Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Buy with debit/credit card (or with Apple Pay and connect a card to that). With bank transfers, they will take 1 week to verify it before you can send the money out. If you're in the U.S. this is likely the case as I had issues w it prior when paying with bank, if you're not it could be something else.
You are going to have to walk this guy through every step. I'm not being a dick btw.
I hope not. Added heat from authorities is not needed.

At least until I get my final orders in, Q2 2024.
I’ve seen other Chinese companies selling finished oral aas tabs , thought it was highly illegal for companies to sell pills ? Will you be following suit @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ?
They used to sell oral tabs but they consitently came back underdosed.

Just buy oral raws and make oral suspensions. Easy peasy.
Buy with debit/credit card (or with Apple Pay and connect a card to that). With bank transfers, they will take 1 week to verify it before you can send the money out. If you're in the U.S. this is likely the case as I had issues w it prior when paying with bank, if you're not it could be something else.
bro coinbase is charging me $20 network fee $10 purchase fee
hoping BPC157 and TB500 come back to USA domestic list soon. I've only ordered Dom, and on the black Friday sale.
Is there a consensus on the best shipping option for an order that would all be coming INTL to USA?
reship? Express?. Pay for guarantee reshipp if seized?
Order wouldnt be huge, 100g or this raw, 50g of that raw, maybe 10box of peps. But all coming intl.
Thanks fellas
is this normal? I don't remember this in the past
I've used 4 exchanges and Coinbase is the only one that I had issues with. Multiple issues. Their support is slow AF and just shitty. I switched to Kraken and have had no issues. I bought bitcoin the other day and it took a matter of minutes from bank transfer to the BTC being in my exchange wallet to initiating the transfer to my wallet.

Transaction fees, you're at the mercy of the exchange. I paid less than that at Kraken, but I don't recall the price...~$9 maybe?

Network fees are always charged, they're based on how busy the network is. That seems high, but you can check the average fee on some websites. Or if you have a BTC wallet (not on an exchange) you can initiate a transfer (but don'' t complete it) to see what the current fees are.

Looks like fees are currently pretty high:
I've used 4 exchanges and Coinbase is the only one that I had issues with. Multiple issues. Their support is slow AF and just shitty. I switched to Kraken and have had no issues. I bought bitcoin the other day and it took a matter of minutes from bank transfer to the BTC being in my exchange wallet to initiating the transfer to my wallet.

Transaction fees, you're at the mercy of the exchange. I paid less than that at Kraken, but I don't recall the price...~$9 maybe?

Network fees are always charged, they're based on how busy the network is. That seems high, but you can check the average fee on some websites. Or if you have a BTC wallet (not on an exchange) you can initiate a transfer (but don'' t complete it) to see what the current fees are.

Looks like fees are currently pretty high:
If you can use kraken why wouldn’t you use usdt on solana or trx. It is way cheaper
You don't want to have kids anyway, they're a pain in the ass, they run around breaking everything, shitting their pants, and then when they get older they become ungrateful little smart asses, save your self the hassle, throw the hcg away and sleep well knowing the fish aren't migrating upstream.
Ugh too late my kids are grown and I’m sterile thanks to the vasectomy. I’m using hcg for the downstream neuro steroids that your balls normally produce like many other people.

Transparent reds tested at 4400
Awesome thank you! Do you have the jano test report? I certainly appreciate it. If you paid for the testing I’d be willing to chip in a little money for you sharing the info if you’d like.

coinbase is giving me a hard time too. trying to figure out the best platform as well. ppl recommended cash app and exodus to me. have not tried either yet.
Coinbase is trash use cashapp to exodus

Too lazy for that mate

Then go buy from someone else

You cannot do one thing right can you.
I’m really starting to think he’s autistic

hoping BPC157 and TB500 come back to USA domestic list soon. I've only ordered Dom, and on the black Friday sale.
Is there a consensus on the best shipping option for an order that would all be coming INTL to USA?
reship? Express?. Pay for guarantee reshipp if seized?
Order wouldnt be huge, 100g or this raw, 50g of that raw, maybe 10box of peps. But all coming intl.
Thanks fellas
All Intl orders to US are shipped US reship automatically unless you choose another method if I’m not mistaken. They were at one time because I asked and mine have always come that way. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is this still correct?