Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What’s the shelf life?

Unreconstituted and refrigerated, at least two years. Reconstituted at least four months.

Think of this as lowering your bodies "set weight" based on dosage, So once you dial in a certain dose for a particular weight, it does nothing appetite wise.

It still lowers inflammation in your blood vessels preventing plaque buildup, so risk of heart attack and stroke is reduced regardless of weight. Probably prevents alzheimer's from developing in its early stages. Mobilizes visceral fat, so weight loss is disproportionally from the belly. Clears fatty liver. Increases insulin sensitivity for lower blood sugar and more energy from fewer calories. When glp receptors on nerves are activated, nerves are protected from oxidative damage and regrowth from neurogenesis takes place.

Go above the "set weight" and appetite suppression sets in pushing you back down. Psychologically you stop thinking about food. It doesn't smell or look appetizing. Physically you can't eat nearly as much, if you do overeat despite no appetite, you'll be punished which is where most of the side effects come from.

When I hear about the people who constantly vomit on these drugs that's a clear sign they're just eating out of habit, and not because they're hungry. It's a "teacher" that lowers your desire to eat, but also to pay attention and only eat when you feel hungry or else.
When they can't get the hormone they're not producing enough of, glucagon, the same thing that happens when a diabetic can't get their hormone, insulin.

Their symptoms come back.

Same thing that happens when you can't get Test, the hormone you don't make enough of, you go back to being a scrawny beta pussy.
Hey! I represent these remarks!
anyone know the response time/tracking after making an order its my first time buying from qsc
Not instant, it will be shipped quickly probably same day or next day....

They won't give you a tracking for a few days to a week.

The tracking won't show location except still in China even though it's on its way.

Then once it's in your county , you'll start seeing updates on which major area in your country that it's reached so far. It's usually days away at this point, in the home stretch. For me eta is 2-3 weeks usually international
When they can't get the hormone they're not producing enough of, glucagon, the same thing that happens when a diabetic can't get their hormone, insulin.

Their symptoms come back.

Same thing that happens when you can't get Test, the hormone you don't make enough of, you go back to being a scrawny beta pussy.
I never knew glucagon was a hormone and I’ve read the word a ton reading about glycogen stores, replenishing them approximately, etc.

I gotta read up on glucagon. Thanks for that info
I never knew glucagon was a hormone and I’ve read the word a ton reading about glycogen stores, replenishing them approximately, etc.

I gotta read up on glucagon. Thanks for that info

Here's another "woah" fact. The primary reason bariatric surgery (lap band, stomach stapling) surgery causes weight loss is not shrinking the size of the stomach. It's because it causes an increase in glucagon production.

Because of the new drugs that surgery is becoming obsolete, though insurance companies have started pushing it since it's cheaper for them than paying for GLP meds indefinitely.

For those with normal glucagon levels, and a normal appetite, it's easy to point to an obese person and blame it on "willpower".

Meanwhile, a raging insatiable appetite, a body screaming for calories with the intensity of heroin withdrawals, something they've never experienced, makes "willpower" entirely insufficient.

Weight Watchers published an apology after the research made the root cause of obesity crystal clear, and said "We were wrong".
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Here's another "woah" fact. The primary reason bariatric surgery (lap band, stomach stapling) surgery causes weight loss is not shrinking the size of the stomach. It's because it causes an increase in glucagon production.

Because of the new drugs that surgery is becoming obsolete, though insurance companies have started pushing it since it's cheaper for them than paying for GLP meds indefinitely.

For those with normal glucagon levels, and a normal appetite, it's easy to point to an obese person and blame it on "willpower".

Meanwhile, a raging insatiable appetite, a body screaming for calories with the intensity of heroin withdrawals, something they've never experienced, makes "willpower" entirely insufficient.

Weight Watchers published an apology after the research made the root cause of obesity crystal clear, and said "We were wrong".

Well hormones may make you feel strongly a certain way but there is still a human’s capacity to make decisions on those feelings.

You can’t excuse fat people for being fat because they have less glucagon. Just like you can’t excuse a man for r*ping a woman because he’s on a bunch of test.
Well hormones may make you feel strongly a certain way but there is still a human’s capacity to make decisions on those feelings.

You can’t excuse fat people for being fat because they have less glucagon. Just like you can’t excuse a man for r*ping a woman because he’s on a bunch of test.

Humans will resort to cannibalism when starvation reaches a certain level. There's nothing subtle or optional about severe appetite dysfunction. At 6' my highest weight ever has been 235. You could pay me a million dollars and I couldn't eat my way to 350. It's a physical impossibility. My gut would revolt, I'd puke up any food beyond a certain point. Bodybuilders will resort to appetite increasing compounds just to gain the ability to take in more calories because they hit a wall where it's no longer possible otherwise, no matter how much they "willpower" it. Once appetite is increased suddenly the physical barriers disappear and they can eat more without inducing sickness. The same insurmountable barriers that prevent additional calorie intake can work in reverse just as powerfully to drive a person to the verge of insanity, with no relief, until satiated.

