Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Sadly, it’s not what it used to be. Plus, most here have no access to other quality sources that their judgement is easily clouded by cheaper prices.

Sources do not get run off or chastised like they used to because buyers are such pushovers nowadays. Most are so inept at finding other sources that they will take that dick up their assess and even kiss these drug dealers assess just because they think its the cheapest they can find.

Sad really.
If QSC deserved to be run out of here they'd be gone. It looks like they're working to solve their inefficiencies which is all we can really ask. I can't speak for their customer service. I've only had a couple interactions with them and they've been fine. Slow but again they seem to be working on that.
Some of the things people complain about though just boggles my mind. If I ordered 3k worth of shit on the black market from overseas I wouldn't be waiving the god damn re-ship insurance for it and if I was stupid enough to make that mistake I sure as fuck wouldn't broadcast it in this thread expecting sympathy.
Here's a timeline of events for people who ordered recently / need to order.

02-12 - Messaged on Whats app for price list
02-13 - Price list sent and instructions for how to order
02-13 - Placed order
02-15 - Tracy sent bitcoin payment information
02-15 - Sent Transaction Hash ID
02-17 - Got left on read.
02-20 - Asked for update on tracking information
02-23 - Tracking information sent as well as how to distinguish what is what in the order.
02-23 - Order was split. International/domestic. Domestic order arrived. International order tracking number shows it's in transit.

I should note according to the tracking numbers both packages got sent on 02-18.

The Tren E that arrived looks good. Haven't pinned it yet, but I'm sure its great.


  • Tren E.png
    Tren E.png
    811.3 KB · Views: 213
Here's a timeline of events for people who ordered recently / need to order.

02-12 - Messaged on Whats app for price list
02-13 - Price list sent and instructions for how to order
02-13 - Placed order
02-15 - Tracy sent bitcoin payment information
02-15 - Sent Transaction Hash ID
02-17 - Got left on read.
02-20 - Asked for update on tracking information
02-23 - Tracking information sent as well as how to distinguish what is what in the order.
02-23 - Order was split. International/domestic. Domestic order arrived. International order tracking number shows it's in transit.

I should note according to the tracking numbers both packages got sent on 02-18.

The Tren E that arrived looks good. Haven't pinned it yet, but I'm sure its great.
No offense but your review is what we pertain to as dubious or ignorant.
Your product arrived, you haven’t pinned it but you’re sure it’s great? How is this helping in harm reduction or product review? In a different time, you would fit the definition of a shill lol.
No offense but your review is what we pertain to as dubious or ignorant.
Your product arrived, you haven’t pinned it but you’re sure it’s great? How is this helping in harm reduction or product review? In a different time, you would fit the definition of a shill lol.
Not a shill. I just wanted to put out information out there for others who have ordered that wanted a rough timeline of events. I've used QSC test/mast in the past and had good results on it. Tren E has a very distinct color and I would say the picture provided matches the expected color of Tren E.
Not a shill. I just wanted to put out information out there for others who have ordered that wanted a rough timeline of events. I've used QSC test/mast in the past and had good results on it. Tren E has a very distinct color and I would say the picture provided matches the expected color of Tren E.
Well, at least pin it first for feels report. Aside from that, remember every batch differs on raw purity as well as proper brewing which only hplc test can provide.

Anyway, I know you guys love QSC but for transparency at least include gear quality, pip as well as results when giving out reviews.
Dude your chatgpt generated messages are tiring. Youre in a high risk seizure zone and you skimped on the insurance to save a few bucks, eat it and move on, you're not gonna bully the source into reshipping it.
Holy shit you weren't kidding. This shouldn't be tolerated. A basic prerequisite to engaging in discourse is uh, engaging in discourse. If you can't be bothered to type out your thoughts you don't have any place in a forum.


  • wtf.png
    169.9 KB · Views: 203
Sadly, it’s not what it used to be. Plus, most here have no access to other quality sources that their judgement is easily clouded by cheaper prices.

Sources do not get run off or chastised like they used to because buyers are such pushovers nowadays. Most are so inept at finding other sources that they will take that dick up their assess and even kiss these drug dealers assess just because they think its the cheapest they can find.

Sad really.
What other sources? The ones on this forum and multiple other forums we all have access to?

The trt clinics on the web, one that I did use before?

The local wellness clinic that also has offerings that I consulted with.

The other vendor/vendors that I have used online?

I think we all have similar access as you my friend, except whatever local sources that may be peddling out of your gym.

I chose to use QSC and it may not be the only place I shop. But when I do use QSC, I don’t expect to some Amazon level of turn around. I do expect the product to be tested. If I want something in a few days, I know where to go for that.

There’s domestic vendors on this forum with people waiting 2 weeks for their order and it’s nothing but praise. I’m sure Tracy gets multiples of this vendor’s order volume to process. There’s only so much 1 person can handle.

