Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Switched over to Tirz from Sema. I’m in the first week of Tirz. I see some people posting they are supplementing the Tirz with some Sema. Not really finding answers to Why though. Posted on the Sema thread but didn’t get answers. They are both from QSC.
Anyone know the Why?
No need as tirz world on the same pathway and also a 2nd that sema doesn’t. People doing that are wasting money.
Thank you! I did notice I was hungrier on the Tirz, but then weighed myself and was down a half pound. I thought Tirz was supposed to have appetite suppression too. It must not do it as well.
Appetite suppression on tirz is stronger than sema once you get built up to it but it takes a few doses. This would be the only scenario when stacking the two together might be useful and that would be temporary.

I ordered international two weeks ago. I was given USPS tracking number that says :

Arrived Shipping Partner Facility 2am, USPS Awaiting Item .
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item 5am.

No movement since. Does that seem pretty normal? I'm guessing this just means it's still traveling to this country? I tried searching the partner name listed and the location in California listed but got no hits in this thread about it
Idk. Some of these people think making capsules and pills are easy or some shit. Gonna give someone the wrong dosing and tuck them up. I have friends who are willing to try shit cause their "bro" tried it
I’ve said it before but I’ll reiterate since this information gets buried-

Just make oral suspension with oral raws. Volumetric dosing is simplistic.
I’ve said it before but I’ll reiterate since this information gets buried-

Just make oral suspension with oral raws. Volumetric dosing is simplistic.
People just need to buy it and not fuck with raws unless they spend time reading one of the many available guides to make stuff.

Are you retarded? I know their damn contact info BUT THEY DONT RESPOND you goof.
That's funny. Cause I submitted an order a two days ago, paid a day later, and got tracking the same day. So it's clearly you

Maybe you are just annoying? Cause I can see that you are on the forum.

I am dead serious that I just placed an order btw.

Some of you people need to know efficient messaging to do business and stop wasting the sources time with stupid shit and questions.

No wonder you got scammed out of thousands
People just need to buy it and not fuck with raws unless they spend time reading one of the many available guides to make stuff.

That's funny. Cause I submitted an order a two days ago, paid a day later, and got tracking the same day. So it's clearly you

Maybe you are just annoying? Cause I can see that you are on the forum.

I am dead serious that I just placed an order btw.

Some of you people need to know efficient messaging to do business and stop wasting the sources time with stupid shit and questions.

No wonder you got scammed out of thousands

whatsaap: +86 16503300980
email: sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn

That’s their contact right? Well…that’s where I’m trying to place an order and haven’t gotten a response. Maybe it’s there day off or something ‍♂️
I know a bunch of people have been asking for a while now but we never get a response from Tracy. Are you restocking USA domestic hcg? Cuz their is a decent demand for it