Yeah I mean we all "know" there's no "heavy metals" in our AAS based on Jano's testing, except
@readalot . I'm surprised to hear that Jano does actually offer that heavy metal testing though, so if
@readalot cares, he should put his money where his mouth is and get the testing if it's what he cares about.
I'm more concerned with other impurities personally. Particularly peptides, where small changes in the peptide can still be biologically active. Or things as basic as the pH of NAD+, which we've had issues with here this past year. I recognize and accept that these are the types of things which will oftenest be tested in a non-FDA product, and that I want all of it, I can just get an FDA test.
But the question of "which additional testing could be valuable?" is always on my mind. For example, the decomposition rate of T3 or T4 in solution and suspension -- I can only measure with a resolution of 100mcg so I have to prepare a month's worth at a time (involving throwing out 90+% of the product to get a reasonable precision for low doses like 15 micrograms per day). I sometimes wonder if the T3/T4 degrades in 7 days, 30 days, 365 days, or longer, once it's put into a suspension or solution.