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Super easy. If you use the caulking gun method, don't try and filter too much at a time; using a 60cc syringe, I find that if there's more than 40cc of oil to filter, the plunger goes back too far and you have to push on it manually until it will fit.

I've cooked and filtered this way a couple times now, I think it's time to get a proper vacuum setup.

Totally different contexts. You're talking about home brewing (much larger volumes). We're talking about re-filtering a 10 mL vial. Don't need a caulking gun for that.
I mean sometimes I don't. But i get 30ml sterile vials and transfer my oils to them because i use vial adapters and i can use them longer that way cause sometimes they break if you try and pull them out to reuse them. So i figure if im gonna do that I might as well put the oil through a filter when I do it. And yes it's important to get the right filter cause the first time I used pes filters and had to throw away 30ml each of npp primo and test. Lol
I remember this and thanks for sharing your mistake as I learned from it too.
There is a strange phenomenon in the Rx world where *sometimes* name brand drugs are better or worse for people than the generics. I don't know if it's placebo or what because if the drug and dose are the same, it shouldn't be different, but a lot of people swear it is.

Most common example of this I've seen is Synthroid vs Levothyroxine. For some reason there are a ton of people who can only take one or the other without getting negative side effects. Placebo is a helluva a drug though so it's also possible that the doctor or pharmacy telling someone "you're taking the cheaper stuff" could contribute to that.
This can often be explained by formulation differences. Pharma companies often times learn formulation tricks about their drug that they keep proprietary that can significantly affect pharmacodynamics.
Sorry bud, your joke simply wasn’t funny. There is an actual scam that most people experience where you get random texts for fake tracking numbers.

I presume that most people are competent enough to ignore them.

I don’t think it was paranoia so much as people wanting to help someone with a “new member” title.

That title is applied based on post count and time on the forum, I presume. My experience is that "new-member", "member" and "well-known member" don't really correlate closely with competence.

Just to make it absolutely clear for everyone's edification: I placed an order and received a tracking number more quickly than expected and without requesting it.
I have an question for Tracy and perhaps others. I think the new Assistent staffs Are didnt understand my question. who have experience with Tesamorelin 10mg. My friend had Ipamorelin and Tesmorelin 10mg in the last delivery, both have the same tops 1:1 and the identical filling quantity. Is it possible that Tesa was mixed up with IPA when packing?
I have an question for Tracy and perhaps others. I think the new Assistent staffs Are didnt understand my question. who have experience with Tesamorelin 10mg. My friend had Ipamorelin and Tesmorelin 10mg in the last delivery, both have the same tops 1:1 and the identical filling quantity. Is it possible that Tesa was mixed up with IPA when packing?
All what you see when you compare peptides filling is mannitol, the active compound is so small that you can never be able to distinguish them.
Several peptides have identical color of tops, the only way to distinguish them is to see the numbers in bottom of kits, identifications are provided either with tracking number or later when you ask for them.
Another way to distinguish the tesa 10mg as announced when we put it on sale, after testing, it's a bit cloudy. Ipa is clear after reconstitution.
All what you see when you compare peptides filling is mannitol, the active compound is so small that you can never be able to distinguish them.
Several peptides have identical color of tops, the only way to distinguish them is to see the numbers in bottom of kits, identifications are provided either with tracking number or later when you ask for them.
Another way to distinguish the tesa 10mg as announced when we put it on sale, after testing, it's a bit cloudy. Ipa is clear after reconstitution.
Thanks for the hint. Maybe labels with numbers will be stuck on the vials at some point. I think many people have problems with this. and with some peptides it is not safe if you mix them up. I do the stickering myself, but there is still a slight insecurity. I think most people would pay extra for this.
Wtfwhat are filter fibers? are they dangerous? i'm using your oils and i feel absolutely fine, no pip at all!

gary coleman wtf GIF