Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Cherokee i promise you that if you don’t reply back to people I will never bitch about that and I certainly have not in the past

Once again man if you didn’t have any stakes in this situation I don’t think you would be going to such great lengths to “just look out for the buyers”

And yes you are spamming this thread with your screenshot over and over again with your little sales pitch written on it.
It's rather obvious.

Why else would a few be so upset over low prices, and 99% of their products are testing acceptable?

Don't you feel the public should be made aware when they are being price gouged? I'm sure you do, unless it's against your own self interests.

Once again, show me a better company to deal with at these prices, show me a better deal. ( I hear crickets)

The labs have been posted over n over... go ask Jet Labs, he had a mess of their products tested :)

Ask MSG, he said the results looked good :)

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So you still havent answered my question... no its not obvious who is "working" for their buddies labs... What is obvious is you working for Qingdong labs
@Cherokee i promise you that if you don’t reply back to people I will never bitch about that and I certainly have not in the past

Once again man if you didn’t have any stakes in this situation I don’t think you would be going to such great lengths to “just look out for the buyers”

And yes you are spamming this thread with your screenshot over and over again with your little sales pitch written on it.
None of of you educate the public about the price gouging... why not?

Shows how much your concern really is, VS your ego not getting respected.
So you still havent answered my question... no its not obvious who is "working" for their buddies labs... What is obvious is you working for Qingdong labs

As I've stated previously, they are to cheap to pay for being a sponsor on here, I doubt they are paying people to "shill".

And if they were, they would be hiring people from china at .10 / hour,

And.. they are not ripping people off, they are supplying good products at the lowest prices from what I've seen. Overall I can't find anyone else better.

Now,tell me why you don't want others finding out about that. Tell me why I have never seen one of your slimy bastards bring up how overpriced some companies are.

It's VERY clear you don't want others knowing they are getting shafted via price gouging.

It's all about "me", you have no concern for the users/buyers.
None of of you educate the public about the price gouging... why not?

Shows how much your concern really is, VS your ego not getting respected.
Keep grasping at straws dude. What are you even talking about lmao.

I’m talking about how it’s painfully obvious to everyone on this forum other than yourself that you’re in here for the purpose to plug this specific source.

You keep talking about how the members here are working with sources behind closed doors to help their friends labs.

I’m simply pointing out the irony because it’s very clear the person here trying to help a specific lab is you.

You’re not here to help the members like you claim, you’re here to help your buddy “Q”
Keep grasping at straws dude. What are you even talking about lmao.

I’m talking about how it’s painfully obvious to everyone on this forum other than yourself that you’re in here for the purpose to plug this specific source.

You keep talking about how the members here are working with sources behind closed doors to help their friends labs.

I’m simply pointing out the irony because it’s very clear the person here trying to help a specific lab is you.

You’re not here to help the members like you claim, you’re here to help your buddy “Q”
Provide me information on how I can help people better.

Where are the better deals at?

Thats all anyone cares about (except the labs and their minions)

The minute a dealer has better prices, and offers credit card sales, I'll jump ship.
As I've stated previously, they are to cheap to pay for being a sponsor on here, I doubt they are paying people to "shill".

And if they were, they would be hiring people from china at .10 / hour,

And.. they are not ripping people off, they are supplying good products at the lowest prices from what I've seen. Overall I can't find anyone else better.

Now,tell me why you don't want others finding out about that. Tell me why I have never seen one of your slimy bastards bring up how overpriced some companies are.

It's VERY clear you don't want others knowing they are getting shafted via price gouging.

It's all about "me", you have no concern for the users/buyers.
What’s to say you’re not Chinese? You could have some elaborate story of how you’re supposedly a millionaire. No one knows who you are, except for a formerly banned handle, since you came in here already knowing the cast of characters like someone who’s been here a while.
As I've stated previously, they are to cheap to pay for being a sponsor on here, I doubt they are paying people to "shill".

And if they were, they would be hiring people from china at .10 / hour,

And.. they are not ripping people off, they are supplying good products at the lowest prices from what I've seen. Overall I can't find anyone else better.

Now,tell me why you don't want others finding out about that. Tell me why I have never seen one of your slimy bastards bring up how overpriced some companies are.

It's VERY clear you don't want others knowing they are getting shafted via price gouging.

It's all about "me", you have no concern for the users/buyers.
You still wont answer my question.

You made a blatant accusation that anyone against Qingdong is actually shilling for their buddies lab.

I asked you to show proof of even 1 member against Qingdong is shilling for their buddies lab, actual proof.

You wont because you cant... its the typical shill, typical shitty lab reaponse to any negative comments.

