Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don't know the full context here but 3 months might not be uncommon if seizures/reships/holidays are in the mix. Otherwise it's too long.

Are you using Whatsapp? That seems to be the fastest way to get a reply (unless maybe that's just for ordering).
Thanks for askin man. Got the reship tracking this morning, very cool. I guess this is all part of the game right? All of my other orders were fairly quick, super quick on the us domestic, a few weeks on the international. But this was just bizarre. Other members who had early November orders posted that they were still waiting for theirs too, so maybe a group of them were lost or seized, not sure. But Tracy came thru. So yeah, every once in a while, you gotta be really patient and let the process play out. And of course, have a stockpile jic. It's all good.
Do you also plan on brewing test deconate? Its supposed to stop the hairloss you might get from other esters.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7A5hlOXtI&ab_channel=TaeianClark

lol I wonder if this guy happens to sell compounded test products... funny he doesn't mention DHT....lol. its pretty crazy now days and tube gurus who read a study extract something often not related to scope of the study and often goes against decades of research and than say they have some 100% accurate info that they then will sell u. Its shit like that and making unsubstantiated claims is what is going to cut compounding off at the knees. esp with places just here for the $$$$, as I am not certain they source or test any better than supplement companies that say 3rd party tested but over and over get busted for mis dosed, or contaminated product. its like those compounding pharmacies selling peptides, because 99% are not FDA approved, there isn't really true GMP for those products as I understand it. ie they just sell the same stuff from china although at least some testing done. They cant monitor for safety like true pharma, no recourse for contaminated product. basically the compounding pharmacies get all the $$$ but little liability. no ones testing the new techs batch of capsules for dosage variance sometimes a batch is only 100 capsules...anyway, dont trust "gurus' who are financially invested.
how do you remember to breathe

y'all this guy thinks polio vaccines are poison but it's totally fine to shoot Chinese mystery oil into your ass
some people lack logical consistency.. would rather catch virus to build immune system, yet MANY virus give you cancer, increase heart disease etc, heck normal oldschool flu they think almost 50% of young males get carditis, never mind covid which is much much worse and you dont catch flu every year like covid, no wonder we see so much increases in heart issues, will be interesting how these 3-5yo end up when 30 yo after so many reinfections.. not thinking that tiny parts of virus obv activate same immune response ie give aches and pains like viral infection, but than you end up either not catching the virus OR being able to get rid of it faster.. new study just showed pregnant mothers who got covid while pregnant had kids with higher inflammatory markers, all they know is that kids born now from infected mothers are having more severe respiratory issues (even though not currently infected when born), they dont know what it may mean for this generation, may increase autism or cancer or chronic heart or lung issues like asthma COPD etc. BUT while mothers who were injected while pregnant had kids with LESS inflammatory markers... pretty interesting. that is all to say, spike protein is bad, but you get FAR more from infection and you get more when un vaxed. so if afraid of measured dose of spike protein, should be terrified of infection, but of course that means logical consistency.

anyway, off topic of off topic..... all I know is more vax =less excess deaths, many people are harmed and even killed from antibiotics every year, never mind OTC Tylenol.. both are safe and effective IMO but they do end up killing thousands every year...its just again hard for people to maintain logical consistency...Will say it again, if think vax was moved to fast to market you need to blame TRUMP WARP SPEED VAX... never forget REAL lockdowns were under TRUMP, never mind HUGE bailouts and giving away money for covid! but again folks have big disconnect to reality..
Ok mate, point taken.

FWIW, I usually (deliberately) word it as “no evidence / no symptoms of scar tissue” when I discuss this subject, but didn’t do that when I made my initial post on this topic in this thread, which in hindsight was a mistake.
Having just looked again at my initial post, it turns out I did in fact say “no evidence of scar tissue”.

