Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Can I ask you fellas a question ? I have noticed in the QSC Thread, some of you refer to the rep for QSC as "Tracy" and you called the rep a "she". Is the rep really a female, and is her name really "Tracy" ? Thank you for answering this for me. I guess in my mind, I have always thought the rep for QSC was a Male. If Tracy really is a female, what does she look like ? Is she hot ? Would Millard date her, or is she not THAT hot (Millard is very picky. Several of my ex-gf's when Millard met them he whispered in my ear "Dumbbellpress, she is not hot enough for me, I wouldn't date her". Of course I was totally crushed when Millard shit all over my girls. ( hopefully Millard smiles when he reads this and he laughs quite a bit. He is a good Man. )
Today, QSC team are officially back to work and holidays are over, all delays will be catched and all preorders will be shipped this week, thank you for being patient during this period of the year.
How big of a backlog will you guys have while sending off all the orders that were placed during holidays? Just wondering when I should place an order and not get it delayed by the backlog
Lol, Alex I have literally seen you answer this exact question at least 15 times in this thread...now that I think about it, at least 25 times in this thread. Don't you ever get sick of answering this question ? :)

I need to warn you right now, people are gonna continue to ask this same question month after month, year after year. Are you prepared to continue to answer this question another 50 times in this thread ?
Lol he seems like a good dude.. I read a lot of his post in different threads. From what I gather he is not on blast at the moment. I am waiting for One day he is gonna go off on a stupid question. Imma be like "dude must be back on blast" lol
That's what I mean. But also as far as I'm aware it hasn't even been posted, so I'm wondering if it's possible for me to maybe change the shipping address.

But if it just ends up at a post office I'd be fine to go and pick it up.
Do you have mail forwarding in your country? Usually if you move, you can fill out a form at your post office and pay a fee for them to redirect mail from your old address to your new address. (at least in my country that's how it works). I'm guessing its more or less the same everywhere as people move all the time and still need their mail.
Yeah I mean we all "know" there's no "heavy metals" in our AAS based on Jano's testing, except @readalot . I'm surprised to hear that Jano does actually offer that heavy metal testing though, so if @readalot cares, he should put his money where his mouth is and get the testing if it's what he cares about.

I'm more concerned with other impurities personally. Particularly peptides, where small changes in the peptide can still be biologically active. Or things as basic as the pH of NAD+, which we've had issues with here this past year. I recognize and accept that these are the types of things which will oftenest be tested in a non-FDA product, and that I want all of it, I can just get an FDA test.

But the question of "which additional testing could be valuable?" is always on my mind. For example, the decomposition rate of T3 or T4 in solution and suspension -- I can only measure with a resolution of 100mcg so I have to prepare a month's worth at a time (involving throwing out 90+% of the product to get a reasonable precision for low doses like 15 micrograms per day). I sometimes wonder if the T3/T4 degrades in 7 days, 30 days, 365 days, or longer, once it's put into a suspension or solution.

When I look at these HPLC results from QSC's ripped, I ask myself.....as great of chemists as Goodlyfe and Stanford are....are those 2 Men as good of chemists as the chemist QSC has hired ? I am honestly not sure if Stanford and Goodlyfe are. And it's not just the ripped....when I look at QSC's thread in the Analytical Testing subforum, I am just shocked at how accurately dosed the vast majority of QSC's gear is. I have looked at Stanford's thread in the Analytical Testing subforum many times. I have looked at Goodlife's thread in the Analytical Testing subforum many times. And I have looked at QSC's thread in the Analytical Testing subforum. IMO, QSC's gear is significantly more accurately dosed than GL or Stanford. (ie there is a smaller variance percentage wise from the measured concentration to the stated concentration for QSC's products, on average, as compared to GL or Stanford.) Also IMO, QSC has more extensive Janoshik testing of his products than both GL and Stanford. I will say QSC has managed to find a darn good Chemist. Who taught this Man how to brew ? Jackie Chan ?
Can I ask you fellas a question ? I have noticed in the QSC Thread, some of you refer to the rep for QSC as "Tracy" and you called the rep a "she". Is the rep really a female, and is her name really "Tracy" ? Thank you for answering this for me. I guess in my mind, I have always thought the rep for QSC was a Male. If Tracy really is a female, what does she look like ? Is she hot ? Would Millard date her, or is she not THAT hot (Millard is very picky. Several of my ex-gf's when Millard met them he whispered in my ear "Dumbbellpress, she is not hot enough for me, I wouldn't date her". Of course I was totally crushed when Millard shit all over my girls. ( hopefully Millard smiles when he reads this and he laughs quite a bit. He is a good Man. )
Pretty sure Tracy is a 350lb jacked AF dude with calves the size of most bodybuilders legs and mainlines GH and Tren base from a drip whenever not training.....

Or maybe she really is the good looking woman in the avatar.....

I guess we will never know
You know what? Or just precautionary measure?
New site rules. No more pricelist posted unless it's with patebin.. that is allowed. Tracey said HE would make on maybe at some point but he does not have the time right now. So in the mean time you need to use whatsapp and send a message requesting a new updated pricelist. I have done this several times. Send the message and within around 24hrs he will respond (in most cases) if you get impatient and resend before you get a reply (((!! Listen this is important!!!))) Your message gets sent automatically to the bottom of the list so it will be like starting all over and waiting another 24 to 48 hours for a reply at this point. For extremely impatient people who does not know this the insane cycle continues until a week goes by then they come on here frantically wonder and sometimes even begging Tracey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to please answer their emai/ whatsapp. Then they send another message getting bummed yet again at this point they usually come back in here screaming and pitching a motherfucking fit like I have never seen before! So I think the reason no more pricelist was because it was taking up to much space on the site maybe but that's why. Whatsapp will get you one.
What is the current contact email or whatsapp?
Bob, good to see you. I remember you used to have a super hot gf that everyone was jealous of (you posted pics of her - she was a member there at that board. What was her name ? A friend of mine here on Meso who used to train with me, Hardcore210, was also in love with your GF Bob.) Which site did you use to be a Moderator at ? Was it here ? Or was it OLM ? I forget. Anyways, I hope you are doing well. Millard is still very active. But very few of the older members are still active.
I'd be deeply uncomfortable going into a post office to pick up a package of drugs, particularly one that's gotten extra scrutiny from postal workers, but do what you gotta do I guess
I constantly forget how different it is between Canada and USA. While I do think our laws are too relaxed here I definitely take it for granted that I have zero worry at all when it comes to drugs being shipped to my house haha
Tracy, What is the deadline for getting a new year's preorder in? I got mine in last week (15th) but my usual bank is messing up. Had to start over with a new one Friday to pay you and things haven't cleared yet. It is a bank holiday here in the US (Feb 19th) Should have it sorted by tomorrow.
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