not learn anything so i fold as the wise man should and say you are right !

