Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This !!!!!!

Too many complainers, questions, when, where, how, ….. place order and wait it’s not difficult.
Then you have dumb fucks like you. I'm looking at 4 weeks since my funds were sent for a domestic order. No tracking no "fuck you" no nothing. As far as I'm concerned this Chinese trash source is a selective scammer. You source dick riders are what's wrong with this forum. A person gets scammed or has an issue and you cheerleader fucks attack them. You give a cover for the source to hide behind so they get away with not addressing individual issues.
im all for harm reduction etc. but if you explicitely stated you do not want to have the reship insurance, why are you complaining?
if i decide i do not want insurance for my car and i crash it, its my own problem.

I appreciate your perspective, and I understand how it might seem contradictory to express dissatisfaction after explicitly declining reship insurance. While I take responsibility for that decision, my frustration stems from the lack of clarity surrounding the specific reason for customs' refusal and the subsequent loss incurred.

In hindsight, I acknowledge that opting out of insurance was my choice, and I accept the consequences of that decision. However, I believe it's reasonable to seek clarification on the circumstances surrounding the rejection and explore potential avenues for resolution. My intention is not to shift blame but rather to understand the situation fully and find a constructive path forward.

Your analogy regarding car insurance is apt, and I agree that individuals bear responsibility for their choices. Nevertheless, when faced with unforeseen challenges, it's natural to seek understanding and potential solutions.
Then you have dumb fucks like you. I'm looking at 4 weeks since my funds were sent for a domestic order. No tracking no "fuck you" no nothing. As far as I'm concerned this Chinese trash source is a selective scammer. You source dick riders are what's wrong with this forum. A person gets scammed or has an issue and you cheerleader fucks attack them. You give a cover for the source to hide behind so they get away with not addressing individual issues.
I can almost guarantee it's your dumbass self that's caused the delay. Like you sending repeated messages and wondering why you keep getting bumped down 700 messages. Somehow, some way...Seemingly thousands of transactions a week are going smoothly because they follow the ordering process. But yours is delayed because you can't read and you panic like a 17yo boy the minute he doesn't message you back.
Genuine question- What makes you think that QSC knows why customs refused the order? Is that a normal practice for international orders? In America our government doesn’t write a letter explaining why they wouldn’t let us buy $3,000 worth of illegal drugs.

It sounds like you’re a dealer upset because the government took your drugs, and you want it to be QSCs fault that you didn’t get insurance.

It’s hard to hold sources accountable for bad service when the “bad service” claims are user error. Stuff like this is just wasting time for QSC to respond to real orders and questions. He could be giving out tracking numbers but instead he’s dealing with stuff like this.
While I acknowledge that the items in question may be subject to legal restrictions, it's crucial to remember that they were purchased as part of a transaction. As a paying customer, I entered into a business agreement with QSC, expecting to receive a product in exchange for my payment.

The issue here isn't just about the nature of the items being purchased; it's about fundamental principles of business ethics and customer service. Regardless of the legality of the products, QSC accepted payment for them and failed to deliver as promised. This isn't simply a matter of customs rejection; it's a breach of trust and a failure to fulfill contractual obligations.

Given these circumstances, I find it deeply troubling that Tracy has been unresponsive and dismissive when approached for clarification on the situation. As a representative of QSC, Tracy has a responsibility to address customer inquiries promptly and professionally, regardless of the nature of the products involved.

While I understand the complexities of international orders and customs regulations, I cannot overlook the fact that QSC has taken money for a product that wasn't delivered. As a paying customer, I expect transparency, accountability, and respect from the company I choose to do business with.
Some countries do not have reship policy, example: Norway, Israel, african countries, India, Brazil, Peru, Chile, New Zealand, Turkey, Mexico, KSA, Kuweit..
So if their orders are seized or lost, we don't reship.

Some countries have conditional reship policy: Australia and Canada.
Customers need to pay 20% extra as reship insurance, to be eligible for reship if the parcel is lost or seized, it's optional, so when they pay for it, we garanteed delivery, when they don't, they take the responsibility.

Some countries have unconditional reship policy, like : USA, European countries, UAE, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan, Singapore...
They don't have to pay anything, when they order and their orders get seized or lost, we resend systematically.
This is great info.

Could FAQ stuff like this be added to the end of the pricelist pdf? Would save a lot of time replying to the same questions over and over.
Genuine question- What makes you think that QSC knows why customs refused the order? Is that a normal practice for international orders? In America our government doesn’t write a letter explaining why they wouldn’t let us buy $3,000 worth of illegal drugs.

It sounds like you’re a dealer upset because the government took your drugs, and you want it to be QSCs fault that you didn’t get insurance.

