Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

you lost them because you are a piece of shit human...nothing to do with the tren. Post your physique by the way. Must be looking at some other pic if you say his gut sticks out farther than his chest because the pic I see is nothing close to that. Like I said before, I guarantee you have never even been close to stage ready. You are no more than 180lbs at 12% and think that makes you huge. And you are a shitty ass troll as well. It's so obvious you've accomplished nothing with your life so you just shit on everyone because you think it makes you seem "cool" and "tough" when really it screams insecure beta bitch. But can't expect much from a 23 year old who hops on tren after his first cycle. Have fun with no liver and shot kidneys / stroke and heart attack by the time your 25. You deserve it.
totally uncalled for wishing harm to someone

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VM2eLhvsSM
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If getting there means looking like you, then I don't want to get there. You're shredded on stage with a gut that protrudes further than your chest, LOL! Your gut has more mass than your arms and legs too. You also got gyno on top of that. I looked better than you after 1 test cycle. The genetics are just not there with you, sorry man, better luck next time. Your gut is bigger than every muscle on your body even while shredded, and your legs look pathetic. I looked better than you at 19 years old after 1 mild test cycle. You should just quit competing because you have no mass and you aren't aesthetic either. Your proportions are just all fucked up.

Haha, I lost my girl and FWB not because of being, "beta," lost them because I was acting like a nutcase.

You mad? The truth hurts.
What the fuck are you on about. Stop talking fucking nonsense and stay on topic.

This goes for all the other guys talking down to everyone on here, go hate on people somewhere else, stay on topic.

back to qingdao sigma.
What the fuck are you on about. Stop talking fucking nonsense and stay on topic.

This goes for all the other guys talking down to everyone on here, go hate on people somewhere else, stay on topic.

back to qingdao sigma.
Aas are not for everyone. It makes some people real assholes, especially combined with the anonymity of the internet.

I usually just try to learn on here, and be cool with everyone, and make people laugh, but some people just have to come here and be assholes. Hard to say why...
I read 1 important message about business and then 20 or 30 nonsense messages from people who look like they are 20 years old and don't have money to buy even 1 kit and come here to troll and insult
If getting there means looking like you, then I don't want to get there. You're shredded on stage with a gut that protrudes further than your chest, LOL! Your gut has more mass than your arms and legs too. You also got gyno on top of that. I looked better than you after 1 test cycle. The genetics are just not there with you, sorry man, better luck next time. Your gut is bigger than every muscle on your body even while shredded, and your legs look pathetic. I looked better than you at 19 years old after 1 mild test cycle. You should just quit competing because you have no mass and you aren't aesthetic either. Your proportions are just all fucked up.

Haha, I lost my girl and FWB not because of being, "beta," lost them because I was acting like a nutcase.

You mad? The truth hurts.
LOL. my E2 was so low that whole prep I would have welcomed the gyno with open arms.

Now we know you’re a beta cuck, retarded, and blind.

I’ve got lots of stages pics I’m more than happy to share

Let’s see that sick physique of yours man :)
LOL. my E2 was so low that whole prep I would have welcomed the gyno with open arms.

Now we know you’re a beta cuck, retarded, and blind.

I’ve got lots of stages pics I’m more than happy to share

Let’s see that sick physique of yours man :)
You're looking pretty solid brother. What was your weight/height there?
I lost my girlfriend because of it like I mentioned last week, and so then I started treating my FWB like a girlfriend and then lost her too (so sad because her pussy was good asf.
Well then its a good thing you have one in between your legs to remind you of her.

You must've loved to scissor with her like a pair of dykes

You should see what I looked like at 16 bro I was better than Dorian and Ronnie Coleman but I lost all the pics.
First week on tren, Sir Q this is bussin, felt strong asf vascularity is getting better and anxiety at an all time high, had to drop my test from 500 and use caber cause aromasin (controlling e2) wasn’t enough for gyno, caber did the trick so it seems like tren is real. using 260mg from here on out of tren cause it seems 350mg gives me anxiety. Had tren cough the first few times nothing terrible though.

Just got bloods back didn’t test anything tren related but I’ll be using the anadrol and tren and test as my enzymes came back good.
totally uncalled for wishing harm to someone

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VM2eLhvsSM

What harm did I wish on him? He said he has been running gear since 19 and is on tren at 23. Not sure I believe any of it, but if he was been running cycles since 19-20, that include multiple compounds at high dosages with tren being thown in the mix like its nothing, as well as most certainly not doing proper bloodwork or anything because he knows better than everyone on here with years and years of experience and knowledge. Then that is the road he is headed. Didn't say I hope he dies and wish he got a bad batch or anything. But if you act stupid and think your invincible then you deserve the consequences that come with it. Just like how I ended up in jail, because I deserved it for being a scumbag when I was younger.
What harm did I wish on him? He said he has been running gear since 19 and is on tren at 23. Not sure I believe any of it, but if he was been running cycles since 19-20, that include multiple compounds at high dosages with tren being thown in the mix like its nothing, as well as most certainly not doing proper bloodwork or anything because he knows better than everyone on here with years and years of experience and knowledge. Then that is the road he is headed. Didn't say I hope he dies and wish he got a bad batch or anything. But if you act stupid and think your invincible then you deserve the consequences that come with it. Just like how I ended up in jail, because I deserved it for being a scumbag when I was younger.
LMAO, let me give you a Coke buddy.
It was a wish. He wished him physical harm.
Welcome to Meso
I also know the rules of the board. If i threatened to beat your mother to death and masturbate on her corpse i would be banned, so i would never do that. I love your mother- she gave me you to play with. If i said i was going to paddle to greece or whatever fucking country you smuggle steroids out of in your gigantic butthole just to strangle you with a toga and rape your corpse i would get banned too, so i would never say anything of the sort. It would be unprofessional and threatening.

I hope you develop some sort of cancer related to your endocrine system... I'm not picky. Then I hope they try to remove the tumors and you get MRSA while in the hospital. I hope you then pass that MRSA off via toilet seat or something to every living member of your family and you all die slow, horrible deaths.

When I see this same type of guy, whether janoshik or this assclown my butthole starts to twitch. I have a plan. Now, i would never talk about burning their houses down with them and their family inside... that's get banned talk. I would see a psychic who would tell me WHEN the house was going to burn down. I would sneak into the house and strip out the batteries from the smoke detectors and snip power to the chirp so they wouldn't be alerted the batteries were missing... gorilla glue for all the windows and alternate entrances. Then I wait... as everyone goes to bed I start to get really excited- truth be told I shove the batteries up my ass. Mostly it's a safety precaution. Hows that? Well, once the fire starts and I hear the screams of the family burning alive I get drawn in to the beauty of it like a moth to a flame- dick out, drool coming down my chin as I hear raw panic turn to pain and then agony... the 9v batteries in my ass touch my rectal tissue and gives me a jolt that reminds me to stay a safe distance away that the screams of janoshik would otherwise cause me to forget in my bliss. Safety first kids.

