Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I injected another 0.5mg of QSC's Semaglutide last night after dinner about an hour before bed. This morning I work up still feeling full from my dinner last night. I've been up for 3 hours now and still haven't had breakfast because I still feel satiated. So it looks like there is some improvement.
So is this powder and you reconstitute it with bac?
Semaglutide update. I had my first meal of the day at 9am so about 4.5 hours after I woke up, and I wasn't hungry when I ate, I just felt I should eat SOMETHING. It was a small meal 1/2 cup rice, 3/4 lean ground beef with some yogurt and guac. Total calories around 350 ish. Immediately after the meal I was uncomfortably full to where it was like I just finished eating at a buffet. It is now 12:00pm 3 hours later and I'm still full. I'm going to have to skip lunch, or just have a protein shake so I at least get my protein. I'm digging this so far.
See its soooo easy for me not to eat, i can easily not eat for 2 days.

So what is it this does? Just not make you want to eat? Is there anything that happens with body temp or fat cell transportation?
See its soooo easy for me not to eat, i can easily not eat for 2 days.

So what is it this does? Just not make you want to eat? Is there anything that happens with body temp or fat cell transportation?
My knowledge is limited but essentially it slows gastric emptying and mimics the signal your stomach sends when it's full. So essentially you don't get the feeling that you're hungry when you normally would and when you do eat the signal is compounded so you feel full quicker and for longer. Vigorous Steve on youtube has a great video explaining it.
My knowledge is limited but essentially it slows gastric emptying and mimics the signal your stomach sends when it's full. So essentially you don't get the feeling that you're hungry when you normally would and when you do eat the signal is compounded so you feel full quicker and for longer. Vigorous Steve on youtube has a great video explaining it.
the real advantage IMO is the effect it has on keeping leptin in homeostasis even in these deficits it lets you get yourself into. this factor is what significantly aids in keeping the weight loss from stalling, and thus continuing. I'm very glad about the updated progress. you began at 0.5mg right? how long have you been on theirs now?
the real advantage IMO is the effect it has on keeping leptin in homeostasis even in these deficits it lets you get yourself into. this factor is what significantly aids in keeping the weight loss from stalling, and thus continuing. I'm very glad about the updated progress. you began at 0.5mg right? how long have you been on theirs now?
I began Monday night. I did a 0.25mg injection with no noticeable effect. So I then did a 0.5mg injection Wednesday night so essentially a 0.75mg dose.
oh boy. okay, nice. you might have a rough time soon lmao. we'll see. you've used Ozempec pens previously right?
Seriously. I’m at 0.25mg and the day after injection upon waking up I wanna quit. The nausea sucks ass. I haven’t eaten breakfast all week.
Seriously. I’m at 0.25mg and the day after injection upon waking up I wanna quit. The nausea sucks ass. I haven’t eaten breakfast all week.
is this your first time?

I took a break until I got the new pen yesterday, and restarted at 0.25mg. first time 2 months ago I started 0.5mg. day after I had a nasty bout of, uh, stomach stuff... then all good. like clockwork it would be a day after each pin at 0.5mg.

so far this time no issue. wife is on 0.25mg with me as well. she can be sensitive to GI stuff and is all good so far.
i took the break bc COVID swept through our house and I was fuckin so beat down for 3ish weeks.

with Ozempec (/semaglutide) and even a mild fat burner and daily cardio the weight just flies off. I think I dropped 21lbs the first month and kept off 19 of them. I have another 50ish to lose to be single digits again, but hey. it's great shit.
last thing - I've had a life of GI issues where like, basically 20-45m after I eat, I just HAVE to shit. gluten free, tried everything, it's a constant.... except when I was on this stuff. it is the first thing that ever took it away. basically I trade off one big shit 24hrs post-pin per week vs daily shits after my first meal every day. we take it!
is this your first time?

I took a break until I got the new pen yesterday, and restarted at 0.25mg. first time 2 months ago I started 0.5mg. day after I had a nasty bout of, uh, stomach stuff... then all good. like clockwork it would be a day after each pin at 0.5mg.

so far this time no issue. wife is on 0.25mg with me as well. she can be sensitive to GI stuff and is all good so far.
i took the break bc COVID swept through our house and I was fuckin so beat down for 3ish weeks.

