Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Wish this thread had more in the way of experiences and reviews.

Ordered a few of the 15IU kits from the Aus domestic warehouse around New Years. Was a bit suss as to the concentration given the most recent Janoshik test of that batch was late 2022, though in practice I doubt they'd have degraded much unless something had gone extremely wrong, and even if it had, at that pricepoint a bit of loss would still have been absolutely permissible.

Have been taking it for 10 days at 4IU daily, and already getting all the textbook positive effects of genuine GH: increased glycogen and water retention, more rested off of less sleep, joints feel good; skin changes and improved fat distribution/deposition will come but aren't noticable yet, though will report back once it does. Ain't my first rodeo with GH.

Though the biggest tell of genuine GH for me is always invariably my hair growth, and this batch well and truly passes that test. I had a near militant cut on the 2nd, and its already an inch or two longer; if only the same growth could occur elsewhere aye

Irregardless, good stuff
It's like there is a stupid cunt quota on this forum. I ignore one and then a new stupid cunt steps up to take the old stupid cunt place.
You are the new stupid cunt I guess.
lol, again, I love how folks call me stupid when provide facts. its not like I am pulling this out of thin air. sometimes its important to maybe question your core beliefs, may expand your world and understanding of it.
lol, again, I love how folks call me stupid when provide facts. its not like I am pulling this out of thin air. sometimes its important to maybe question your core beliefs, may expand your world and understanding of it.
alot of us thing you are stupid. you are definitely a long reigning clown here.

I am gonna put you on ignore too so I can filter out your stupidity.


feels good man. my first ignore
Move to a country that possession of steroids in not illegal.

This ^^ the amount of posts talking about feds and being busted, paying bitcoin and crap. Americans talk on here like their el chappo ! Is the us government really bothered about some gym rat buy 20-30 vials of aas ? Uk government couldn’t care less ! I’ve had 60 vials of test and deca seized before with labels on and they still let them through
I have 10 kits of the 10iu black tops from the first sale. Was doing 2/4iu split just fine, but I got greedy and bumped up the PM dose too quickly and now I have horrible paresthesia in my right arm that has made my sleep terrible.

I blame Tracy for sending me the good, fresh GH.

I was also going to blame him for me getting fat over the Christmas holidays without the Tirz that was en route, but it did arrive, and I'm down 5lbs.
I doubt that rating system factors in semi automatic weapon ownership.

plenty of other lists say the same thing..... there is a reason USA has most people locked up per capita, and its not cause they are free.. but yes you are right, FAR more free to shoot people in the USA.. and yes we are required by law not to be dumb and wear helmets on motorbikes too, and no booze in every gas station, but you can legally get killed in canada! gay marriage, abortion, legal weed, euthanasia.. very progressive and free!

anyway, hopefully will make you want to look into what freedom really looks like, and maybe things you have been told your whole life aren't as self evident as you may think....

Even the most basic common firearms are semi automatic. That's not saying much.

Compare Midwest USA to Canada wrt "freedom."
I've tried things like this before where nobody knew. So far with every trial I've done, it turned out it wouldn't hold. But all of mine were trying to avoid EO and Guiacol.

Luckily it's easy enough to dilute it and re-filter and end up with a more typical concentration. So worth playing around with, especially at the price of these raws.

You've tried to brew 250mg/ml trest or tren?

I did 1/20 MCT tren and it would crash after 2-3 days (and eventually I'd ruin a vial because I leave it on the hotplate just a little too long). So it was close to being stable, just a pain in the ass.

last time I brewed trest was just 1/20 MCT because no one mentions higher brews with it, but I really want to.

I try to brew everything at 250mg/ml for convenience. Plus it all starts to add up in a single 1ml syringe when you got test, DHB (which I don't think really *can* be brewed above 100mg/ml due to PIP), and whatever else you like to add.

I was thinking of doing 1/30/EO and using completely EO for future hard to hold brews.
yes I got a 24 hours ban for some list posted 5th january, it's a new forum rule, I should switch to pastebin. Unfortunately my price list is too long and cannot host lab tests in the pastebin, so it's easier to send it by whatsaap or email than post it.

Please do pastebins too. Maybe this is a lot of work so not worth it. But I find pastebins very convenient.
Has anyone tried GH in 5x42UI cartridges? I've always used the classic 10-unit version and it's excellent, but now since it's out of stock in the EU and there's a small shipping stop from China, I wanted to know if anyone had tried this type?
Any testing on the black top 10iu hgh that are shipping from the US warehouse rn? The link in the price list is the test from the blue tops from a while ago. Mainly interested if they're 12iu like the blues, or actually 10iu as advertised. Thinking of going from 3iu/day to 4...
Igf-1 on 3iu/day on blue tops. Screenshot_20240117_060037_Gmail.jpg