Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You can’t purchase crypto with credit card, any crypto purchase through your bank is reported. Alibaba is billion dollar company, millions of people make everyday large purchases through it for legit products for resale you ignorant little fuck
I'm not poor so I don't need to buy crypto with a credit card, hope that helps.
would be cool if addressed recent issues with peptide dosages and semaglutide contaminations... has become more than a 1 or 2 off now...

anyone getting more concerned about what might be making the cloudy vials of tesemorelin etc?
Not to worry, they addressed it by raising their payment fees. They’re trying their best to reduce their customer base so they can get back to a sales volume they can handle.
Smart wealthy people build wealth using credit, debt and credit cards, life lesson 101
I do all of the above. But if I want to save that 5%, I can use crypto. If you don't want to save the 5%, use alibaba. Since you're not a poor the 5% shouldn't be an issue for you, right? :cool:

Feels good to not worry about that.
Late HCG testings has been all over 4000IU and many close to 5000IU for the HCG we advertise as 2500IU.
Do you know what color tops tested at what iu’s or are they all the same color tops? Since you fired the new engineer that was fucking them up would be nice to know at least relatively close to what iu we receive to properly dose. Last test posted in the testing thread was just over 2700iu but that was back in September. Obviously that’s different than the batches tested with the new engineers. Would love to see what batches shipped out the 2nd half of November tested at. I assume those have been sent for testing with results since you know that there was such a wide variance? I definitely ain’t complaining if they are closer to 4000-5000 iu’s instead of 2500 but it would be nice to know for proper dosing. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Do you know what color tops tested at what iu’s or are they all the same color tops? Since you fired the new engineer that was fucking them up would be nice to know at least relatively close to what iu we receive to properly dose. Last test posted in the testing thread was just over 2700iu but that was back in September. Obviously that’s different than the batches tested with the new engineers. Would love to see what batches shipped out the 2nd half of November tested at. I assume those have been sent for testing with results since you know that there was such a wide variance? I definitely ain’t complaining if they are closer to 4000-5000 iu’s instead of 2500 but it would be nice to know for proper dosing. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
HCG is always same color of tops, red, you can't distinguish them. having HCG overdosed doesn't really matter and if I haven't tell you, no one will notice because simply it changes nothing when it comes to feelz reports.
HCG is always same color of tops, red, you can't distinguish them. having HCG overdosed doesn't really matter and if I haven't tell you, no one will notice because simply it changes nothing when it comes to feelz reports.
Ok thanks for the response. Would you be willing to offer credit on next order if I sent mine for testing when I get it since the issues you’ve had with new engineer you had to let go? I’m not concerned with feels I’m more concerned with the proper dose for why I’m using it to begin with. Taking double the dose unknowingly can make a big difference if you’re someone who aromatizes higher levels into estrogen.
Ok thanks for the response. Would you be willing to offer credit on next order if I sent mine for testing when I get it since the issues you’ve had with new engineer you had to let go? I’m not concerned with feels I’m more concerned with the proper dose for why I’m using it to begin with. Taking double the dose unknowingly can make a big difference if you’re someone who aromatizes higher levels into estrogen.
The HCG was never done by him, so not concerned. The suspected peptides has been tested, and results has been posted.
Ok thanks for the response. Would you be willing to offer credit on next order if I sent mine for testing when I get it since the issues you’ve had with new engineer you had to let go? I’m not concerned with feels I’m more concerned with the proper dose for why I’m using it to begin with. Taking double the dose unknowingly can make a big difference if you’re someone who aromatizes higher levels into estrogen.
You don't want to have kids anyway, they're a pain in the ass, they run around breaking everything, shitting their pants, and then when they get older they become ungrateful little smart asses, save your self the hassle, throw the hcg away and sleep well knowing the fish aren't migrating upstream.
Do you know what color tops tested at what iu’s or are they all the same color tops? Since you fired the new engineer that was fucking them up would be nice to know at least relatively close to what iu we receive to properly dose. Last test posted in the testing thread was just over 2700iu but that was back in September. Obviously that’s different than the batches tested with the new engineers. Would love to see what batches shipped out the 2nd half of November tested at. I assume those have been sent for testing with results since you know that there was such a wide variance? I definitely ain’t complaining if they are closer to 4000-5000 iu’s instead of 2500 but it would be nice to know for proper dosing. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Transparent reds tested at 4400
Tracy how backed up are you on emails? Put in a request on Monday and haven't heard back which is a little bit later than usual. Thx
Smart wealthy people build wealth using credit, debt and credit cards, life lesson 101
Loans to buy assets or build businesses
Not buying drugs with a high APR credit card lmao

It’s true that wealthy use debt as a tool but the initial commenter is foolish.

They use “good” debt I.e.- mortgages, HELOCs to reinvest, security backed loans which is a way of getting cash for stocks tax free at low rates.

Credit card debt for grey market compounds is not the path to wealth. I can’t believe I had to type that
Literally everything you buy in Canada, unless it's made in Canada, already has the exchange rate factored into the price. And chances are even if it's made in canada it does also because the material to create was purchased out of country. If you haven't noticed that yet and you're still upset about it, might I suggest moving to the US where you don't have to pay it?

I'm willing to bet over 75% of the stuff you buy in Canada is marked up compared to the states. If you want to be upset over it don't get mad at the supplier. Get mad at the liberal government for their theory that a lower Canadian dollar is a good thing for everyone.

Edit: with the exchange rate and insurance, the BF sale was actually $81 a kit for the HGH. And I'm STILL pumped about that price

its scary how stupid people are and how they THINK have a clue....
did u know that lower dollar increases investment in canada? ie makes canada richer? this is a CONSERVATIVE IDEA btw as obv more focused on getting investments...this may be confusing to you as stronger dollar means canada can BUY more per dollar out of country, but of course you are wrong. Canada and all countries get richer by selling resources, the more the better.... re china India.. there is a reason why they have more rich people per capita. scary thing is dumb dumbs getting confused by PP the conservative leader and think he is great.. 1 digital currency he is pushing is dangerous and made purely for control and tracking... y'all forget he is harpers little underling investing in Israel surveillance tech, and he was very much about more laws more servaliance more criminals...if think JT is bad, PP the guy who is multi millionaire and never worked outside politics and every one of his major platforms will make him much much richer...JT will go, 100%.. but PP is a VERY bad option for canada he and harper are both anti science and LOVE glyphosate and look to block(and have) any testing done on such products in the environment keeping people sick...

TRUST me that u dont want PPs 1 Digital currency/servalance state.. silly people believe it helps inflation when is directly connected to energy prices to produce ie will do nothing but burn more energy so cost goes up because IS money essentially.