Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Obviously I've struck a nerve. While you pretend to be agnostically outraged by a political comment, and not because it makes you're preferred ideology look bad, I'll pretend to believe that you really think political action isn't motivated by political self interest.

The dems have made this move, unlike every other policy pushed by any political party throughout all of history, purely for the good of the county, and not motivated by a careful calculation of the costs and benefits, right?

Here, let me frame it another way for you.

Republicans oppose eliminating the deminimis rule because they don't like unions (they don't), they don't give a shit about American textile workers or the industry (they don't), they know more government workers don't benefit their political interests (they don't), and they've never seen a form of tax evasion they don't love.
Apparently pointing out that nobody cares about what politics you enjoy struck a nerve with you. Have a good one

Edit: quick google search shows bipartisan support for changing diminimus importation rules. The most recent proposal is cosponsored by house Republican Neal Dean-Florida and supported by Marco Rubio.

We arrive immediately at my point.
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Petition to start another 30mg tirz group buy due to how quickly this one sold out. Was just about to send an order in god damnit.
We may look back at this time as the "Golden Age" of easy AAS availability. Keep a multi year supply on hand is my advice, because when it happens, it'll come down like a hammer and it'll be like Canada or Australia where it's very hard for anything to slide by.

Outside of a political argument, anybody who has done online commerce in any capacity can agree on two important points.

-This is an absurdly easy time to order illicit substances internationally through the mail due to de minimus policies and a covid spiked postal system.

-China is openly allowing and likely promoting the exportation of illicit substances to the US in a cold war fashion.

These factors are creating an Overton window unseen in my lifetime, and I think calling right now a golden era for this behavior is not far off base. When the hammer comes down it's going to be tragic, it always is.

Apparently pointing out that nobody cares about what politics you enjoy struck a nerve with you. Have a good one

Edit: quick google search shows bipartisan support for changing diminimus importation rules. The most recent proposal is cosponsored by house Republican Neal Dean-Florida and supported by Marco Rubio.

We arrive immediately at my point.

I don't think florida is a good example for intellectual bipartisan support of any federal policies, you need to slow your roll....
Thank you. I just hate dealing with issues specially on a first order . Turns me completely off . I had read raging reviews and here come my luck
They do a ton of volume and even if they are 99.9% perfect, which is amazing, that still means 1 out of a 1000 orders gets screwed up
Outside of a political argument, anybody who has done online commerce in any capacity can agree on two important points.

-This is an absurdly easy time to order illicit substances internationally through the mail due to de minimus policies and a covid spiked postal system.

-China is openly allowing and likely promoting the exportation of illicit substances to the US in a cold war fashion.

These factors are creating an Overton window unseen in my lifetime, and I think calling right now a golden era for this behavior is not far off base. When the hammer comes down it's going to be tragic, it always is.

I don't think florida is a good example for intellectual bipartisan support of any federal policies, you need to slow your roll....
Slow my roll? There are republicans in Florida. And I’m fairly certain more would think, because you’ve said it’s fairly issue to import illicit drugs, that more republicans would be in favor of changing importation protocols.

And again, this is why political discussions suck. People lie, are uninformed, get emotional and it goes absolutely no where, no one changes their minds, they only dig in deeper in their own bias. It’s such a waste of mental space and time.
Slow my roll? There are republicans in Florida. And I’m fairly certain more would think, because you’ve said it’s fairly issue to import illicit drugs, that more republicans would be in favor of changing importation protocols.

And again, this is why political discussions suck. People lie, are uninformed, get emotional and it goes absolutely no where, no one changes their minds, they only dig in deeper in their own bias. It’s such a waste of mental space and time.
Man you hit the nail on the head.
Political argument in a steroid source thread. Get a life ppl, nobody cares. Take it somewhere else.
It started with dumbasses doing retarded things on their bank transfers then to fanboy name calling, ends up in politics. As a non American, I love the drama in this thread and real life implications the illegal steroid market has on the American bodybuilding community.

Keep going, free entertainment for all.
If Millard didn’t want QSC on here he’d ban him.

Millard is very fair and allows a free market.

don't make the mistake of believing this source is on Millard's Christmas Card List....because he isn't.

If anyone believes the owner of Meso, @Millard , is in this sources, or any sources debt, for driving traffic to meso and that debt should be paid with gratitude I implore you to get a grip. You've no idea what the man is about and what he's worked tirelessly for over the last 20 plus years at meso and beyond.
MESO doesn't play favorites with any sources: they all have the equal opportunity to participate in the forum if they comply with the forum guidelines.

Furthermore, MESO does not and will not ever endorse any source. The forum is a platform to hold ALL sources accountable whether popular or unpopular, good or bad. The barrier to entry is admittedly low.

However, MESO does have high expectations and standards for participating Community Members. We depend on our Community to hold sources to account for any potential harm associated with their actions, products, and services. This ranges from issues of health to legal to deception to fraud to financial loss, and any other forms of harm.

I hope members of the community never forget the basic purpose of this subforum.

It is troubling to see any community members support or encourage any form of harm e.g. saying that consumers deserved to be scammed or wishing that consumers would suffer financial loss, etc.

