Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Dumbass, you have absolutely no knowledge about how the human body works. I told you before: Speak less, read more and you might actually learn something.

Your ignorance really comes through when you speak.

I am not a fan of the Reddit and PGB Karen’s, but it is their attitudes, not their serious medical conditions I have an issue with!

Also, I am sure your post about purchasing 500g of product for personal use looks harmless to LE.
How many more times are you going to edit your post? I thought you were the all knowing expert? You contribute nothing to a discussion. You are just a big mouth loser who ironically tells others they need to read more.

From Millard himself-

I think the mainstreamization of drugs like semaglutide, tirzepatide, and retatrutide could have a big impact on the bodybuilding/AAS-using community.

Firstly, AAS users have always been stigmatized by society in no small part due to the widespread use of injectable compounds by bodybuilders/athletes.

If a significant percentage (and even a majority) of the population starts using "accepted" injectable drugs like the GLP-1 agonists, for health, performance-, and/or image-enhancing reasons, then injectable drugs will become more normalized and the needle stigma will slowly start to fade. And I guess this is kind of a positive thing

OTOH, there will also likely be negative fall out for the AAS-using bodybuilding community.

Secondly, as we are currently seeing, many domestic and international AAS/GH underground sources are adding semaglutide, etc. to their lineups. After all, it fits in perfectly with the subculture of PIEDs.

Thirdly, this is a potential multi-billion dollar profit bonanza for bigpharma unlike any other. In the past, bigpharma showed little interest in the underground AAS sources supplying the bodybuilding community because it didn't really have a major financial impact on the profits.

It's different with GLP-1 agonists. Bigpharma will aggressively seek to protect their profits. You could see them going after pharmacies that import foreign versions, compounding pharmacies, research chemical companies, pharmaceutical diversion, etc. either directly when possible or via law enforcement action when necessary.

And because traditional underground suppliers of AAS will have these drugs on their menu, they could become increasingly and more aggressively target by LE in the future.
How many more times are you going to edit your post? I thought you were the all knowing expert? You contribute nothing to a discussion. You are just a big mouth loser who ironically tells others they need to read more.

From Millard himself-

I think the mainstreamization of drugs like semaglutide, tirzepatide, and retatrutide could have a big impact on the bodybuilding/AAS-using community.

Firstly, AAS users have always been stigmatized by society in no small part due to the widespread use of injectable compounds by bodybuilders/athletes.

If a significant percentage (and even a majority) of the population starts using "accepted" injectable drugs like the GLP-1 agonists, for health, performance-, and/or image-enhancing reasons, then injectable drugs will become more normalized and the needle stigma will slowly start to fade. And I guess this is kind of a positive thing

OTOH, there will also likely be negative fall out for the AAS-using bodybuilding community.

Secondly, as we are currently seeing, many domestic and international AAS/GH underground sources are adding semaglutide, etc. to their lineups. After all, it fits in perfectly with the subculture of PIEDs.

Thirdly, this is a potential multi-billion dollar profit bonanza for bigpharma unlike any other. In the past, bigpharma showed little interest in the underground AAS sources supplying the bodybuilding community because it didn't really have a major financial impact on the profits.

It's different with GLP-1 agonists. Bigpharma will aggressively seek to protect their profits. You could see them going after pharmacies that import foreign versions, compounding pharmacies, research chemical companies, pharmaceutical diversion, etc. either directly when possible or via law enforcement action when necessary.

And because traditional underground suppliers of AAS will have these drugs on their menu, they could become increasingly and more aggressively target by LE in the future.
No, you are one of the only people who consistently says stupid shit! Your post history is evidence enough!

I don’t tell other people to read more, I tell you!
I'm still waiting for your constructive response to the discussion
Read and comprehend:

1. Openly speaking about buying 500g of DHB is not smart and will attract LE attention.

2. Not understanding that the Karen’s often have serious medical conditions is nothing but pure ignorance.

I attempted to write this response on a 5th grade level to make it easier for you to read and comprehend.
This isn't a "group buy," ftr. It's just being called a that to generate a sense of scarcity and exclusivity -- successfully, it seems.

A group buy is when people - not a company's sales reps - shop around and negotiate for a custom production run. In exchange for terms the vendor is guaranteed a large sale. And if the product is shitty, the vendor risks losing the entire group's business... so they have extra incentive to not fuck it up.

This? Just a sale. There's no purchaser leverage here, and zero real difference between this and the 30mg on the price list right now. Is it great that Tracy is covering a certain amount of independent testing for this batch, and asked the factory to add a lil extra? Sure is! But he could do that for any batch any time he wants.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good sale. But that's all it is.
A GB is whatever we want it to be. You're just using the GB template your used to and think its the only thing that = GB.

Personally, I prefer these GB's, source has a interest in them testing out in their favor and source can trust the 3rd party testing. Plus the GB testing is pumping out new test results and at the rate of new GB's, that testing is only going to increase in the future.

I imagine its sucked some $ out of the other GB groups.
Oh, it's been a thing for awhile -- what do you think Tracy's competing with? Groups like that have been eating his lunch. Competition is good. I'm sure he's already planning the next one. That's my point. You don't need to act like a soccer mom at a boxing day sale over it.
Planning the next 1.... He is planning the next 10! Damn GB every 10 days it seems like that had me raid an overdraft to keep up with the deals!

