Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

We never said that we are deleting customer info after his order, and it's not something we are ashamed of, because in our data basis we have all details of every order made, shipping info, tracking, gross weight of parcels, what kind of items, etc...

Because simply we are doing a legal business of exportation of goods that are allowed in China, and we do not sell any banned item in China, as you noticed many times, customers asking why QSC do not sell DNP, Clenbuterol, modafinil etc.. and other chinese do, simply because we do not want to have any problems in our business and customer has not to worry about anything.

You guys should be more concerned about your security with sources doing their business illegaly and can go to jail anytime and get their stuff seized, instead of getting worried about a company selling tea cups via alibaba legally in China ^^

Stanford pharm won’t even check on a pack for you unless you PM him on MESO to link your username to your name/address. He won’t check on your 19 day late pack if you just email him, PM only. SURELY he won’t maliciously use that information one day lol.

But everyone’s over there dick riding homie for a pack that takes a month domestic lol.
yes, as I said it's no issue for me since there's nothing illicit in my orders nor will there ever be. simply information for all others who choose business with QDS.

for me it's very easy to not ever be worried since my orders are all perfectly legal lol.
Stanford pharm won’t even check on a pack for you unless you PM him on MESO to link your username to your name/address. He won’t check on your 19 day late pack if you just email him, PM only. SURELY he won’t maliciously use that information one day lol.

But everyone’s over there dick riding homie for a pack that takes a month domestic lol.

Wow, you really are a shill. How the hell does standford having a poor t/a get brought into this?

Good thing about standford is since he can’t even remember to ship your pack is when LE comes calling, hell he won’t recall who’s bought what. With this source she has every record of every dealing. It’s a big deal here and is not acceptable. Spin it however you want. Bring the tooth fairy in with your next post. There’s no excuse for this
You guys should be more concerned about your security with sources doing their business illegaly and can go to jail anytime and get their stuff seized, instead of getting worried about a company selling tea cups via alibaba legally in China ^^

We are, are you saying y’all aren’t doing anything illegal? I get that it may be legal to manufacture where you guys are but you don’t think it’s illegal to ship to the U.S or other countries? You also have a U.S domestic guy or two

Anywho, it used to be commonly asked when vetting sources if they delete all order details, emails, etc but it’s one of those things where all sources do this for their own security so the question I guess faded away.
We are, are you saying y’all aren’t doing anything illegal? I get that it may be legal to manufacture where you guys are but you don’t think it’s illegal to ship to the U.S or other countries? You also have a U.S domestic guy or two

Anywho, it used to be commonly asked when vetting sources if they delete all order details, emails, etc but it’s one of those things where all sources do this for their own security so the question I guess faded away.

I agree, data should be purged. How often is a more debatable thing. If they purge right after shipping an order out that can add a lot of complications if that customer has any issue with the order down the road.
We are, are you saying y’all aren’t doing anything illegal? I get that it may be legal to manufacture where you guys are but you don’t think it’s illegal to ship to the U.S or other countries? You also have a U.S domestic guy or two

Anywho, it used to be commonly asked when vetting sources if they delete all order details, emails, etc but it’s one of those things where all sources do this for their own security so the question I guess faded away.
So how do email vendors stay private but not store information? I don’t think your thinking this one through.
We are, are you saying y’all aren’t doing anything illegal? I get that it may be legal to manufacture where you guys are but you don’t think it’s illegal to ship to the U.S or other countries? You also have a U.S domestic guy or two

Anywho, it used to be commonly asked when vetting sources if they delete all order details, emails, etc but it’s one of those things where all sources do this for their own security so the question I guess faded away.

It is legal to manufactor and export to foreign countries all goods that are legal in China no matter is the law in arrival country.

The collaborators in USA domestic warehouse do not have any access to orders or content of bags, they do not pack or have any sales info, parcels are already packed and prepared in China, they do logistics only.
Even USPS trackings are generated in China.
If they purge right after shipping an order out that can add a lot of complications if that customer has any issue with the order down the road.

Especially when you see some members claiming having a problem with company in 2019

Shipping time is about 1 month up to 2 months for some countries, when customer have a issue I should be able to verify it.

Some customers also store their raws and products for years and if one day he have a complaint if he claims there is a missing gram in his raw, I should be able to fix it and verify what he says.

I also had some customers trying to scam me, claiming missing items, so with all data we have I am able to respond to all, this what you ordered, here is the weight of every item, and total weight, and providing all proofs to avoid this, and when customer is right I verify it and fix it by shipping to him missing item or amount.
It is legal to manufactor and export to foreign countries all goods that are legal in China no matter is the law in arrival country.

The collaborators in USA domestic warehouse do not have any access to orders or content of bags, they do not pack or have any sales info, parcels are already packed and prepared in China, they do logistics only.
Even USPS trackings are generated in China.

Not sure if you remember Operation Raw Deal, but i do. If i recall correctly the Chinese law enforcement agencies worked with the US DEA to take down multiple raw steroid manufacturers in China who were exporting raws all over the world.

Operation Raw Deal is a Special Operations Division (SOD) supported multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation. DEA San Diego and DEA New York provided the lead guidance on the case. In addition to the federal agencies mentioned above, other nations and agencies involved in the success of Operation Raw Deal are: Mexico, Canada, China, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Thailand.

Its happened before, it will inevitably happen again.

Edit: to further add, per my recollection, the US DEA and the Chinese LE agencies took over the largest raw steroid API supplier in China covertly. I remember the reps name was Leo, they were on outlaw, osbb, and a few other open source boards, many old school bros here know who i am talking about. The DEA became Leo, took over the company IN CHINA and continued supplying raw steroids, recording all the customers who were buying, especially large quantities. I forget how long Leo was compromised but it was for more than 6 months. They then used this database to bust over 50 UGLs all over the world in a massive multi-country operation executed simultaneously by numerous LE agencies.
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Wow, you really are a shill. How the hell does standford having a poor t/a get brought into this?

