Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It’s true that wealthy use debt as a tool but the initial commenter is foolish.

They use “good” debt I.e.- mortgages, HELOCs to reinvest, security backed loans which is a way of getting cash for stocks tax free at low rates.

Credit card debt for grey market compounds is not the path to wealth. I can’t believe I had to type that
Loans to buy assets or build businesses
Not buying drugs with a high APR credit card lmao
0% APR, and I never carry a balance of there was
Just make a coinbase account and pay with crypto retard

I purchase crypto with my credit card, ~5k in last few months, don't know what you're on. Are you under the presumption that people only use crypto for illegal activity? You act like Alibaba looks super legit on your bank statement but Coinbase screams "I'm buying drugs overseas"
coinbase is taking a week to process my bitcoin purchase
0% APR, and I never carry a balance of there was
Bro that’s just a 0% consumer credit card. but that’s not close to the topic of utilizing debt as a tool to increase net worth.

In fact, I know you are trying to be responsible but if you truly wanted to maximize the benefits of that 0% debt what you would do is-

1. Open a high yield savings account or CD - net approx 5% right now.

2. Pay for everything on the card

3. Every dollar you would spend paying it off- put into the HYSA. Let the cc balance max out.

4. At the end of the 0% term- pay off fulll balance from that account.

5. Free money from that pool building 5% over the course of that time.
A few days ago i posted about the shipping company leaving me a voicemail for more info.

Tracy has reached out to me saying to send them ID and they will email it to the shipping company

I google it and apparently this is normal. Has anyone here had to do this before?
What would be the best course of action?
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Bro that’s just a 0% consumer credit card. but that’s not close to the topic of utilizing debt as a tool to increase net worth.

In fact, I know you are trying to be responsible but if you truly wanted to maximize the benefits of that 0% debt what you would do is-

1. Open a high yield savings account or CD - net approx 5% right now.

2. Pay for everything on the card

3. Every dollar you would spend paying it off- put into the HYSA. Let the cc balance max out.

4. At the end of the 0% term- pay off fulll balance from that account.

5. Free money from that pool building 5% over the course
Bro that’s just a 0% consumer credit card. but that’s not close to the topic of utilizing debt as a tool to increase net worth.

In fact, I know you are trying to be responsible but if you truly wanted to maximize the benefits of that 0% debt what you would do is-

1. Open a high yield savings account or CD - net approx 5% right now.

2. Pay for everything on the card

3. Every dollar you would spend paying it off- put into the HYSA. Let the cc balance max out.

4. At the end of the 0% term- pay off fulll balance from that account.

5. Free money from that pool building 5% over the course of that time.
Bro that’s just a 0% consumer credit card. but that’s not close to the topic of utilizing debt as a tool to increase net worth.

In fact, I know you are trying to be responsible but if you truly wanted to maximize the benefits of that 0% debt what you would do is-

1. Open a high yield savings account or CD - net approx 5% right now.

2. Pay for everything on the card

3. Every dollar you would spend paying it off- put into the HYSA. Let the cc balance max out.

4. At the end of the 0% term- pay off fulll balance from that account.

5. Free money from that pool building 5% over the course of that time.
That’s essentially what I’ve been doing, I’m saying I wouldn’t carry a balance if there was any APR besides 0%
its scary how stupid people are and how they THINK have a clue....
did u know that lower dollar increases investment in canada? ie makes canada richer? this is a CONSERVATIVE IDEA btw as obv more focused on getting investments...this may be confusing to you as stronger dollar means canada can BUY more per dollar out of country, but of course you are wrong. Canada and all countries get richer by selling resources, the more the better.... re china India.. there is a reason why they have more rich people per capita. scary thing is dumb dumbs getting confused by PP the conservative leader and think he is great.. 1 digital currency he is pushing is dangerous and made purely for control and tracking... y'all forget he is harpers little underling investing in Israel surveillance tech, and he was very much about more laws more servaliance more criminals...if think JT is bad, PP the guy who is multi millionaire and never worked outside politics and every one of his major platforms will make him much much richer...JT will go, 100%.. but PP is a VERY bad option for canada he and harper are both anti science and LOVE glyphosate and look to block(and have) any testing done on such products in the environment keeping people sick...

TRUST me that u dont want PPs 1 Digital currency/servalance state.. silly people believe it helps inflation when is directly connected to energy prices to produce ie will do nothing but burn more energy so cost goes up because IS money essentially.
There are pros and cons to both. Never once brought up Pierre Poilievre or your view on his digital currency that I know nothing about. Way to use what I said as a way to bring that up again randomly in a conversation that brings up 1 political policy.

