Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The person driving this seems to be trying to make it specifically in source threads, to call them out for selling us potentially toxic gear all along.
Started with a thread to introduce the concept. Now selectively reaching out to Subscribers to get their thoughts and interest. One of them immediately stated they would participate. We will see.

I never accused anyone of selling toxic gear although you did put that "potentially" modifier in there. That would be a premature conclusion without the data. I am looking forward to see what we learn about the unique impurity profiles in various AAS products and variability among raw sources.
Excellent thread.

Stay there.
Thanks. That won't be possible. Although my presence in threads like these will be much more effective if each one of my posts isn't followed by 10 flaming messages. Either way, no problem for me. Change management is hard, I understand.
Thanks. That won't be possible. Although my presence in threads like these will be much more effective if each one of my posts isn't followed by 10 flaming messages. Either way, no problem for me.
I just figured why the banned you from EM and TNation. You are just an annoying little knowitall wannabe.

Thanks. That won't be possible. Although my presence in threads like these will be much more effective if each one of my posts isn't followed by 10 flaming messages. Either way, no problem for me. Change management is hard, I understand.
Did anybody tell you before that you're a nuisance pompous phallus? All your over the top expressions and scientific studies and contrived arguments sound so false and pretentious. You started your own little thread, stick to it and talk to your groupies and play management as much as you like.
I just figured why the banned you from EM and TNation. You are just an annoying little knowitall wannabe.

I don't think you do know why for each of those forums. But it is out there to read if you are curious. Many people don't seem to enjoy facts and being called out on their bullshit.
Thanks. That won't be possible. Although my presence in threads like these will be much more effective if each one of my posts isn't followed by 10 flaming messages. Either way, no problem for me. Change management is hard, I understand.
Narta has a very fragile ego. If you don't eat his insults, he'll just block you. Which works out well for everyone involved, I suppose.
Narta has a very fragile ego. If you don't eat his insults, he'll just block you. Which works out well for everyone involved, I suppose.
Ignoring someone seems weak unless they really just show absolutely zero good faith. Thanks for the intel. I see some folks coming around. My mindset is like kudzu...slow and steady. Except in a good way to the neighboring life forms.
And here it is one more time so I hopefully don't have to read again about that "heavy metals testing douche". Take your time. Read.

Would love you thoughts @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals . Great opportunity here to be part of the next generation of ugl harm reduction. Everyone will benefit from the information.
And here it is one more time so I hopefully don't have to read again about that "heavy metals testing douche". Take your time. Read.

Would love you thoughts @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals . Great opportunity here to be part of the next generation of ugl harm reduction. Everyone will benefit from the information.
You need to email him or use whatsapp for faster response. If he doesn’t answer, keep sending lol
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Tracy, you been hacked on Whatsapp?
Sent my sale order in last night and received the following this morning for my crypto order.

Yes, it’s the correct Whatsapp number. Same one on the price list. Same one I always use.
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