Pedantic Bastard Mode OFF
lol I wonder if this guy happens to sell compounded test products... funny he doesn't mention DHT....lol. its pretty crazy now days and tube gurus who read a study extract something often not related to scope of the study and often goes against decades of research and than say they have some 100% accurate info that they then will sell u. Its shit like that and making unsubstantiated claims is what is going to cut compounding off at the knees. esp with places just here for the $$$$, as I am not certain they source or test any better than supplement companies that say 3rd party tested but over and over get busted for mis dosed, or contaminated product. its like those compounding pharmacies selling peptides, because 99% are not FDA approved, there isn't really true GMP for those products as I understand it. ie they just sell the same stuff from china although at least some testing done. They cant monitor for safety like true pharma, no recourse for contaminated product. basically the compounding pharmacies get all the $$$ but little liability. no ones testing the new techs batch of capsules for dosage variance sometimes a batch is only 100 capsules...anyway, dont trust "gurus' who are financially invested.
Speaking of compounding pharmacies, the craziest shit is that because Ozempic is on the FDA shortage list, you have these companies (Henry, Ro, etc) LEGALLY repackaging QSC Semaglutide and selling it to people for $300/mo, it's seriously the most unbelievable grift ever
I have wondered. Do you in fact know this is happening?
No, I don't, but it's obviously foreign raws because they can't be manufactured domestically (patent liability), and it's not much of a jump to realize they're coming from China.

I am familiar with FDA 503B, and it does permit this to be done, so it's more than just random speculation

All I can say is, if I was running a compounding pharmacy, it's exactly what I'd be doing (although I'd at least buy the sema in bulk and run a battery of ICPMS and HPLC tests to protect myself from liability)
No, I don't, but it's obviously foreign raws because they can't be manufactured domestically (patent liability), and it's not much of a jump to realize they're coming from China.

I am familiar with FDA 503B, and it does permit this to be done, so it's more than just random speculation
It makes me happy to imagine some large compounding pharmacy's or medical groups purchasing manager trying to work a deal with Tracy. In bitcoin or through Alibaba. Then trying to determine what vial is what when they recieve 500 unmarked bottles of Tirz and Sema in the mail. Do you think the FDA accepts Janoshik HPLC results?
It makes me happy to imagine some large compounding pharmacy's or medical groups purchasing manager trying to work a deal with Tracy. In bitcoin or through Alibaba. Then trying to determine what vial is what when they recieve 500 unmarked bottles of Tirz and Sema in the mail.
Maybe that's why he's so busy lately lol

Do you think the FDA accepts Janoshik HPLC results?
What's insane is that under 503B you don't even have to prove it's safe, you can call the QSC stuff a "bulk drug substance" and put it into your own vials and as long as your facility complies with FDA rules and submits to inspections, there's literally no further laws or regulations regarding purity. The only reason to test is so you don't get sued if it turns out it doesn't conform to the USP monograph for Sema or Tirz or whatever
how do you remember to breathe

y'all this guy thinks polio vaccines are poison but it's totally fine to shoot Chinese mystery oil into your ass
Hey, even the dumbest person has the right to inject themselves with anything they want. Let them be, they can also post the most uneducated and ignorant misinformation in every platform available to them. Sad, but freedom of speech gives them the right to do so, only the site administrator/owner can say no otherwise.
Probably the degration of hcg exists only when you reconstitute it because in my country pharmacies sell ovitrelle (hcg) that is a pre-filled liquid syringe. So the syringes are stored months in the refrigerators of the pharmacy before are sold
Got my order to Aus from the NY Promo a few days ago: 3 kits of the 2mg Sem, a kit of Oxytocin, 10gs of Viagra, and 50gs of DNP. Not bad timing-wise, and vials and powder all look good.

I'm a very poor responder to Sem, so still waiting on the effects there, though the Oxytocin kicks like a mule. 5 minutes after injection and I'm flushed, flu-y, and with a head-ache, which then begins to subside by the 15 minute mark, and is completely gone by 25. Thereafter it's sleep of the Gods, and my body and mood just generally feels more animated and uplifted. How much of that's due to the improved sleep vs. direct effects of the hormone, idk, but it has me feeling youthful and with a spring-in-my-step so I'll take it! Also unsure if just coincidental, but just as I've read a few people suggesting that it's almost like women can smell Tren, Oxytocin is having a similar effect, and hotties are suddenly coming out of the woodwork.