Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Has anyone tried GH in 5x42UI cartridges? I've always used the classic 10-unit version and it's excellent, but now since it's out of stock in the EU and there's a small shipping stop from China, I wanted to know if anyone had tried this type?
Yes, it’s also excellent, however the cartridges are more fragile in shipping in my experience. I had 3/10 break in my last shipment - 1 just the BAC, the other two were shattered and a complete loss. Thankfully the outer package was well taped and not wet. Tracey is helping out on the broken cartridges which I appreciate.
You've tried to brew 250mg/ml trest or tren?

I did 1/20 MCT tren and it would crash after 2-3 days (and eventually I'd ruin a vial because I leave it on the hotplate just a little too long). So it was close to being stable, just a pain in the ass.

last time I brewed trest was just 1/20 MCT because no one mentions higher brews with it, but I really want to.

I try to brew everything at 250mg/ml for convenience. Plus it all starts to add up in a single 1ml syringe when you got test, DHB (which I don't think really *can* be brewed above 100mg/ml due to PIP), and whatever else you like to add.

I was thinking of doing 1/30/EO and using completely EO for future hard to hold brews.
I assume you are talking about the enanthate ester cause acetate will not remain dissolved at those high concentrations. Have you tried adding benzyl benzoate as an additional solvent?
I assume you are talking about the enanthate ester cause acetate will not remain dissolved at those high concentrations. Have you tried adding benzyl benzoate as an additional solvent?

1/20 referring to BA/BB, and i"m talking about tren ace. 1/20/MCT held 250mg/ml tren for about 2-3 days at which point it'd crash and I'd have to heat it for a minute on a hot plate.

I'm also curious if BB is even necessary if you use EO, since EO is a solvent basically?
Pack handed over to customs after 24 days in transit to Canada. Let's see if it goes through lol any other Canadians get stuff seized through BC customs?
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Anyone got an update list, can’t get a reply on WhatsApp’s for a new one.. everyone is to busy I’m sure last thing they make time for is sending out new list request now that we can’t get one posted anymore. Which is silly but we gotta all follow the rules ;)
This ^^ the amount of posts talking about feds and being busted, paying bitcoin and crap. Americans talk on here like their el chappo ! Is the us government really bothered about some gym rat buy 20-30 vials of aas ? Uk government couldn’t care less ! I’ve had 60 vials of test and deca seized before with labels on and they still let them through
there is a reason more people are in jail in USA than any other country..
I can feel the pip by just reading that.
High bb doesn't cause pip. I have made EQ at 500mg/ml pure bb/ba - 2/50 (forgot the oil like a novice dumbass I was) no pip.

High BA on the other hand being an alcohol WILL sting at >5% (QV Test ftPain)