And Tracy can be dick and his communication sucks. And I think people are ordering from him with the wrong expectations. He’s your dealer not your friend.

We’re pushovers , inept, and I take dick in my ass for shopping here? Cmon man…. Be nice, some of us (me) are fragile.
Sadly, it’s not what it used to be. Plus, most here have no access to other quality sources that their judgement is easily clouded by cheaper prices.

Sources do not get run off or chastised like they used to because buyers are such pushovers nowadays. Most are so inept at finding other sources that they will take that dick up their assess and even kiss these drug dealers assess just because they think its the cheapest they can find.

Sad really.
I frankly don't see the problem in this case. QSC is in the right: the guy opted out of insurance so the order is his responsibility. The rules are clear and none of the relevant facts are in dispute. I'd rather have this idiot pay for his own mistake than have his stupidity subsidized by the rest of us. It has nothing to do with favoring the source over the buyer. Complaints should be considered on their merits.
While I acknowledge that the items in question may be subject to legal restrictions, it's crucial to remember that they were purchased as part of a transaction. As a paying customer, I entered into a business agreement with QSC, expecting to receive a product in exchange for my payment.

The issue here isn't just about the nature of the items being purchased; it's about fundamental principles of business ethics and customer service. Regardless of the legality of the products, QSC accepted payment for them and failed to deliver as promised. This isn't simply a matter of customs rejection; it's a breach of trust and a failure to fulfill contractual obligations.

Given these circumstances, I find it deeply troubling that Tracy has been unresponsive and dismissive when approached for clarification on the situation. As a representative of QSC, Tracy has a responsibility to address customer inquiries promptly and professionally, regardless of the nature of the products involved.

While I understand the complexities of international orders and customs regulations, I cannot overlook the fact that QSC has taken money for a product that wasn't delivered. As a paying customer, I expect transparency, accountability, and respect from the company I choose to do business with.

It was for illegal shit, right? What more of a reason for it being seized are you looking for?

I understand this sucks. -$3k would definitely make a dent in my wallet.

Lesson learned.
I frankly don't see the problem in this case. QSC is in the right: the guy opted out of insurance so the order is his responsibility. The rules are clear and none of the relevant facts are in dispute. I'd rather have this idiot pay for his own mistake than have his stupidity subsidized by the rest of us. It has nothing to do with favoring the source over the buyer. Complaints should be considered on their merits.
I am not referring to that case. It is more of the general issues people are complaining about such as the basics, like communication, testing problems, stopper/vial quality and floaters.

However, if you have been here long enough, you should already be aware on what their stance on these issues as well as how they dealt with it in the past.

I’m only suggesting like always to use your financial sway to make a point. But as long as people tolerate their inadequacies there will never be changes for the good.

At this point, I am wondering why people still bother to complain when they order anyway.
User testing is far more reliable than vendor testing. While both are important, vendors can cherry pick the sample they want tested.

Some concerning issues with crowd testing have also been noted (some dude sending in wrong vials, or their own vial that they wanted tested instead of what the group decided?).

At some point, you just need to send your own shit for testing.
I am not referring to that case. It is more of the general issues people are complaining about such as the basics, like communication, testing problems, stopper/vial quality and floaters.

However, if you have been here long enough, you should already be aware on what their stance on these issues as well as how they dealt with it in the past.

I’m only suggesting like always to use your financial sway to make a point. But as long as people tolerate their inadequacies there will never be changes for the good.

At this point, I am wondering why people still bother to complain when they order anyway.

Everything you’ve said is fair. Agree 100%.

I think the disconnect here is that a lot of us simply have not run into those issues. I’ve used probably 8 of his products and they were all just fine. There’s a huge variance in how everyone does things so it’s hard to know what’s legit or not. I’ve seen half the complainers get exposed as lying, leaving out context, or being at fault on their own. The real problems are getting buried by dumb stuff.

• Floaters are unacceptable imo.
• The stoppers are cheap but the coring can also be because of how many guys refuse to use smaller needles. After 10-20 pokes with a 23g, coring is to be expected even from the highest quality equipment.
• Communication is bad but they claim to have hired multiple helpers starting next week. Can’t do anything but wait and see. Doesn’t help when he’s getting blown up by chatgpt complaints.
• Manners are poor but us Americans have also been brainwashed into thinking “customer is always right.” Many other cultures and countries will gladly exercise their right to tell a consumer to fuck off if they don’t like the product. That’s not just a QSC thing.

But the last thing you said is the most important. Anybody that has followed this thread for more than a few weeks should know all this by now. We get what we see, and we see what we get.
Here's a timeline of events for people who ordered recently / need to order.