Good thing about standford is since he can’t even remember to ship your pack is when LE comes calling, hell he won’t recall who’s bought what. With this source she has every record of every dealing. It’s a big deal here and is not acceptable. Spin it however you want. Bring the tooth fairy in with your next post. There’s no excuse for this
I placed an order and was unhappy with the OPSEC and service but I’m a shill? Ok dude lol. I bet you look cute in that cheerleader outfit
Not sure if you remember Operation Raw Deal, but i do. If i recall correctly the Chinese law enforcement agencies worked with the US DEA to take down multiple raw steroid manufacturers in China who were exporting raws all over the world.

Operation Raw Deal is a Special Operations Division (SOD) supported multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation. DEA San Diego and DEA New York provided the lead guidance on the case. In addition to the federal agencies mentioned above, other nations and agencies involved in the success of Operation Raw Deal are: Mexico, Canada, China, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Thailand.

Its happened before, it will inevitably happen again.

China has changed a lot since 2007 ^^

Now even drugs intermediates exportation to deliver world's cartels is "almost" legal
Edit: to further add, per my recollection, the US DEA and the Chinese LE agencies took over the largest raw steroid API supplier in China covertly. I remember the reps name was Leo, they were on outlaw, osbb, and a few other open source boards, many old school bros here know who i am talking about. The DEA became Leo, took over the company IN CHINA and continued supplying raw steroids, recording all the customers who were buying, especially large quantities. I forget how long Leo was compromised but it was for more than 6 months. They then used this database to bust over 50 UGLs all over the world in a massive multi-country operation executed simultaneously by numerous LE agencies.

It was very political this story, there was a worldwide pressure concerning the manufacturing of narcotics/anabolics, and at this time it was where the sources started to worry that China had announced that it was going to ban, but it is on paper only, and it took a little script to silence the global pressure and that's what happened, they've since calmed down and everything's back to normal
China has changed a lot since 2007 ^^

Now even drugs intermediates exportation to deliver world's cartels is "almost" legal

Maybe. At the time, leading up to raw deal, the Chinese were due to host the olympics. It seemed to me the US DEA used that as leverage to convince the Chinese government to cooperate on anti-steroid operations. I dont think it was a coincidence timing wise.

I was thinking of last years deal with the U.S pressing charges on Chuen Fat Yip a Chinese citizen. I also believe about a year ago there was something where China was very worried about the U.S and other countries coming down on them hard since that’s where the Olympics were to be held. It’s why China came down hard on you guys and we are just now starting to see some raws come back such as proviron.

Regardless, if I was a source I would be worried. You are not a small fish.

Also, sucks for your domestic receiver/shipper. Say what you will but he’s operating on U.S soil.
I was thinking of last years deal with the U.S pressing charges on Chuen Fat Yip a Chinese citizen. I also believe about a year ago there was something where China was very worried about the U.S and other countries coming down on them hard since that’s where the Olympics were to be held. It’s why China came down hard on you guys and we are just now starting to see some raws come back such as proviron.

Regardless, if I was a source I would be worried. You are not a small fish.

Also, sucks for your domestic receiver/shipper. Say what you will but he’s operating on U.S soil.

Anyway we do not match your standards regarding variance so you have nothing to worry about ^^
I placed an order and was unhappy with the OPSEC and service but I’m a shill? Ok dude lol. I bet you look cute in that cheerleader outfit
I'm still waiting for you to point out this member who waited a month for a pack. You won't ever find him cuz he doesn't exist. You are manufacturing a lie. In the 7 plus years I've been with Stanford I've not one time waited a month for a pack, nor have I heard of anyone either.
Yeah I know, new guy low post count etc.
But I've ordered from 3 different sources over the years and they all require customers to login and create an account.
All my previous orders are still there in my order history on their websites.
I've never been concerned. After all if some ISIS terrorists sends steroids to my house and steals them from my mailbox that's not really my problem.
As far as people complaining about shipping times, that mostly seems to depend on customs. I've had packages go through the same day and other times they sit for there for two months. New York City customs is the absolute worst.
I was thinking of last years deal with the U.S pressing charges on Chuen Fat Yip a Chinese citizen. I also believe about a year ago there was something where China was very worried about the U.S and other countries coming down on them hard since that’s where the Olympics were to be held. It’s why China came down hard on you guys and we are just now starting to see some raws come back such as proviron.

Regardless, if I was a source I would be worried. You are not a small fish.

Also, sucks for your domestic receiver/shipper. Say what you will but he’s operating on U.S soil.

Yes it seemed the summer olympics were the leverage the DEA needed to convince Chinese authorities to assist them in making that operation possible.

Yes you now have the chinese hosting the winter olympics coming up. However there is different inter-relationship dynamics present today, mainly the entire south china sea situation which has fueled a lot of animosity between the US and Chinese governments. Things like Raw Deal only work if the Chinese government agrees to help, with the current animosity between the two governments this cooperation seems less likely. But who knows what is currently going on behind the scenes at this very moment. For all “Alisa” knows QSC is already being run by the DEA, purging databases would be irrelevant as the DEA would have their own database much like was the situation in Raw Deal where they literally ran the Chinese suppliers business for over 6 months.

Creepy side note, just a couple months before raw deal went into its final stages i was talking with the “rep” Leo about possible orders (personal use). After the operation i realized he had already been compromised at that time and the person conversing with me was most likely a DEA agent. They didnt seem to bust personal use buyers, but they still took orders for personal use quantities as they needed it to be “business as usual”.