Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Shipping is free if you use their standard shipping method. No MOQ.

Question I have is how is the quality/dosing of their gear? There are 195 pages of Americans being racist against Chinese people here and no useful info on what actually matters.
On Nov 26 2021 MisterSuperGod’s stated "good results" about Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co products after seeing the good test results @Jet Labs got back after testing Qingdao's products! ( Yes @Jet Labs like many other “labs” get their products from Qingdao and just resell it, jacking prices up)
On Nov 26 2021 MisterSuperGod’s stated "good results" about Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co products after seeing the good test results @Jet Labs got back after testing Qingdao's products! ( Yes @Jet Labs like many other “labs” get their products from Qingdao and just resell it, jacking prices up)
MESO really sucks now. This board use to be the go to for information.

But fuckheads like you have ruined this place. It's a joke. I would sooner go to Brotherhood of Pain for information than come here. You are an absolute idiot.

How does anyone manage to come back to MESO when there's members like @Cherokee make this place an absolute fucking mockery?
MESO really sucks now. This board use to be the go to for information.

But fuckheads like you have ruined this place. It's a joke. I would sooner go to Brotherhood of Pain for information than come here. You are an absolute idiot.

How does anyone manage to come back to MESO when there's members like @Cherokee make this place an absolute fucking mockery?
I can't stand his posts.
Im sure the manuf would not reimburse Q, so Q would have to take the hit. If they take the hit, guess who the expense gets passed onto? You got it, they would have to raise the price on all their products.

I've run into the same situation in my business, I sell products just barely above cost, thats what people want most. But.. don't expect great customer service from me.

I view it as dealing wholesale. You don't get your hand held when you buy wholesale. Nor do you pay that price.

Different business models for different customers. Price usually win's out, otherwise we would all still be shopping at Sears
Seriously, you are literally braindead.

If they are selling something they have to take responsabilities. If, as they stated, it is totally legal to export those chemicals, then start an official reclamation about the underdosed stuff they got.

The problem is they simply do not have any quality control about the stuff they get from others. All those chinese lab test are purely fake.

So at the end it is their responsability to offer something to solve it.

You are basically saying that since they might got scammed they can scam customers too, just LOL.
MESO really sucks now. This board use to be the go to for information.

But fuckheads like you have ruined this place. It's a joke. I would sooner go to Brotherhood of Pain for information than come here. You are an absolute idiot.

How does anyone manage to come back to MESO when there's members like @Cherokee make this place an absolute fucking mockery?
Ohhh? Because I tell others that their products are good( based upon existing evidence)

Because I quote other hypocrites who said their products are good ( but then get amnesia when asked if they really said it, so I have to post it?). Thats what MSG did, he played old n senile, when someone asked him if he really said this, he said "I forget" . HAHA

I don't see not one of you limp dick bastards going after people who are price gouging others. Makes me think many of you have your own little group of friends you stick up for.

Let me know if you see anything I can post to help the public, but.. you won't do that. If you can't beat the message, try to attack the messenger I guess is your motive?

MESO needs to rid itself of these little clique's who's sole goal is to promote their buddy's garage based lab, and their high prices. Better yet, I'm against censorship.. I would rather hear the ilks of your kind cry and complain, while being made a fool out of, over your baseless ad hom attacks.

I ask you, who do you think is the best place for people to buy from? And why? Try adding something constructive!
Seriously, you are literally braindead.

If they are selling something they have to take responsabilities. If, as they stated, it is totally legal to export those chemicals, then start an official reclamation about the underdosed stuff they got.

The problem is they simply do not have any quality control about the stuff they get from others. All those chinese lab test are purely fake.

So at the end it is their responsability to offer something to solve it.

You are basically saying that since they might got scammed they can scam customers too, just LOL.
I'm saying when you sell at wholesale prices, there is no wiggle room. Thats the way wholesale works. When you buy direct from Asia on about any product, you take on some liability.

I've purchased 1/4 million worth of products in a container before, and they all had a minor defect.

I've bought 100K worth of products from a Factory in the USA, and they had a defect.

Since I bought them as a dealer, at wholesale, it's impossible to ship the items back to china to get reimbursed.

And since I was selling them at a slim margin above cost, and 1/4th of what everyone else was selling it for, I was not going to eat up any loses. This is the way it works with a lot of discounted items.

Now onto "them"

I've seen tons of lab tests on their products
I've seen MisterSuperGod say he thought the results were good
I've seen Jet Lab buy a mess and test them!

Seems its quality controlled enough !
On Nov 26 2021 MisterSuperGod’s stated

“Good results. It's a shame they have a couple of mongs running their business here. They could literally have it all.”

This was about Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co products after seeing the good test results @Jet Labs got back after testing their products! ( Yes @Jet Labs like many other “labs” get their products from Qingdao and just resell it, jacking prices up)

View attachment 159357

I'm a big fan of low prices. And just look around the Globe, the Chinese rule, they know what the customer wants, thats why they are dominating the world, unlike dumb ass Americans.

A lot better operation, than most of the bums working out of the garage thinking they are Donald Trump because they are making 100K running what they call a "Lab"

I also feel they are the best choice for 98 percent of the people looking for gear.

Find me a better deal, I'll be glad to promote them, so far I have not found any, but that does not mean there isn't. So, feel free to educate me. Have they done something I don't like.. yes. But once again, I feel they are by far the best bet for most people.