02-12 - Messaged on Whats app for price list
02-13 - Price list sent and instructions for how to order
02-13 - Placed order
02-15 - Tracy sent bitcoin payment information
02-15 - Sent Transaction Hash ID
02-17 - Got left on read.
02-20 - Asked for update on tracking information
02-23 - Tracking information sent as well as how to distinguish what is what in the order.
02-23 - Order was split. International/domestic. Domestic order arrived. International order tracking number shows it's in transit.

I should note according to the tracking numbers both packages got sent on 02-18.

The Tren E that arrived looks good. Haven't pinned it yet, but I'm sure its great.

Please consider deleting this for OPSEC reasons. Way too many details.
Everything you’ve said is fair. Agree 100%.

I think the disconnect here is that a lot of us simply have not run into those issues. I’ve used probably 8 of his products and they were all just fine. There’s a huge variance in how everyone does things so it’s hard to know what’s legit or not. I’ve seen half the complainers get exposed as lying, leaving out context, or being at fault on their own. The real problems are getting buried by dumb stuff.

• Floaters are unacceptable imo.
• The stoppers are cheap but the coring can also be because of how many guys refuse to use smaller needles. After 10-20 pokes with a 23g, coring is to be expected even from the highest quality equipment.
• Communication is bad but they claim to have hired multiple helpers starting next week. Can’t do anything but wait and see. Doesn’t help when he’s getting blown up by chatgpt complaints.
• Manners are poor but us Americans have also been brainwashed into thinking “customer is always right.” Many other cultures and countries will gladly exercise their right to tell a consumer to fuck off if they don’t like the product. That’s not just a QSC thing.

But the last thing you said is the most important. Anybody that has followed this thread for more than a few weeks should know all this by now. We get what we see, and we see what we get.
Regarding the floaters issues, we just purchased another filter pump.
We believe that the new one will highly reduce that issue on next batches.

I take all complaints into consideration, some can be solved at higher speed, some need more time, and some cannot be solved temporary, so we do our best to improve as much as we can.
Sadly, it’s not what it used to be. Plus, most here have no access to other quality sources that their judgement is easily clouded by cheaper prices.

Sources do not get run off or chastised like they used to because buyers are such pushovers nowadays. Most are so inept at finding other sources that they will take that dick up their assess and even kiss these drug dealers assess just because they think its the cheapest they can find.

Sad really.
As someone originally from the 3rd world, I'm used to brash salespeople, even when selling legit goods. I'm also used to British and US customs, so no way making a heavy purchase without a 'safety net'.
Anyway, regarding the 'teachem a lesson' action. what I suspect will happen is that an effective boycott of QSC will simply lead to the alternative 'dealers' (one of whom will include a QSC front :)) raising their prices. I don't believe quality will get better either. This is an alternative market, in a country where even the legit market needs harsh monitoring to maintain compliance. Even big pharma in ithe US is sometimes sus. They just pay well enough to keep potential whistleblowers happy. It's not hard to see a Human-Fooling-Chem whose products test at 99% and overdosed for 8-9 months, offer a massive sale, and after orders in excess of 300k are placed, just vanish, leaving CC companies and alipay to foot reimbursement fees.
I can almost guarantee it's your dumbass self that's caused the delay. Like you sending repeated messages and wondering why you keep getting bumped down 700 messages. Somehow, some way...Seemingly thousands of transactions a week are going smoothly because they follow the ordering process. But yours is delayed because you can't read and you panic like a 17yo boy the minute he doesn't message you back.
Here we have a source dick rider. How's that Cream of SomeYoungGuy taste? I heard you like it with soy sauce. Fucking PEDO!
Here we have a source dick rider. How's that Cream of SomeYoungGuy taste? I heard you like it with soy sauce. Fucking PEDO!
It's impressive that your registered almost 11 years ago and still have the maturity of a teenage boy! Years of drug abuse really takes a toll on one's brain.
Here's a timeline of events for people who ordered recently / need to order.

02-12 - Messaged on Whats app for price list
02-13 - Price list sent and instructions for how to order
02-13 - Placed order
02-15 - Tracy sent bitcoin payment information
02-15 - Sent Transaction Hash ID
02-17 - Got left on read.
02-20 - Asked for update on tracking information
02-23 - Tracking information sent as well as how to distinguish what is what in the order.
02-23 - Order was split. International/domestic. Domestic order arrived. International order tracking number shows it's in transit.

I should note according to the tracking numbers both packages got sent on 02-18.

The Tren E that arrived looks good. Haven't pinned it yet, but I'm sure its great.
Thanks for the update! I went the email route and it is much slower going than it used to be and with Alibaba gone there is no option to pay with CC which sucks. I sent payment on 2/18 and still haven't received tracking info or verification of payment received which is pretty atypical for these guys. I have always had great results and order turn around so hopefully they get the kinks worked out soon.