Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah, this post sums it up, comparing a coorprate data breach to being exposed for criminal activity, you're retarded.
There isnt a single person in the world that would care if I was "exposed" for buying steroids.
The biggest threat would be being laughed at if you were still dyel.
Not deleting customer data is kinda a big fucking deal.

It is possible if customer wants that, he can easily ask for it, and it won't be deleted, I don't need this data for myself, it's more for the customer if he have any issue, so if deleted he shouldn't ask me anything about his order, so when customs ask him to provide an invoice, I won't be able to tell him what's on his parcel or how much declared... if he asked me what's marked on this or that bag, I won't be able to answer it neither.
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Sometimes I just wonder why I keep answering some idiots in this forum.
We don't match you standards? You don't like my attitude? worry about data BS? you want 100.01 mg/ml brewing? just GTFOH I don't want you as customers, go to other sources threads, you will find what you want.. ^^
Sometimes I just wonder why I keep answering some idiots in this forum.
We don't match you standards? You don't like my attitude? worry about data BS? you want 100.01 mg/ml brewing? just GTFOH I don't want you as customers, go to other sources threads, you will find what you want.. ^^
lol, did you just admit you suck?
how the fuck do you retards post 10 pages in 2 days in a sources thread who you hate. youre just constantly bumping him to the top of the board and giving him easy views. news flash, most people who come here for sources dont give a fuck about meso standards and will just gravitate towards the cheapest prices which is what they see when you constantly circle jerk each other over your hate for him. just let his thread die and let him bump it himself posting his email and price updates.

you guys can quote each other agreeing over him being a shit source but it isnt effective at all the way meso is nowadays. same goes when you guys quote jose1984 and cherokee and the other idiot who runs tren year round. theres enough people who hate him that you guys can each post once a day telling people not to order. you dont need to post the same shit 50 times a day each
how the fuck do you retards post 10 pages in 2 days in a sources thread who you hate. youre just constantly bumping him to the top of the board and giving him easy views. news flash, most people who come here for sources dont give a fuck about meso standards and will just gravitate towards the cheapest prices which is what they see when you constantly circle jerk each other over your hate for him. just let his thread die and let him bump it himself posting his email and price updates.

you guys can quote each other agreeing over him being a shit source but it isnt effective at all the way meso is nowadays. same goes when you guys quote jose1984 and cherokee and the other idiot who runs tren year round. theres enough people who hate him that you guys can each post once a day telling people not to order. you dont need to post the same shit 50 times a day each

In all ways, thread will be bumped, either by them or feedbacks, and can't die thanks to our service, prices and your beautiful beloved representative.

Since we joined english meso sales ($) increased by 577%, monthly number of order increased by %374 based on previous month sales.

Meso Members love us (we do too), love our products and my service, meso sources trust us, those idiots aren't customers, and don't know even if they lift.

Meso members are able to make their choices easily, lab tests are posted, feedbacks too, every member can find what suits him or not, and I think it's already done ^^

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in fairness this has been an issue for Stan lately. it's in his thread, at least a couple/few have gone on this long. I also recall a couple years ago he hit a batch of delays around that period too. Stan always makes things right in my experience.
I get what your saying and I personally have no issues with Quing Dao. It just seems like dude is spitting venom on a src who has done alot for the community. "SP"
I'd actually like to try a few products from Quing Dao, and I'll more them likely order a few rare items this source has on deck.
how the fuck do you retards post 10 pages in 2 days in a sources thread who you hate. youre just constantly bumping him to the top of the board and giving him easy views. news flash, most people who come here for sources dont give a fuck about meso standards and will just gravitate towards the cheapest prices which is what they see when you constantly circle jerk each other over your hate for him. just let his thread die and let him bump it himself posting his email and price updates.

you guys can quote each other agreeing over him being a shit source but it isnt effective at all the way meso is nowadays. same goes when you guys quote jose1984 and cherokee and the other idiot who runs tren year round. theres enough people who hate him that you guys can each post once a day telling people not to order. you dont need to post the same shit 50 times a day each
So I guess you won't respond in triple bitches thread anymore?
, I don't need this data for myself, it's more for the customer if he have any issue, so if deleted he shouldn't ask me anything about his order, so when customs ask him to provide an invoice, I won't be able to tell him what's on his parcel or how much declared... if he asked me what's marked on this or that bag, I won't be able to answer it neither.

:facepalm: :eyeroll: You do it like every other source does. 99% of them you use a secure email and btc for payment. Once the order has been delivered you delete everything on your end. It’s that simple. If the customer has an issue later then they still have the transaction email and can just reply to you from it. It will show the conversation history. You guys using a 3rd party site to do your drug deals and only accepting a cc for the average guy is sketchy and you are the only one who operates this way.