I'm not across all the GB groups but the few I am, don't even come close to the volume of GB's available or range of products.

So far (in what, 1 month?), had GB Tirz 10mg, BPC-157 10mg, Tirz 30mg.

A various Peptide promo (no 3rd party testing on this though as it wasn't a GB deal)

Next 1 is HGH 36iu and Reta 20mg.

As long as there is 3rd party testing, its a great GB.
I hate all these glp peptides. It just gives fat people more excuses to avoid accountability for their actions. They deserve to be fat. You made your bed you lay in my.

And they are bringing unnecessary law enforcement/FDA attention to this forum.

The user of Schedule III controlled drugs to build muscles because he's not naturally masculine enough, no doubt the result of a long line of betas reproducing with low value women, is worried uncontrolled pharmaceuticals will bring attention to his drug of choice, lol.
Except - any good company should in fact already do third party independent testing, should provide guarantees for shipping and quantity and purity and should be compensating for bunk product - without a sale. Sale or not, it should be a normal course of business in order to provide customers with a quality product that is safe and such policies promote harm reduction and exhibit a concern for the customer.
Except.... QSC do already do independent 3rd party testing for each batch.... But that's not good enough for us because, QSC organized it!

So, these GB's that QSC organize are a perfect middle ground where QSC get a large number of a product sold in 1 hit, that underwrites QSC paying for extra independent testing on top of their already independent batch testing. We can trust the independent testing as buyers send in the samples, QSC can trust the testing results as its all done through a 3rd party lab QSC trust. We get great prices due to a bulk GB.

Seems like the only people that would have their noses out of joint are the old GB organizer's...
I hate all these glp peptides. It just gives fat people more excuses to avoid accountability for their actions. They deserve to be fat. You made your bed you lay in my.

And they are bringing unnecessary law enforcement/FDA attention to this forum.
I agree with your last sentence...

But leave the fatties alone! FFS, like any of us can really talk! Can we train natural... Sure! But Why TF would I?

Same as using GLP's... Why TF wouldn't people use a tool that's available!
Planning the next 1.... He is planning the next 10! Damn GB every 10 days it seems like that had me raid an overdraft to keep up with the deals!

I'm not across all the GB groups but the few I am, don't even come close to the volume of GB's available or range of products.

So far (in what, 1 month?), had GB Tirz 10mg, BPC-157 10mg, Tirz 30mg.

A various Peptide promo (no 3rd party testing on this though as it wasn't a GB deal)

Next 1 is HGH 36iu and Reta 20mg.

As long as there is 3rd party testing, its a great GB.

Small remark next ones:

Cagrilintide 10mg + Mazdutide 10mg + optional tirzepatide 15mg.

Then: Tesamorelin 10mg + cjc no dac/ipa mix 5mg each.

Then yes possibly: HGH 36iu and reta 20mg. And in meantime, a primo 200 one if I have it ready in time ^^
Except.... QSC do already do independent 3rd party testing for each batch.... But that's not good enough for us because, QSC organized it!

So, these GB's that QSC organize are a perfect middle ground where QSC get a large number of a product sold in 1 hit, that underwrites QSC paying for extra independent testing on top of their already independent batch testing. We can trust the independent testing as buyers send in the samples, QSC can trust the testing results as its all done through a 3rd party lab QSC trust. We get great prices due to a bulk GB.

Seems like the only people that would have their noses out of joint are the old GB organizer's...
Yes, the old group by organizers, drug dealers hiding behind the pretense of doing good for their group buy communities, will lose their cash cows. I have no issue with anyone dealing, just have integrity and do not claim to be something you are not.
Government is not going to do ANYTHING to go after unauthorized GLPs.

First, they're all in official "shortage" status, suspending patent protection, and that will be the case for years to come.

Second, the government is attacking the patents protecting these meds, and holding hearings regarding their costs. The reason is that every other week another study demonstrates health benefits outside of obesity, which will put the government on the hook to cover them, an extremely costly proposition. Tens of billions a year. Decades ago the PhenPhen heart killing diet pill resulted in a law banning weight loss meds from being covered by the govt. Now they can be "on label" approved for Cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, soon addiction, alzheimer's prevention, Parkinson's prevention, and neuropathy will be approved uses regardless of weight. So the govt will be keeping the pressure on to get them to agree to lower prices.

Third, the Pharmas are having no luck suing. Of thousands of clinics supplying aftermarket GLPs, they've only been able to go after the small handful who are falsely claiming to supply the brand name meds.

Fourth, they already sell every drop they can make. They're all on months long backorder. There's no end in sight, even as they buy factories trying to ramp up production, supply will not meet demand for many years. So there's no profit to protect.

And finally, despite their effort to find contaminants or other safety issues they've been unsuccessful. The only thing they've found is some GLPs being diluted with vitamin B12.
Some of you dipshits should think about posting less. And if your arguing with other dipshits about topics that don’t belong in the forum, then don’t post at all.