It’s hard to hold sources accountable for bad service when the “bad service” claims are user error. Stuff like this is just wasting time for QSC to respond to real orders and questions. He could be giving out tracking numbers but instead he’s dealing with stuff like this.
What makes you think he's a dealer? This guy expressed a genuine concern - one which many of us share - a complete lack of customer service, increasing and often unacceptable shipping times, and poor or no communication. I thought this was a harm reduction forum. Increasingly, it seems when a member expresses a genuine concern, other members jump on to bash him.

As someone who has waited 3 months for an international order to arrive (which never did) and then had to send multiple emails and whatsapps to QSC asking for reship, I totally share his concerns. I finally got the reship but it was way too much work to get it. And that too was sent from China. That was a month ago...I'm still waiting.

It is these concerns that have resulted in many QSC customers seeking alternate sources...because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how low their prices are if you don't actually receive your pack. Or your re-pack.
Then you have dumb fucks like you. I'm looking at 4 weeks since my funds were sent for a domestic order. No tracking no "fuck you" no nothing. As far as I'm concerned this Chinese trash source is a selective scammer. You source dick riders are what's wrong with this forum. A person gets scammed or has an issue and you cheerleader fucks attack them. You give a cover for the source to hide behind so they get away with not addressing individual issues.
Agree with @ebkallday.

We need to stop bashing the complainers and start holding qsc accountable. After all, we're all floating them an awful lot of money in good faith.
While I acknowledge that the items in question may be subject to legal restrictions, it's crucial to remember that they were purchased as part of a transaction. As a paying customer, I entered into a business agreement with QSC, expecting to receive a product in exchange for my payment.

The issue here isn't just about the nature of the items being purchased; it's about fundamental principles of business ethics and customer service. Regardless of the legality of the products, QSC accepted payment for them and failed to deliver as promised. This isn't simply a matter of customs rejection; it's a breach of trust and a failure to fulfill contractual obligations.

Given these circumstances, I find it deeply troubling that Tracy has been unresponsive and dismissive when approached for clarification on the situation. As a representative of QSC, Tracy has a responsibility to address customer inquiries promptly and professionally, regardless of the nature of the products involved.

While I understand the complexities of international orders and customs regulations, I cannot overlook the fact that QSC has taken money for a product that wasn't delivered. As a paying customer, I expect transparency, accountability, and respect from the company I choose to do business with.

I can understand your frustration, but this is your own fault for not opting for reship insurance

Maybe communication is lacking and slow, you can point that out, shipping Takes time- fair enough. These are legit complains and Important for members to make their own decision if they want to buy or not

Read the thread, then you know what you will get from QSC, and what not

I had completly legal goods refused by customs without a reason, it was just send back. Maybe the label was damaged, maybe the customs guy made a mistake ... only god knows.

But as a Company, his Part of the Deal was to arrange shipping shipping of your Order and sent it completly

If the courier Service fucks up, the plane Crashes, or customs rejects your Order, it is out of QSC control and not his fault.

This is valid for every source here, not only QSC

You didnt want to buy the insurance, now its your loss

A car Company wouldnt give you any Credit if you were greedy and not buy insurance and then crash the car

You just want to whine until He gives you a Free reship or a discount. But you were greedy and now you have to pay the price for it

Swallow it und move on, stop whining
Regardless of the legality of the products, QSC accepted payment for them and failed to deliver as promised. This isn't simply a matter of customs rejection; it's a breach of trust and a failure to fulfill contractual obligations.
I couldn't disagree more. In the world of legitimate international commerce, the vendor would treat you the exact same way.

We call the rules that govern shipments of goods "Incoterms", and it determines who is responsible for the goods at what point in the chain of custody from shipper to receiver.

By foregoing shipping insurance, you willfully selected CPT terms -- in other words, once the goods were tendered to the carrier, QSC's responsibility ended.

QSC explicitly offered DAP terms via reship insurance, which you declined, so in fact it is you who is now repudiating your negotiated contract. QSC fully and faithfully executed their obligations.

Don't accept risk of loss that you aren't prepared to bear. Consider it an expensive lesson for your business.
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I can understand your frustration, but this is your own fault for not opting for reship insurance

Maybe communication is lacking and slow, you can point that out, shipping Takes time- fair enough. These are legit complains and Important for members to make their own decision if they want to buy or not

Read the thread, then you know what you will get from QSC, and what not

I had completly legal goods refused by customs without a reason, it was just send back. Maybe the label was damaged, maybe the customs guy made a mistake ... only god knows.

But as a Company, his Part of the Deal was to arrange shipping shipping of your Order and sent it completly

If the courier Service fucks up, the plane Crashes, or customs rejects your Order, it is out of QSC control and not his fault.

This is valid for every source here, not only QSC

You didnt want to buy the insurance, now its your loss

A car Company wouldnt give you any Credit if you were greedy and not buy insurance and then crash the car

You just want to whine until He gives you a Free reship or a discount. But you were greedy and now you have to pay the price for it

Swallow it und move on, stop whining
A 3k loss is hard to swallow. But a 3k shipment sans insurance is pretty ballsy!!
Homeboy probably would have done better if he took that 3k down to Vegas and put it on red.