View attachment 159363

It really irritates me how stupid many others are, paying 2X,3X,10X the cost, just because they think they have a friend in the little thread that X,Y,Z lab is running.

People are stupid. I have friends who run million $ operations, and I see them doing the same thing, never price shopping, buying spur of the moment. I'm not sure I've ever run into a less sophisticated group of consumers, than those who purchase AAS/PED's. They have no sense when it comes to watching their pocketbooks.

Sales, posting pic's of cats, give aways, all marketing scams these other places play to sucker people intoView attachment 159366
@Millard I think @Cherokee needs a time out for spamming.
@Millard I think @Cherokee needs a time out for spamming.
Ahh so you pick posts I've made over a long period of time, and claim that is spamming! If Im doing something that you don't think is in the best interest of most users, let me know! I'm not putting out fake info, just fighting back against the biased ego's here, many who I'm sure have their little clique with "labs"
Ahh so you pick posts I've made over a long period of time, and claim that is spamming! If Im doing something that you don't think is in the best interest of most users, let me know! I'm not putting out fake info, just fighting back against the biased ego's here, many who I'm sure have their little clique with "labs"
@Btcowboy nailed it, show proof of these labs or shut the fuck up

But we all know you won’t do either of these things because you’re incapable of both
Since you are all about proof, prove your statement, exactly as you stated it.
It's rather obvious.

Why else would a few be so upset over low prices, and 99% of their products are testing acceptable?

Don't you feel the public should be made aware when they are being price gouged? I'm sure you do, unless it's against your own self interests.

Once again, show me a better company to deal with at these prices, show me a better deal. ( I hear crickets)

The labs have been posted over n over... go ask Jet Labs, he had a mess of their products tested :)

Ask MSG, he said the results looked good :)

Ahh so you pick posts I've made over a long period of time, and claim that is spamming! If Im doing something that you don't think is in the best interest of most users, let me know! I'm not putting out fake info, just fighting back against the biased ego's here, many who I'm sure have their little clique with "labs"
All three of the posts I quoted were from yesterday, all three before noon, and all three on the same page (190 of this thread.)
On Nov 26 2021 MisterSuperGod’s stated "good results" about Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co products after seeing the good test results @Jet Labs got back after testing Qingdao's products! ( Yes @Jet Labs like many other “labs” get their products from Qingdao and just resell it, jacking prices up)
Dude…. Seriously…. Just stop. You really have absolutely no shame but the second hand embarrassment I’m starting to feel for you is overwhelming, so again please just stop.

You really think someone who is just a happy customer posts shit like you did above? Absolutely not. No one does that shit.

You’re constantly talking about how people on this forum have secret little cliques and are only coming at you because we are sources. That’s completely false. I do not source and never have and never will so I am not trying to take out the competition like you keep implying, I’ve even considered ordering from this source once they roll out their domestic line so I can test some projects.

But it is painfully obvious that you are affiliated with this source and at this point you’re literally just spamming the forum with your bullshit.

So seriously once again just stop making posts like this.

You’ve said your part, people are free to make decisions about where they order from.

The fact that you are constantly making these kinds of posts over and over again while taking the stance that “you just like low prices” is pretty stupid. If you just liked low prices you would buy the gear and say something a few times and move on with your life.

Instead you’re constantly spamming this thread with quotes taken out of context by a member and slanging shit toward a lab on here who is just buying their material in order to further bolster your sales pitch.
Chirp, chirp, indeed.

You say I picked posts over a long period of time. It's literally from the same page within about a 4 hour window of each other.

Lay off the meth, man. That shit is melting your brain.
Dude…. Seriously…. Just stop. You really have absolutely no shame but the second hand embarrassment I’m starting to feel for you is overwhelming, so again please just stop.

You really think someone who is just a happy customer posts shit like you did above? Absolutely not. No one does that shit.

You’re constantly talking about how people on this forum have secret little cliques and are only coming at you because we are sources. That’s completely false. I do not source and never have and never will so I am not trying to take out the competition like you keep implying, I’ve even considered ordering from this source once they roll out their domestic line so I can test some projects.
So you bitch about me, yet others are price gouging at multiple times the cost, but you find that acceptable?

But it is painfully obvious that you are affiliated with this source and at this point you’re literally just spamming the forum with your bullshit.
Spamming? Ohh so now you call it spamming when I reply back to someone?

Then if I don't reply back, you bitch about that also. I see

So seriously once again just stop making posts like this.

You’ve said your part, people are free to make decisions about where they order from.

The fact that you are constantly making these kinds of posts over and over again while taking the stance that “you just like low prices” is pretty stupid. If you just liked low prices you would buy the gear and say something a few times and move on with your life.
I see, limit my views, while others make all type of accusations that are false.
once again, try looking at what's best for the buyers... not your little little dick syndrome you have because you don't like me, and can't out debate the facts I post.

Instead you’re constantly spamming this thread with quotes taken out of context by a member and slanging shit toward a lab on here who is just buying their material in order to further bolster your sales pitch.
Out of context? Not at all. MSG clearly stated he saw the results good, and the gestalt of the post was , he thought it was a good company, except the reps.

But.. since MSG has developed amnesia over that post, I guess we'll really never know what his true views are, will we? :)