It’s silly I have to explain to you how everyone else in the industry does it.

Also, which is it? Earlier you said you keep all dealing for accounting. Now you say you keep them for the customer?
:facepalm: :eyeroll: You do it like every other source does. 99% of them you use a secure email and btc for payment. Once the order has been delivered you delete everything on your end. It’s that simple. If the customer has an issue later then they still have the transaction email and can just reply to you from it. It will show the conversation history. You guys using a 3rd party site to do your drug deals and only accepting a cc for the average guy is sketchy and you are the only one who operates this way.

It’s silly I have to explain to you how everyone else in the industry does it.

Also, which is it? Earlier you said you keep all dealing for accounting. Now you say you keep them for the customer?

I won't reply to this again, I think I've been clear that everyone choose what suits him, most of clients who have orders above $500 choose to pay by credit card instead of bitcoin, and majority do not use secure email, but their own personnal gmails, no one gives a fuck about those subjects, you represent the minority of clientele, even when you wanted to order you tried many times to pay with alibaba even that you had the option of using bitcoin, oh yes your security don't worth spending some extra $ to reach minimum order for bitcoin, so if it bothers you, you won't be trying it with all credit cards you have (yes your payment was declined), so don't tell me how to run my business, and stop this hypocrisy show, thanks.
No, and I don't know the client. it's from 2020.
So useless test for the current batch, god you must be sitting back thinking everyone is stupid. If your shills are real yes they are stupid to buy with all the fuck ups you have... but I question no one can be that stupid so assuming and hoping most of the shills are an alt handle of yours
Sometimes I just wonder why I keep answering some idiots in this forum.
We don't match you standards? You don't like my attitude? worry about data BS? you want 100.01 mg/ml brewing? just GTFOH I don't want you as customers, go to other sources threads, you will find what you want.. ^^
Sorry dickhead, this is our forum not yours... when will you get this through your fucking dense, useless little brain? You and only you are the guest and should be fucking acting like a guest...

Yes we want accurate dosed gear, sterile gear, current testing of gear, safety and security,, and good customer service..

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals you offer fucking 0 of the above and by far the worst source I have seen on Meso, I think you have over stayed your welcome and can fuck right off now.
I won't reply to this again, I think I've been clear that everyone choose what suits him, most of clients who have orders above $500 choose to pay by credit card instead of bitcoin, and majority do not use secure email, but their own personnal gmails, no one gives a fuck about those subjects, you represent the minority of clientele, even when you wanted to order you tried many times to pay with alibaba even that you had the option of using bitcoin, oh yes your security don't worth spending some extra $ to reach minimum order for bitcoin, so if it bothers you, you won't be trying it with all credit cards you have (yes your payment was declined), so don't tell me how to run my business, and stop this hypocrisy show, thanks.

How long you gonna beat that dead horse? I give you info on how everyone else in the business operates since you seem completely clueless and you revert to insults and that I once tried to order from you before the poor testing and very unprofessional attitude came out. Classy

I do have a legit question tho… you talk about how there is nothing to worry about on your end but isn’t btc illegal in China? What happens when someone catches on that you’re accepting it and you get audited?
How long you gonna beat that dead horse? I give you info on how everyone else in the business operates since you seem completely clueless and you revert to insults and that I once tried to order from you before the poor testing and very unprofessional attitude came out. Classy

I do have a legit question tho… you talk about how there is nothing to worry about on your end but isn’t btc illegal in China? What happens when someone catches on that you’re accepting it and you get audited?
China banned crypto to stop money from going out of the country, much to the annoyance of many of us expats here, I doubt they'll ever care about money coming into the country.
How long you gonna beat that dead horse? I give you info on how everyone else in the business operates since you seem completely clueless and you revert to insults and that I once tried to order from you before the poor testing and very unprofessional attitude came out. Classy

I do have a legit question tho… you talk about how there is nothing to worry about on your end but isn’t btc illegal in China? What happens when someone catches on that you’re accepting it and you get audited?
There are others who take credit cards.
How long you gonna beat that dead horse? I give you info on how everyone else in the business operates since you seem completely clueless and you revert to insults and that I once tried to order from you before the poor testing and very unprofessional attitude came out. Classy

I do have a legit question tho… you talk about how there is nothing to worry about on your end but isn’t btc illegal in China? What happens when someone catches on that you’re accepting it and you get audited?
dam bro you in the know how all sources do their biz? How is that? Also you using a cc to pay for stuff? You sound like a hipocrit imo