Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That's why he says the stupid thing's that he says. He craves the attention that comes with someone calling him out.
I suppose that makes him a masochist. I’ve never met a person that loves so much abuse, and I’ve known some fucking characters in my time on earth. I spent 4 years in the USMC in an MOS that accepted the people that needed ASVAB waivers (maybe I was one of them, maybe I wasn’t, queue the jokes).

That might not mean much to most, but just know it means I’ve worked with some of the dumbest people the military has to offer. And that’s really saying something
I suppose that makes him a masochist. I’ve never met a person that loves so much abuse, and I’ve known some fucking characters in my time on earth. I spent 4 years in the USMC in an MOS that accepted the people that needed ASVAB waivers (maybe I was one of them, maybe I wasn’t, queue the jokes).

That might not mean much to most, but just know it means I’ve worked with some of the dumbest people the military has to offer. And that’s really saying something
Does USMC mean United States Marine Corps?
Shit Ur cool. Shooting guns are shit getting those damn Moslems. If I don't make it to university this year and if I get on TRT imma join the army. Infantry tho, can't get fit enough for the marines or paratroopers.
That’s a self limiting statement. Fuck that. Shoot for your dreams if you wanna be in the marines or be a paratrooper.

At this point only you are stopping yourseld
Hey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals do you have nand cyp or nand prop coming back in stock any time soon? What about DHB?

We only can check about those after CNY if any new stocks can be available, for the moment it's all out of stock, nandro base is out stock too. Only NPP and Deca raws available.
DHB I don't think it's gonna be in stock anytime soon, big problem of shortage of pharmaceutical intermediates in China for its sythesis.
I injected another 0.5mg of QSC's Semaglutide last night after dinner about an hour before bed. This morning I work up still feeling full from my dinner last night. I've been up for 3 hours now and still haven't had breakfast because I still feel satiated. So it looks like there is some improvement.
At least translate it for us lol.

Will look forward to making an order in the future. Just 3/10 oils came back underdosed and you told us directly. I'm sure with practice you'll get it right.

HGH vials came back at 12ius a vial too.
Was that on the 15IU bottles ?
Received my second order as well,

Two kits of BPC and TB , again, remarkably stealth and protective packaging, I’ll give QSC 10/10 just for packaging quality.

Will ship the HGH from first order to testing today.
Peptides I’m not going to test, I got injured shoulders so I will know if they legit.

(In picture it’s 5 of each that’s left after I joined the rest for a mega vail of 25mg TB/BPC)
I'm interested in trying BPC and TB again. Please get back to us after a while.
Semaglutide update. I had my first meal of the day at 9am so about 4.5 hours after I woke up, and I wasn't hungry when I ate, I just felt I should eat SOMETHING. It was a small meal 1/2 cup rice, 3/4 lean ground beef with some yogurt and guac. Total calories around 350 ish. Immediately after the meal I was uncomfortably full to where it was like I just finished eating at a buffet. It is now 12:00pm 3 hours later and I'm still full. I'm going to have to skip lunch, or just have a protein shake so I at least get my protein. I'm digging this so far.
Semaglutide update. I had my first meal of the day at 9am so about 4.5 hours after I woke up, and I wasn't hungry when I ate, I just felt I should eat SOMETHING. It was a small meal 1/2 cup rice, 3/4 lean ground beef with some yogurt and guac. Total calories around 350 ish. Immediately after the meal I was uncomfortably full to where it was like I just finished eating at a buffet. It is now 12:00pm 3 hours later and I'm still full. I'm going to have to skip lunch, or just have a protein shake so I at least get my protein. I'm digging this so far.
Just DNP bro.