And if that were true then no one would ever want a strong dollar you Muppet. It's more complicated than that and I know that too, but quit trying to make yourself sound smart while making the other person sound dumb when you are just as fuckin retarded as the next guy on here.
Just to close on this off-topic... All the tren guys etc.....I actually dated probably the hottest preop trans in my country (Im probably fucking doxxing myself, but whatever)......Her DMs and not just those were and are BOMBARDED by guys...including tren and dopamin agonist users.....
And lets say... generally....THEY ARE NOT LOOKING TO TOP HER....you can do that with cisgirl..... If you catch my drift about prostate ;-).
Dude who the fuck needed to know that, right when I open this goddamn forum just trying to get up to speed
Shiiiiitttt, I thought this page is all about asssteroids drug, why do I need to hear about all this investment and political bullshit. Can we go back to the subject like trannies and roids smuugled anally lmao
There are pros and cons to both. Never once brought up Pierre Poilievre or your view on his digital currency that I know nothing about. Way to use what I said as a way to bring that up again randomly in a conversation that brings up 1 political policy.

And if that were true then no one would ever want a strong dollar you Muppet. It's more complicated than that and I know that too, but quit trying to make yourself sound smart while making the other person sound dumb when you are just as fuckin retarded as the next guy on here.
the strong dollar has few advantages, this is why for example they raise interest rates. again, if selling to USA u want a cheaper dollar as sell 3x as much. also bring in tourism, investments etc which is how wealth is measured, how much shit u can sell to other countries. If your economy is 95% selling oil gas commodities(and sell FAAR more than consume) to other countries u want a weakfish dollar as a general rule.. of course there is a balance and canada like to stay ~75cent to USA...

anyhoo, point still stand about your brash off topic point was incorrect if not misguided re liberals lower dollar. trust me conservatives LOVE LOVE low dollar...and again, it truly scares me more than JT what PP would do to our country... if u think JT was about control I think we are in for very rude awakening... other conservative leaders at least were in the army, cared about canada and wanted folks to get along as had real world experience.

remember MUPPET u brought up the random police comment.. again, lacking perspective and logic my son.... kettle black and all that...
for those who used Test E, did they have PIP? Many UGLs have this problem, I was curious to know if Tracy's Test also had this problem
its scary how stupid people are and how they THINK have a clue....
did u know that lower dollar increases investment in canada? ie makes canada richer? this is a CONSERVATIVE IDEA btw as obv more focused on getting investments...this may be confusing to you as stronger dollar means canada can BUY more per dollar out of country, but of course you are wrong. Canada and all countries get richer by selling resources, the more the better.... re china India.. there is a reason why they have more rich people per capita. scary thing is dumb dumbs getting confused by PP the conservative leader and think he is great.. 1 digital currency he is pushing is dangerous and made purely for control and tracking... y'all forget he is harpers little underling investing in Israel surveillance tech, and he was very much about more laws more servaliance more criminals...if think JT is bad, PP the guy who is multi millionaire and never worked outside politics and every one of his major platforms will make him much much richer...JT will go, 100%.. but PP is a VERY bad option for canada he and harper are both anti science and LOVE glyphosate and look to block(and have) any testing done on such products in the environment keeping people sick...

TRUST me that u dont want PPs 1 Digital currency/servalance state.. silly people believe it helps inflation when is directly connected to energy prices to produce ie will do nothing but burn more energy so cost goes up because IS money essentially.
Meh. Good. Fuck em. I've been trying to talk to people about what's really going on but honestly, nobody wants to hear it. They're all having too much fun hating trudeau for ruining their lives. Let them vote in poilievre, then. Let them give him the majority so he can destroy this country. It's full of idiots anyways. Who honestly cares any more? I don't. Wtf are we really trying to save? A bunch of idiots? Fuck em. RIP Canada.
A few days ago i posted about the shipping company leaving me a voicemail for more info.

Tracy has reached out to me saying to send them ID and they will email it to the shipping company

I google it and apparently this is normal. Has anyone here had to do this before?
What would be the best course of action?
Send the i.d. right away... You don't want some innocent family member to be arrested when the feds come .. help them get the warrant ready
A few days ago i posted about the shipping company leaving me a voicemail for more info.

Tracy has reached out to me saying to send them ID and they will email it to the shipping company

I google it and apparently this is normal. Has anyone here had to do this before?
What would be the best course of action?
I’ve had to do this for freight but not for a package.
Was your order a pallet of peptides Lol.