The Community should be consumer protection advocates first and foremost.
Furthermore, MESO does not and will not ever endorse any source. The forum is a platform to hold ALL sources accountable whether popular or unpopular, good or bad. The barrier to entry is admittedly low.
Meanwhile sources can pay to get a lil "sponsor" tag.
It's the sweet combo of extra taxes being collected, the unionized (dem voting) clothing workers growing in numbers), and tens of thousands of new government customs workers who'll owe their living to the party of big government.

It's not a political ideology thing. It's a We don't like China thing.

People love to interject their political ideology into everything. If something they don’t agree with happens, there must be an explanation the leads back to the political party that I don’t like.

The dems have made this move, unlike every other policy pushed by any political party throughout all of history, purely for the good of the county, and not motivated by a careful calculation of the costs and benefits, right?

Here, let me frame it another way for you.

Republicans oppose eliminating the deminimis rule because they don't like unions (they don't), they don't give a shit about American textile workers or the industry (they don't), they know more government workers don't benefit their political interests (they don't), and they've never seen a form of tax evasion they don't love.

Apparently pointing out that nobody cares about what politics you enjoy struck a nerve with you. Have a good one

Edit: quick google search shows bipartisan support for changing diminimus importation rules. The most recent proposal is cosponsored by house Republican Neal Dean-Florida and supported by Marco Rubio.

Political argument in a steroid source thread. Get a life ppl, nobody cares. Take it somewhere else.
REMINDER: Political discussion belongs in the Political Discourse subforum.

Granted, if it is directly related to PEDs or PED trade, it may be appropriate in other subforums like the Steroid News subforum or the Steroid Legal subforum.

At any rate, it shouldn't be an off-topic discussion in a source thread.

Meanwhile sources can pay to get a lil "sponsor" tag.
And yet they are held to account just like any other source with no special considerations protecting them from consumer feedback or criticism. Sponsors do NOT receive any special treatment when it comes to the forum guidelines. The rules apply and have always applied equally to everyone.
Im having an issue with my order . 2 powders were not included in my shipment . I’m not sure who the person is on WhatsApp, but their just wasting my time with 1 reply every 24 hours . It’s very frustrating . This is my first order as well
What did you order that wasn't included?
Meanwhile sources can pay to get a lil "sponsor" tag.
Why don't we get rid of the sponsors and and get members to pay a fee to use the site? Would that make it better you? They may pay to be featured, but it is all about the community and the individuals who care about harm reduction and looking out for one another. It may not be perfect, but this is the spirit of this place. You are using this forum without appreciating and understanding the whole point of it, it appears.
Petition to start another 30mg tirz group buy due to how quickly this one sold out. Was just about to send an order in god damnit.
This isn't a "group buy," ftr. It's just being called a that to generate a sense of scarcity and exclusivity -- successfully, it seems.

A group buy is when people - not a company's sales reps - shop around and negotiate for a custom production run. In exchange for terms the vendor is guaranteed a large sale. And if the product is shitty, the vendor risks losing the entire group's business... so they have extra incentive to not fuck it up.

This? Just a sale. There's no purchaser leverage here, and zero real difference between this and the 30mg on the price list right now. Is it great that Tracy is covering a certain amount of independent testing for this batch, and asked the factory to add a lil extra? Sure is! But he could do that for any batch any time he wants.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good sale. But that's all it is.
This isn't a "group buy," ftr. It's just being called a that to generate a sense of scarcity and exclusivity -- successfully, it seems.

A group buy is when people - not a company's sales reps - shop around and negotiate for a custom production run. In exchange for terms the vendor is guaranteed a large sale. And if the product is shitty, the vendor risks losing the entire group's business... so they have extra incentive to not fuck it up.

This? Just a sale. There's no purchaser leverage here, and zero real difference between this and the 30mg on the price list right now. Is it great that Tracy is covering a certain amount of independent testing for this batch, and asked the factory to add a lil extra? Sure is! But he could do that for any batch any time he wants.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good sale. But that's all it is.
Someone else wrote about this, not long ago. When you actually read what the whole thing is about, it makes sense that it's a clever misnomer.
This isn't a "group buy," ftr. It's just being called a that to generate a sense of scarcity and exclusivity -- successfully, it seems.

A group buy is when people - not a company's sales reps - shop around and negotiate for a custom production run. In exchange for terms the vendor is guaranteed a large sale. And if the product is shitty, the vendor risks losing the entire group's business... so they have extra incentive to not fuck it up.

This? Just a sale. There's no purchaser leverage here, and zero real difference between this and the 30mg on the price list right now. Is it great that Tracy is covering a certain amount of independent testing for this batch, and asked the factory to add a lil extra? Sure is! But he could do that for any batch any time he wants.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good sale. But that's all it is.

Doubtful a group could negotiate down to a package approaching these terms. If the "product is shitty" he'll lose the purchasers of this pseudo-group buy.

I really don't see how a bona fide "group buy" would be any more advantageous than this already is.

It's arguing semantics.

I hope he does more, I got in on this smoking deal, and didn't have to hope a bunch of clowns could get it together over the course of several months to not come close to what was just dropped in our laps, effortlessly.
and didn't have to hope a bunch of clowns could get it together over the course of several months to not come close to what was just dropped in our laps, effortlessly.
Oh, it's been a thing for awhile -- what do you think Tracy's competing with? Groups like that have been eating his lunch. Competition is good. I'm sure he's already planning the next one. That's my point. You don't need to act like a soccer mom at a boxing day sale over it.