Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It is my belief that bigtrenbowl is rampantly abusing his power of downvoting. With great power ...

Happy Look Of Love GIF by Northern Ireland
Tbh I was a an iv drug user on and off for 20 years of my life ( clean from narcotics, alcohol, and tobacco for over 5 years now) however I have Injected pond water, creek water and hell I even put 40 units of beer once on half a gram of meth and I yes it stung like a mf for a minute. So don't take my word for it. When I here you saying your worried about bac water might go bad I'm like wtf. Opps did i just say all that...Please don't judge me.
This is the type of shit I tell myself when I get paranoid about infections. I still practice good cleaning practices and not re using syringes/needles, but drug addicts aren't the epitome of health and most of them are still walking around with all their limbs.
The price difference is enough for me to pick R as well. $25 OTC vs ordering ugl rapid for $125+shipping and not knowing how it's been stored. I'm no professional bodybuilder either nor will I ever be. I usually just use it pre-workout with carbs, sip on carbs during the workout, and have a big meal

YouTube how to buy and send crypto from whatever app you're using
Ok will do. Any preference on a trustworthy app? That's where my hesitation comes in. Also I read on here it's better to use usdt since it converts better but idk what that is. Is it the same process as crypto?
This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a week, and that's saying something.

If you thought this was credible, you shouldn't be using steroids because you don't understand them at the most basic level. I'm not even joking.
Sure thing there because an ester has nothing to do with how the hormone regulates itself within the body due to the time of the release.

you come here with nothing but blank statements and expect to be taken serious. whats next? vaccines are safe and effective lol
Did you ever get a package or a reply?
Touchdown on the us domestic order! I moved to whatsapp and the order was shipped in a few days and showed up in my mailbox today.

The November 4 order was international and was quite large. Believe it or not, it is still floating back and forth in Jamaica, new york. I assume it's lost or seized, although I never got a letter. Finally received the reship tracking yesterday. Probably would have reshipped sooner but they were out of one of the items I had ordered. All is well...and valuable lesson learned. International? Never again.

Thanks for checkin HeavyLiftr!!
Sure thing there because an ester has nothing to do with how the hormone regulates itself within the body due to the time of the release.

you come here with nothing but blank statements and expect to be taken serious. whats next? vaccines are safe and effective lol
Have you heard of polio? Or they didn’t teach proper history lessons where you’re from.
I'm not arguing wether or not you have symptoms of scar tissue. I'm simply saying that if you've inserted steal into your soft tissue for as long as you say you have, then you have scar tissue.
Ok mate, point taken.

FWIW, I usually (deliberately) word it as “no evidence / no symptoms of scar tissue” when I discuss this subject, but didn’t do that when I made my initial post on this topic in this thread, which in hindsight was a mistake.