with Ozempec (/semaglutide) and even a mild fat burner and daily cardio the weight just flies off. I think I dropped 21lbs the first month and kept off 19 of them. I have another 50ish to lose to be single digits again, but hey. it's great shit.
last thing - I've had a life of GI issues where like, basically 20-45m after I eat, I just HAVE to shit. gluten free, tried everything, it's a constant.... except when I was on this stuff. it is the first thing that ever took it away. basically I trade off one big shit 24hrs post-pin per week vs daily shits after my first meal every day. we take it!
Yep. First shot was Monday night. Woke up Tuesday and I’m like yea fuck this. Nausea all day. It’s really only bad upon waking up. Have zero desire to eat at night also. I’ll have my shake after bjj and eat dinner an hour or 2 later. I’m not even hungry but force myself to eat because I skip breakfast. Hopefully it eases up.
Package landed, all looks good one pill is cracked but no biggie got all the stuff that tested well, tren And MENT. Thanks QS, will report back when I start fuckin trannies with tren. I’ll report back when I grow double ds on MENT. All jokes aside, it looks good and clean, no complaints and it was fast asf for international, took about 20 days.

Bpc seems to be working, using it for some overuse injuries and it fixes em right up.
This is the worst advice, but I'd just stick to Clenbuterol, T3 and DNP for weight loss. Personally only fuck with DNP. I'm an impatient idiot. But boy does it work. I've lost 25-30lbs in a month.
Didn’t that one guy say you’re only 130 lbs ‍
Injectables 10x10 mlDosagePrice ($)
Test E250 mg/ml65
Test C230 mg/ml70
Test P90 mg/ml60
Test U200 mg/ml70
Sustanon250 mg/ml65
Deca185 mg/ml70
NPP100 mg/ml65
Boldo U165 mg/ml70
Boldo Cyp200 mg/ml70
Tren E100 mg/ml100
Tren A100 mg/ml100
Tren H Parabolan100 mg/ml126
Mast E200 mg/ml100
Mast P100 mg/ml95
Primo E100 mg/ml140
Primo E200 mg/ml280
Winstrol50 mg/ml65
Trestolone Acetate (Ment)50 mg/ml180
Ripped: Test P/Mast P/Tren A300 mg/ml145
Bacteriostatic water0.9%BA25

e7ebe2e5-1d54-41bb-8766-4449c0e2f8bf.jpgTren a.jpegtest c.jpegBU.jpeg



RAWS 1 kilo pricesUSD ($)
Test E 330
Test C330
Test P 330
Sustanon 455
Deca 830
NPP 830
Boldo U 520
Boldo Cyp 550
Tren E 1885
Tren A 1885
Mast E 2280
Mast P 2280
Primo E 9800
Winstrol 1260
Dianabol 980
Anavar 2750
Turinabol 2270
tadalafil 320
Sildenafil 130
Flibanserin (Female viagra)990
Proviron 3380
Toremifene citrate8200
Orlistat 415
Phenibut 140

20220121_205132.jpgpygeum africanum extract.jpeg



Oralsdosage60tabs USD ($)600tabs USD ($)
Primo acetate75mg55250
Winstrol10 mg3095
Superdrol10 mg35170
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50 mg35120
Turinabol20 mg35200
Oxandrolone / Anavar20 mg35170
Oxandrolone / Anavar10 mg30160
Metandienone / Dianabol10 mg2595
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin10 mg50290
Methyltrienolone1 mg49180
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen20 mg25100
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg30120
Proviron25 mg45175
Letrozole1 mg40210
Exemestane / Aromasin10mg40170
Pramipexole1 mg49150
Vardenafil40 mg50180
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra100 mg35180
Tadalafil / Cialis40mg30180
Tadalafil / Cialis5mg25105
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg40170
MK677 Ibutamoren10 mg35140
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg40150
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg38150
SR900910 mg45180
GW074210 mg45200
GW501516 Cardarine10 mg38160
S410 mg40240
RAD14010 mg45280
S2310 mg40240
YK1110 mg45300
AICAR10 mg45380
DMAA50 mg35125
Dutasteride1 mg45100
Finasteride1 mg4075
telmisartan50 mg39180
Isotretinoin / Accutane10 mg40250
UDCA200 mg50150
Metformin200 mg30130

oraux.jpegtabs pictures.jpegqingdao tabs.jpeg

BULK TABS PRICES: 10.000 tabs
(1 box = 60 tabs)

10000tbs Anavar 20mg - $8.4/box
10000tbs Anavar 10 mg - $5.3/box

10000tbs Winstrol 50mg - $7.8/box
10000tbs Winstrol 10 mg - $4.4/box

10000tbs Dianabol 10 mg - $4.3/box

10000tbs Anadrol 50mg - $7.2/box

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