Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Clean and safe... so we bring in abstract stuff we can't quantify. The good ol "Fear Factor"

Well, maybe you should be bitching at Jet Labs, since he's distributing this stuff that you are implying ins't safe. But.. it's about Cherokee, not the truth, not about what's best for consumers.

I would safe Q has the safest products out there, since they receive the most scrutiny! And Seem to probably have the highest volume of sales!

Thanks for bringing up the safety factor, once again.. I think Q has a strong case to be ranked high in that regard also! So far, no one has had to have their limbs amputated from using their products!

But, that is a risk we all take, to an extent, buying from a non regulated industry.

I WANNA BE LIKED SO BAD!!! View attachment 159419
I was speaking about the brewer and you choose to gaslight and bring jets lab into the conversation, yet again.

Jets isn't selling their premade gear. He bought raws, had them tested, and presumably brewed them up to sell.

You don't see the difference here, bud?

Why are you so impressed with a company that employs a brewer that cannot consistently brew close to the label claim? If this was a domestic brewer with prices that were similar to the other successful ugls around here, and you didn't have access to cheap Chinese products, would you still be singing their praises with the results that we've seen thus far?

Or would you instead focus on the suppliers that have posted good results from their own product testing and third party blind testing that coincides with what they have had tested?

Pushing members toward a source that has cheap prices and takes credit cards for payment is not harm reduction. However, warning said members of the way that QDS has treated prior customers who have had problems and the way they have cut corners to bring their product at this price point, is harm reduction.

Maybe stock up on some of their antibiotics because you'll likely need them.
man you just keep digging your hole deeper. Why would I bitch at jet labs for their sterility of their product? He bought raw material which he will brew on his own using his own methods which control whether the gear is safe in a finished product.

Most of us in here are in the USA and don’t use jet and never will so its interesting you think that we ride his dick. I’ve never talked to the guy once and never will.

Also your thought process for why Q must have safe products is because of their high level of scrutiny? In what world does that make sense?
As safe as I'll get. Im sure any problems arise with their products, we'll know about it very swiftly!

Oh yeah this guy has put out some very questionable products that have tested poorly which in turn has generated some scrutiny, therefore his stuff must be fucking
You say poorly. From my recollection only 1 did, and there was a lot of variables in that.

Even On Nov 26 2021 MisterSuperGod’s stated "looks good"
No complaints from Jet Labs.

Where's the beef?


Great thought process there dude.

On to something productive... why don't one of you useless bastards post a chart up of everyones prices , and what products they carry, shipping charges etc, so consumers can have an easy way to make decisions?
Anyone taking @Cherokee seriously please feel free to check out his intelligent threads. Then you will have an idea about his mentality and thought process.

For a couple fine examples.

Also believe in one thread he is in his 20s and then next he has an 18yr old kid...
The guy is 100% on the spectrum with how dedicated and persistent he is with commenting in a thread on a fucking steroids forum lmao. I understand that he's most likely trolling, but when you spend as much time and effort as he does, it's just sad. You're trolling yourself.

Imagine being a cheerleader for a drug dealer - bonkers.
Anyone taking @Cherokee seriously please feel free to check out his intelligent threads. Then you will have an idea about his mentality and thought process.

Wow... your reading comprehension is so great, you can't even realize I did not start that thread!

But.. hey.. thanks for showing mental abilities at their finest! ROFL

For a couple fine examples.

Also believe in one thread he is in his 20s and then next he has an 18yr old kid...
Anyone taking @Cherokee seriously please feel free to check out his intelligent threads. Then you will have an idea about his mentality and thought process.

For a couple fine examples.

Also believe in one thread he is in his 20s and then next he has an 18yr old kid...
On to something productive... why don't one of you useless bastards post a chart up of everyones prices , and what products they carry, shipping charges etc, so consumers can have an easy way to make decisions?

Because unlike you we do not have a hidden agenda with any specific lab on this forum. It’s best to let the members do their own research and make a decision, as it should be.
Because unlike you we do not have a hidden agenda with any specific lab on this forum. It’s best to let the members do their own research and make a decision, as it should be.
I don't have an agenda, except I hate seeing people price gouged. And agenda or not, that does not change the facts.

Ahhh you don't want to help make the information easier for them?

You don't want to present the information out in a scientific way, a logical way.

You don't think Im doing a good thing by educating some that they are paying 5-10X the cost you can get it elsewhere for?

Im not hiding anything, put all the data out there, bad n good.

Ask yourself, are you doing what's best for the average user? I can, and I feel totally secure with my views/opinions.

