Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This thread is gone.. pray for 2024
To lose about 50 delinquents from here at least , let them all inject however the new tik tok top influencers says lol./ idiots .. move on
MO the science is quite clear that SubQ injections are very viable, but for whatever reason bodybuilders are some of the worst I've seen about getting irrationally angry at anything evolving or changing. This is definitely one of those situations.
SQ preparations are based on chlorobutanol dissolved testosterone NOT oily BA/BB containing preparations. Twisting science to justify stupidity is admirable, but still stupid.
I only dropped in to see what the verdict was on these guys gear since there prices are ridiculously good, but since im here il give my 2 cents.


I went down the same path a few years ago thinking oh absorption rates are slower in fat so my levels will stay more stable as its absorbing slower.. NO!


So yeah just dont do it, unless you like risking infection and wasting gear.

Ps. Has anyone had testing done on these guys primo e? Whats the verdict?
There is a recent one for the 100mg/ml version, with really good results.
For the 200mg version i cant find any. But some guy reported fresh pubes , 1 - 2 months back.

I ordered the 200mg/ml and as always im wondering about my life choices
Then why does it say it on every injectable medication I buy? My RX deca, UGL testosterone, even water based birth control shots say for intramuscular use only?

Do whatever you want but stop pretending subq has been mainstream for 70 years. If the drug maker says use intramuscular, They designed it to be used that way and intend for it to be used that way.

It’s because that dude is full of shit. If it’s oil based, it is not meant to go subq. It’s for IM.
Care to post some literature?

All of the research development for injecting steroids has been focused on injecting less and less frequently. This is done by a pocket of oil being deposited in the muscle where it slowly releases over time. Injecting subq is the opposite of that. There’s certainly no research being done on how to make injections MORE frequent. Fringe TRT clinics don’t count as literature.

SubQ appears to be a viable method of administration from these studies:

*note this all TRT/cruising. Not blasting larger volumes.

Do you have any studies showing negative effects of subq?

Manufacturer's probably say "for IM use only" as a CYA/legal thing.
What is the average waiting time for a reply via email from this source lately?
Whatsapp is answered within a few hours, typically. I sent a message on Christmas eve. Got a wallet addy and paid Christmas morning. Shipped out on the 26th. Received on the 28th. Local warehouse, of course...
Email takes longer. A couple days right now, if I'm not mistaken. ymmv
SubQ appears to be a viable method of administration from these studies:

*note this all TRT/cruising. Not blasting larger volumes.

Do you have any studies showing negative effects of subq?

Manufacturer's probably say "for IM use only" as a CYA/legal thing.
This is where literature, even a study =/= real world. I promise you, subq is miserable. I even tried to split daily doses into 0.15cc 2x a day. Absolutely miserable
I placed a stateside order on Christmas eve and received part one today! Part two is expected tomorrow. I had shitty coke dealers take longer, back in the day.
Also, I was a week later than most reporting to Tracy that my Black Friday was returned by the fucking Teamsters (AKA DHL strike). But they were quick to get me a re-ship label. We’ll see if the “Label+20days” ship time from my previous international shipments stands true.
I’ll be sending off to Jano for several tests.
Still another happy customer.


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