Ive seen shills here before, but you have taken shilling to a completely different level...
Why do you think some guys only run cycles with pharma gear? Hint, it isn't because the prices are so cheap.

It's for the piece of mind that they are getting a product that is sterile, produced in a lab that has all the necessary equipment and skills to insure that.

QDS has cheap prices, but we haven't seen pictures of the equipment they use to insure we are hopefully getting a safe product.

We have seen that their brewer is inconsistent. If they can't manage to measure out the correct amount of powder to make an accurate brew, what makes you think they can measure out the ba and bb correctly, or are even filtering the gear they sell? You assume and hope, but you don't know.

Why do you shit on domestic ugls that have proven to be able to brew their gear within label claim, but continue to advertise for a company who seemingly, cannot? Because it's cheap?

It will be more expensive to buy cheap gear and then have to pay out the ass to have a piece of your ass cut off, due to infection from shitty gear.

But hey, at least it was a good deal at the time!
You still wont answer my question.

You made a blatant accusation that anyone against Qingdong is actually shilling for their buddies lab.

I asked you to show proof of even 1 member against Qingdong is shilling for their buddies lab, actual proof.

You wont because you cant... its the typical shill, typical shitty lab reaponse to any negative comments.

Ive seen shills here before, but you have taken shilling to a completely different level...

I too would like to see what you are referring to here when you’re constantly mentioning this

I too would like to see what you are referring to here when you’re constantly mentioning this
Who here has the next lowest prices compared to them? And what are they?

2X 3X the price, plus shipping, plus min order, plus no credit card capability?

I guarantee you, when someone comes along thats 1/2 price of what Q is, just like they are multiple times cheaper than almost anyone else out there, I'll be giving them serious consideration.

People only care about test results, and price. So keep on sidetracking with the Cherokee love :)
It will be more expensive to buy cheap gear and then have to pay out the ass to have a piece of your ass cut off, due to infection from shitty gear.

But hey, at least it was a good deal at the time!
This part right here. Who cares if it’s clean or safe, it’s fucking cheap dude !
Who here has the next lowest prices compared to them? And what are they?

2X 3X the price, plus shipping, plus min order, plus no credit card capability?

I guarantee you, when someone comes along thats 1/2 price of what Q is, just like they are multiple times cheaper than almost anyone else out there, I'll be giving them serious consideration.

People only care about test results, and price. So keep on sidetracking with the Cherokee love :)
That’s great dude, cool story. That’s not what I was asking or what anyone else was asking. Instead of dodging the question over and over again with more sales pitches for team Q, why don’t you answer the question and back up the claim that you are so constantly making
And if you want to see guys shitting on a domestic source for overcharging, check out the guy whose reselling DC pharma. He has a thread that he recently started in the last week or so that went south fast.

You like to make claims about those who don't agree with you that are completely unfounded.

That's another reason that nobody likes you. Not that you care. Judging by your actions, you don't have any friends and you never have and at this point, you have just chosen to embrace it.
This part right here. Who cares if it’s clean or safe, it’s fucking cheap dude !
Clean and safe... so we bring in abstract stuff we can't quantify. The good ol "Fear Factor"

Well, maybe you should be bitching at Jet Labs, since he's distributing this stuff that you are implying ins't safe. But.. it's about Cherokee, not the truth, not about what's best for consumers.

I would safe Q has the safest products out there, since they receive the most scrutiny! And Seem to probably have the highest volume of sales!

Thanks for bringing up the safety factor, once again.. I think Q has a strong case to be ranked high in that regard also! So far, no one has had to have their limbs amputated from using their products!

But, that is a risk we all take, to an extent, buying from a non regulated industry.

I WANNA BE LIKED SO BAD!!! orwell.jpeg
Clean and safe... so we bring in abstract stuff we can't quantify. The good ol "Fear Factor"

Well, maybe you should be bitching at Jet Labs, since he's distributing this stuff that you are implying ins't safe. But.. it's about Cherokee, not the truth, not about what's best for consumers.

man you just keep digging your hole deeper. Why would I bitch at jet labs for their sterility of their product? He bought raw material which he will brew on his own using his own methods which control whether the gear is safe in a finished product.

Most of us in here are in the USA and don’t use jet and never will so its interesting you think that we ride his dick. I’ve never talked to the guy once and never will.

Also your thought process for why Q must have safe products is because of their high level of scrutiny? In what world does that make sense?

Oh yeah this guy has put out some very questionable products that have tested poorly which in turn has generated some scrutiny, therefore his stuff must be fucking legit!

Great thought process there dude.


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