Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Don't like facts?
You ain't great or free either.
Watch ep 1 newsroom.
Its actually factual.
Except you dropped worse on all stats since.
Except incarnation
You make my arguments for me. little advice, stop following communist propaganda, you moron.
You make my arguments for me. little advice, stop following communist propaganda, you moron.
Point proven.
Probably prey guns will quit killing kids to.
Perfect example of a broken education system.
Lowest iq of all industrialized nations.
Only one without Healthcare.
Just brain dead and brainwashed.
I'll be back in about 2mos to make another order so have fun crying Karen's
My job is done.
Screw the US and their terrorist military.
You make my arguments for me. little advice, stop following communist propaganda, you moron.
I have nothing to do with the American continent but he's got a point. USA is retarded as a nation (no offence to the USA bros here) based on the UN reports over the years and common sense
several peptides were contaminated with semaglutide... jano went above and beyond and Idd the unknown compounds in the peptides.

in china to sell they need a COA, obv often fake, but at least some labs test there product internally if at least are on the grey market...
What makes you think Janoshik went above and beyond? He has plenty of tests that have shown improperly labeled compounds or contamination from other vendors. I would say that's his normal protocol.

He's doing blind testing. One would assume his methods have the ability to identify multiple oils/peptides/etc by peak retention times. Which means those test results showing one compound at 98.5% purity don't detect any other significant peaks. When there is another significant peak he identifies it on the test result.

Same concept for oil blends. He doesn't know if it's 1 compound or multiple before the test. He reports what the machine detects.

Considering the amount of testing this rep has conducted; it's safe to assume contamination of peptides is rare. Add that to the fact that most of their items are now being tested by Janoshik before they're sold that rare event is even less likely to occur.

Did you see this internal COA? I can't recall this company using an internal COA except very early into coming to Meso. Everything here is either designated as "untested" or has a Janoshik test at this point.

So what I'm saying is think you're slightly confused and making up additional details to fit your narrative. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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I thought that with the bank transfer it was the same as with Alibaba. but weeks go by and I still don't have a shipping number. I'll go back to the old way.
several peptides were contaminated with semaglutide... jano went above and beyond and Idd the unknown compounds in the peptides.

in china to sell they need a COA, obv often fake, but at least some labs test there product internally if at least are on the grey market...
So the PEA raws I bought from Alibaba from "verified seller" is likely fake?
What makes you think Janoshik went above and beyond? He has plenty of tests that have shown improperly labeled compounds or contamination from other vendors. I would say that's his normal protocol.
sorry you are incorrect, its not normal to ID contaminations no. conflating different things ID/dosage of powder or oil, VS IDing AND measuring contaminations at 1% or less.
So the PEA raws I bought from Alibaba from "verified seller" is likely fake?
lol, COA probably is... heck well known supplements in america fuck things up... never mind china... probably fine, but always like American COA so better idea of heavy metals and shit. may be getting premium shit, or seconds they cant even sell to India. when supplements are just as cheap as filler at least you know its not cut lol
I'm curious too. I ordered almost 10 days ago with shipping via EU Special line and I still don't have tracking.
As well, but if I remember from a former purchase I didn't receive tracking until it was actually in the US, which was sketchy as fuck but whatever. Probably don't want dumb asses instantly checking it.
As well, but if I remember from a former purchase I didn't receive tracking until it was actually in the US, which was sketchy as fuck but whatever. Probably don't want dumb asses instantly checking it.
If you use the re ship method, The tracking number doesn't work until it's in the USA. So giving it early will be meaningless
If you use the re ship method, The tracking number doesn't work until it's in the USA. So giving it early will be meaningless
I did, I just remember the 1st time I got it and didn't have updates yeah. I did in fact check it like a dumbass on track17 lmaoo. I just don't like not having a "confirmation" that my payment was sent.
I'm curious too. I ordered almost 10 days ago with shipping via EU Special line and I still don't have tracking.
As well, but if I remember from a former purchase I didn't receive tracking until it was actually in the US, which was sketchy as fuck but whatever. Probably don't want dumb asses instantly checking it.
Ordered New Years promo and got tracking exactly 10 days after payment
They did confirm 4 days after payment though
I personally have not got any floaters but with how cheap the oil is, I decided it's worth the effort for safety and peace of mind to filter with high quality Whatman filters into new sterile vials that have higher quality stoppers. I think other's also recommended that too
That’s what I’m doing, I’ve already gotten through nearly 3 vials of NPP until I thought about it lol haven’t experienced any issues.. Paying the extra $100-$150 for a kit to filter is still half the price of 100ml from a domestics source. It’s good shit too, no pip.
That’s what I’m doing, I’ve already gotten through nearly 2 vials of NPP until I thought about it lol haven’t experienced any issues.. Paying the extra $100-$150 for a kit to filter is still half the price of 100ml from a domestics source. It’s good shit too, no pip.
If you are gonna filter, might as well get raws and make it yourself imo