Really? 3k pack, no Insurance even when it's offered and suggested lol.
Customs suck period, I too had packages from europe years ago and the source claimed it was reshipped, never got anything.. o customs letters lol..

That was from Europe and after that I ordered from China and never had issues..

Obviously domestic is better but sometimes what you want a a great price is overseas so there it is, choices..
Imagine if everyone just stop ordering for a month or two in protest. So much complaints but no action to make source improve services.

Even if it doesn’t hurt them but at least they can catch up in communication and filling back orders/reships.

If you use the competition for the time being and extend the boycott to 6 months or a year, then they might actually feel the loss in revenue to make necessary changes.

If only Meso members can work together eh.
What makes you think he's a dealer? This guy expressed a genuine concern - one which many of us share - a complete lack of customer service, increasing and often unacceptable shipping times, and poor or no communication. I thought this was a harm reduction forum. Increasingly, it seems when a member expresses a genuine concern, other members jump on to bash him.

As someone who has waited 3 months for an international order to arrive (which never did) and then had to send multiple emails and whatsapps to QSC asking for reship, I totally share his concerns. I finally got the reship but it was way too much work to get it. And that too was sent from China. That was a month ago...I'm still waiting.

It is these concerns that have resulted in many QSC customers seeking alternate sources...because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how low their prices are if you don't actually receive your pack. Or your re-pack.
It's comforting to know that others are also experiencing frustrations with the lack of customer service, shipping delays, and poor communication.

Your own experience underscores these challenges, especially when dealing with prolonged shipping times and the added difficulty in obtaining resolutions. It's disheartening when efforts to seek assistance are met with rudeness and unresponsiveness, as you've experienced with Tracy and the overall customer service.

As you rightly mentioned, while competitive pricing is appealing, it's equally important to have reliable delivery and responsive customer service. When these aspects fall short, it's understandable that customers would consider alternative options.

I'm hopeful that by collectively voicing our concerns, we can encourage positive changes and improvements in service quality.
I can understand your frustration, but this is your own fault for not opting for reship insurance

Maybe communication is lacking and slow, you can point that out, shipping Takes time- fair enough. These are legit complains and Important for members to make their own decision if they want to buy or not

Read the thread, then you know what you will get from QSC, and what not

I had completly legal goods refused by customs without a reason, it was just send back. Maybe the label was damaged, maybe the customs guy made a mistake ... only god knows.

But as a Company, his Part of the Deal was to arrange shipping shipping of your Order and sent it completly

If the courier Service fucks up, the plane Crashes, or customs rejects your Order, it is out of QSC control and not his fault.

This is valid for every source here, not only QSC

You didnt want to buy the insurance, now its your loss

A car Company wouldnt give you any Credit if you were greedy and not buy insurance and then crash the car

You just want to whine until He gives you a Free reship or a discount. But you were greedy and now you have to pay the price for it

Swallow it und move on, stop whining
First off, I totally get where you're coming from about the reship insurance. It's like buying an extended warranty for your electronics – sometimes it's worth it, sometimes not so much. However, even without the insurance, we should still expect a certain level of service and assistance, right? I mean, a little transparency and accountability from the company wouldn't hurt, especially when we're dealing with long shipping times and unresponsive communication.

I placed my order, only to find out two days later that one of the products was out of stock. Two more days go by after a revised order is sent in and guess what, Crickets. Then random email with tracking number five days later. Fast forward three months – and my order still hasn't shown up. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I find out it's been rejected by customs and is on its way back to QSC. Tracy's response? No reship. Now, call me crazy, but I don't think that's exactly top-notch customer service.

Sure, things like customs rejections are out of their control, but shouldn't they at least try to make it right for the customer? It's not like we're asking for a freebie – just a little help to sort out the mess. And yeah, I get it, sometimes shit happens, but that doesn't mean I'm treated like I'm scamming the company and just told "your loss". I asked for a few things like what was on the label. Labels are stored with whoever the courier is. The originating country was not even China? As a business you have access to this information with a few clicks. We're customers and we deserve better.

I'm all for taking responsibility, but let's not forget that companies like QSC have a responsibility too. It's not about whining or wanting a handout – it's about getting what we paid for and a little respect along the way.
Imagine if everyone just stop ordering for a month or two in protest. So much complaints but no action to make source improve services.

Even if it doesn’t hurt them but at least they can catch up in communication and filling back orders/reships.

If you use the competition for the time being and extend the boycott to 6 months or a year, then they might actually feel the loss in revenue to make necessary changes.

If only Meso members can work together eh.
Imagine trying to organize a boycott with this crowd. That'd be a fuckin shitshow and a half. Someone would order a bunch of shit within the first day. I'd give it 12 hours tops and it would be over.


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