Glucagon dysfunction didn't start en masse until the 1970s in the US, about a decade after after liquid sugars were introduced broadly into the food supply. Children exposed to this seem to have their glucagon regulation broken.

Remember when obesity was almost exclusively an "American" thing? In every country that has the same change in the food supply obesity is following the same trajectory about a decade later. Latin America first, now Asia. Widespread obesity in China is a very recent development, and its children where it's become prevalent first.

If I snap my fingers and make you as hungry as you've ever been in your life, and couple that with abundant food availability, you are not going to sit there indefinitely and ignore the drive to eat. The problem is a lack of imagination. If you don't experience it you can't relate to anyone who has.

People who take GLPs say "It silences the "food noise" in my mind." We don't even know it's there until it isn't. Try it sometime and the "aha" moment will come, I guarantee.
Political argument in a steroid source thread. Get a life ppl, nobody cares. Take it somewhere else.

GLP drugs aren't an appetite suppressor in the conventional sense, they're a metabolic regulator. And the scientific understanding of obesity has moved far beyond "it's your lack of willpower and bad habits". There wasn't some mass failure of self control in the 1960s, when obesity rates began a steep upward climb.

Appetite is the second most powerful biological drive after breathing, and insufficient production of glucagon causes a dysfunctional appetite powerfully driving behavior to take in excess calories. These drugs compensate for that shortage restoring a normal appetite. They're intended to be used for life. Though multi month and eventually year long versions are coming.

During human evolution, ripe fruit would be available for short periods. It was advantageous for appetite control to be suspended so we'd take on excess calories while we could. Fructose (a liquid sugar in fruit) reduced glucagon production, and appetite would temporarily become intense.

The theory as to why obesity took off about a decade after liquid sugars were introduced into processed foods, a pattern repeated in every country this has happened in, is that continuous exposure to liquid sugars in childhood "breaks" the glucagon-appetite regulation mechanism,
Wow, bro. I am also aware of all the amazing benefits these GLP-1 agonists are having on the brain, addiction etc.
But I have been trying to figure out why the retatrutide has such dramatic results compared to tirz and semaglutide. And I knew it was the glucagon agonist. But everything I read said that glucagon raises blood sugar. But now after what you brought to my attention makes sense. These GLP-1 peptides change phenotypes of cells. So if there is an irregularity in the way glucagon works in the body after so much liquid sugar, than it makes sense that the glucagon agonist peptide in retatrutide could "fix" this and return it to normal.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
thanks for you great perspective on GLP 1's bro.
You obviously have never know or been close to anyone with this medical problem.

Ignorance is bliss…
A medical problem?

1. That’s a gross assumption to make. I grew up with a father I watched deteriorate from Multiple Sclerosis my whole life. You think he had a “choice” ?

You think if he could just discipline himself to just not to shove McDonald’s down his gullet & it would relive him of degeneration, stop the gran mal siezures, give him his law practice back? You think he’d trade off that Big Mac supersize meal for his health and life back? Bet your fucking ass he would.

You’re lazy and lack discipline. “Woah is me I have a disease, I can’t not eat this triple cheeseburger because I’m cursed with diseaseeeee” lol get out of here

Edit: the point can stop a 1. - go fuck yourself for comparing being a lazy fatass to having a “disease”. This frikken GLP Karen crowd that was brought over is awful.

2. Being fat isn’t a medical problem.

3. I “suffered” from low testosterone so I know what it’s like to be low on a hormone. It does suck. I also know what it’s like to have 2000ng/dl test, want to fuck every woman around me but I choose not to. Because ya know, discipline.
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A medical problem?

1. That’s a gross assumption to make. I grew up with a father I watched deteriorate from Multiple Sclerosis my whole life. You think he had a “choice” ?

You think if he could just discipline himself to just not to shove McDonald’s down his gullet & it would relive him of degeneration, stop the gran mal siezures, give him his law practice back? Would he not by any means avoid that no matter what?

Edit: the point can stop a 1. - go fuck yourself for comparing being a lazy fatass to having a “disease”. This frikken GLP Karen crowd that was brought over is awful.

2. Being fat isn’t a medical problem.

3. I “suffered” from low testosterone so I know what it’s like to be low on a hormone. It does suck. I also know what it’s like to have 2000ng/dl test, want to fuck every woman around me but I choose not to. Because ya know, discipline.
Ignorance is bliss…. I will refrain from any additional comments directed to you. Your lack of comprehension and understanding of this disease astounds me. Continue to live your blissful life and be happy believing your fairy tale.