Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just out of curiosity, how low does the bar have to go for you? Like how little quality control would you tolerate with something you are INJECTING into your body?
Buddy just make your own gear.
I agree it shouldn't happen but I've experienced floaters occasionally from sources everywhere that are cheap.
I think if you want these prices then order the raws and ensure quality filtering for yourself.
Buddy just make your own gear.
I agree it shouldn't happen but I've experienced floaters occasionally from sources everywhere that are cheap.
I think if you want these prices then order the raws and ensure quality filtering for yourself.
Make my own gear?
You missed the point entirely. Do you want to source gear on a board that tolerates these shitty standards? Or do you want to call it out when you see it and set the bar higher? A chains only as good as its weakest link.
It's REALLY not that hard to stop this from happening. Enjoy your stringy, sweatshop, steroids. I'll spend an extra few coins for some stuff I know is clean.
Buddy just make your own gear.
I agree it shouldn't happen but I've experienced floaters occasionally from sources everywhere that are cheap.
I think if you want these prices then order the raws and ensure quality filtering for yourself.
Nah it’s easier for these types of guys to come in here and cry about it opposed to focusing on what they can control lol if anything the he needs to invest in an aromatase inhibitor.
Nah it’s easier for these types of guys to come in here and cry about it opposed to focusing on what they can control lol if anything the he needs to invest in an aromatase inhibitor.
Dodge questions, make excuses and apologies for shitty sub par standards.

Thats all I've seen you do so far.
If you’re that apprehensive, then this space is not for you lmao. All of it is underground and unregulated. Most, if not all of the raw compounds come from this place we’re discussing lol, and you have no clue on any source’s quality control aside from what they claim over the internet. They could be reusing the same filter or rinsing out recycled vials with hot tap water for all you know, so while you’re tweaked out and losing sleep over it, I’m gonna sleep no different than I would any other night while making gains in the process.
You don't seem to grasp the main purpose of this forum. Harm reduction. Holding sources accountable and demanding standards of quality is a big part of harm reduction. If you are happy to spin the wheel and inject whatever that's your business, but your mentality is reckless. You may not care much about your body or health as long as you're getting "sick gains" but you're on the wrong forum for that mindset. Street junkies end up with blood born diseases, necrotic limbs, and systemic disease due to dirty bad product and poor methods of consumption. If you want to follow those foot steps good luck to you.

Edit: most sources don't get their raws from QSC, QSC doesn't even make raws. You think there's 1 lab in all of China that makes AAS? I can tell you're young and read enough to kind of sound like you know a few things, but your arrogance and ignorance are going to backfire miserably.
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I can honestly say if I ever got an infection or an abscess from gear I'd probably switch ugl vendors, unless they reimbursed me for the product.
When you get your $30 store credit from the UGL offer that to the hospital billing department in trade to cover the bill. I'm certain they will take you up on that incredible deal.
You don't seem to grasp the main purpose of this forum. Harm reduction. Holding sources accountable and demanding standards of quality is a big part of harm reduction. If you are happy to spin the wheel and inject whatever that's your business, but your mentality is reckless. You may not care much about your body or health as long as you're getting "sick gains" but you're on the wrong forum for that mindset. Street junkies end up with blood born diseases, necrotic limbs, and systemic disease due to dirty bad product and poor methods of consumption. If you want to follow those foot steps good luck to you.
Holy fack buddy, I don’t know what you wanna hear, nor what you guys think this is going to accomplish lol you whining on the thread of the source where your domestic source most likely gets their raws from. I’m simply just stating that I focus on what I can control, it makes life a lot more stress free. A Whatman filter is $10…
When you get your $30 store credit from the UGL offer that to the hospital billing department in trade to cover the bill. I'm certain they will take you up on that incredible deal.
Just so happens my co-pay is $30. In all seriousness though I've never had any issues other than some pip here and there and I haven't seen anyone post about any infections on QSC from their gear. Yeah I've seen pictures of floaters, and a lot of bitching and moaning too but right along with some stellar ideas, filter your dirt cheap gear or brew your own. I'm not opposed to a little more quality control but unfortunately these guys aren't governed by the fda and as long as people like me are going to keep buying it, and I am, and nobody is getting hurt, the complainers are wasting their time bitching on a thread who's vendors gear they don't even use.
Dodge questions, make excuses and apologies for shitty sub par standards.

Thats all I've seen you do so far.
If I remember correctly they had a situation where people complained like a year ago they shut down for a little bit ordering certain things and they fired someone got someone new and opened back up and this is now the first time seeing this again now. During the whole span I have not seen one report of an infection and my God I doubt people are even that great at proper injection prep and all that lol so I'm not encouraging people to not say anything if something happens but holy shit no one is getting hurt and now if there is a problem I'm pretty sure it will be fixed. Just saying this from experience with the source so I'm not just trying to stick up for whatever. I'm just saying I've seen something before and the problem was fixed.
Just so happens my co-pay is $30. In all seriousness though I've never had any issues other than some pip here and there and I haven't seen anyone post about any infections on QSC from their gear. Yeah I've seen pictures of floaters, and a lot of bitching and moaning too but right along with some stellar ideas, filter your dirt cheap gear or brew your own. I'm not opposed to a little more quality control but unfortunately these guys aren't governed by the fda and as long as people like me are going to keep buying it, and I am, and nobody is getting hurt, the complainers are wasting their time bitching on a thread who's vendors gear they don't even use.
My read is that QSC uses BB and BA in the correct proportions, and that they do filter the product using 0.2 micron bacteriological filters, but that they brew enormous batches, probably upward of 10 liters at a time, and they probably use a very strong vacuum pump to pull all of that through the filter, which rips some fibers out in the process. They also cut costs by using cheap vials. The result is that there's some sterile foreign bodies in the finished oil.

Could be wrong, but it's what makes sense to me, since otherwise we'd see actual infections. My take away is that a secondary bac filter into fresh vials is probably overkill, but you do want to be using at least a 5 micron filter so that you aren't injecting debris.
You don't seem to grasp the main purpose of this forum. Harm reduction. Holding sources accountable and demanding standards of quality is a big part of harm reduction. If you are happy to spin the wheel and inject whatever that's your business, but your mentality is reckless. You may not care much about your body or health as long as you're getting "sick gains" but you're on the wrong forum for that mindset. Street junkies end up with blood born diseases, necrotic limbs, and systemic disease due to dirty bad product and poor methods of consumption. If you want to follow those foot steps good luck to you.

Edit: most sources don't get their raws from QSC, QSC doesn't even make raws. You think there's 1 lab in all of China that makes AAS? I can tell you're young and read enough to kind of sound like you know a few things, but your arrogance and ignorance are going to backfire miserably.
When everyone knows the quality of the product and they still order from the source because its cheap, the problem isn’t the source anymore. The consumer has the right to where to spend his money, the forum has done its job to warn them, it ends there; after that, its just interfering with someone’s preference.

So, we have already established that there are people who will rather spend money on filters rather than pay for more expensive finished products with no floaters, the vendor knows this too.

Ideally, people should stop buying until they improve their quality, you can help by using your buying power. So, if you want change don’t buy!
That’s gayer than Joe Biden sucking Trump’s dick at a KKK-LGBTQ rally during Gay Pride Month at a San Francisco MAGA Rally on a Sunday in the fucking Tenderloin.

But okay, I will do that. Thanks, man.
Rumor has it that it automatically sends a list now but I haven't tried yet.