Put the data out there, then if someone wants to pay 10X the cost, let em at it!

You and many other should feel bad, for not putting all the facts out there objectively to help customers make informed decisions, and possibly save THOUSANDS of $'s.
On to something productive... why don't one of you useless bastards post a chart up of everyones prices , and what products they carry, shipping charges etc, so consumers can have an easy way to make decisions?
Oh this is rich - the absolute most worthless, non contributing member here calls others useless and expects someone to do his work for him. You truly are a piece of shit. Actually I take that back because shit actually serves a purpose.
Oh this is rich - the absolute most worthless, non contributing member here calls others useless and expects someone to do his work for him. You truly are a piece of shit. Actually I take that back because shit actually serves a purpose.
The only thing sworder/cherokee can argue is price.... the old saying "you get what you pay for"
Dude…. Seriously…. Just stop. You really have absolutely no shame but the second hand embarrassment I’m starting to feel for you is overwhelming, so again please just stop.

You really think someone who is just a happy customer posts shit like you did above? Absolutely not. No one does that shit.

You’re constantly talking about how people on this forum have secret little cliques and are only coming at you because we are sources. That’s completely false. I do not source and never have and never will so I am not trying to take out the competition like you keep implying, I’ve even considered ordering from this source once they roll out their domestic line so I can test some projects.

But it is painfully obvious that you are affiliated with this source and at this point you’re literally just spamming the forum with your bullshit.

So seriously once again just stop making posts like this.

You’ve said your part, people are free to make decisions about where they order from.

The fact that you are constantly making these kinds of posts over and over again while taking the stance that “you just like low prices” is pretty stupid. If you just liked low prices you would buy the gear and say something a few times and move on with your life.

Instead you’re constantly spamming this thread with quotes taken out of context by a member and slanging shit toward a lab on here who is just buying their material in order to further bolster your sales pitch.
please test some products and post the results. would do myself but I'm broke lol
What’s to say you’re not Chinese? You could have some elaborate story of how you’re supposedly a millionaire. No one knows who you are, except for a formerly banned handle, since you came in here already knowing the cast of characters like someone who’s been here a while.
I don't even know how you get banned on Meso RX source websites are posted in the open and it's not even moderated. If you got banned once, it makes a big statement. I'd have to literally try to get banned and I still might fail.

@Cherokee sine your supposedly a millionaire! Why don't you use Janoshik and test a whole bunch of Qingdao products to back up your words.


anyone who buys 250k / 100k worth of gear and doesn't make sure the quality is top notch is an idiot. What?, are you trying to set up a lab? Could be a very successful business if you do it right, but it's all on reputation and yours isn't all that great.

I don't hate ya mate, but you embarress yourself too much. Just let it go even if you think you're right, make some quality posts for a while and wait for your reputation to come back.
man you just keep digging your hole deeper. Why would I bitch at jet labs for their sterility of their product? He bought raw material which he will brew on his own using his own methods which control whether the gear is safe in a finished product.

Most of us in here are in the USA and don’t use jet and never will so its interesting you think that we ride his dick. I’ve never talked to the guy once and never will.

Also your thought process for why Q must have safe products is because of their high level of scrutiny? In what world does that make sense?

Oh yeah this guy has put out some very questionable products that have tested poorly which in turn has generated some scrutiny, therefore his stuff must be fucking legit!

Great thought process there dude.
if that's him in his profile pic I''d take anything this guy says seriously and pay due respects
Or would you instead focus on the suppliers that have posted good results from their own product testing and third party blind testing that coincides
Pushing members toward a source that has cheap prices and takes credit cards for payment is not harm reduction. However, warning said members of the way that QDS has treated prior customers who have had problems and the way they have cut corners to bring their product at this price point, is harm reduction.

Maybe stock up on some of their antibiotics because you'll likely need them.
yeah I didn't like the way they treated the whole HCG vials coming back at 2600iu instead of 5000iu either. spot on their record.
I don't even know how you get banned on Meso RX source websites are posted in the open and it's not even moderated. If you got banned once, it makes a big statement. I'd have to literally try to get banned and I still might fail.
It’s actually pretty easy. If this jackass Cherokee is really Sworder, the final nail in his coffin was presuming Millard wouldn’t ban him again unless provoked. Guess that was enough provocation lol.

Threats of violence, spamming, trolling - all bannable offenses.
On to something productive... why don't one of you useless bastards post a chart up of everyones prices , and what products they carry, shipping charges etc, so consumers can have an easy way to make decisions?
why don't you do it since you have so much time on your hands.