to be fair and honest i have big lack of discipline and whatever my strengths are i make up for it with plenty of weakness.
i would never speak for everyone else but i can only imagine.
for example my cruise dose was 210 test 180 primo
so no shit i kept most of my gains from the blast LOL
i have some kind of mind muscle connection issues similar but different to ryan russos, i recovered from a major head injury. and had a bad reaction to lions mane in attempt to use it for healing. so my strength progress is abysmally slow, currently squatting 225 for reps or 275 1 rep max pr
im weighing 190 lbs , not shredded out of my tree to the socks, but pretty damn lean and vascular
mood during this cruise has been abysmal, thoughts?
kept most of my weight while looking lean and have had SOME strength gains while losing no total body weight from last blast, and also at the end of my last 6month long blast cycle i got my girlfriend pregnant somehow. i have quite the dick i guess.
going to cave in and try accutane, primobolan really makes my acne miserable. even at low dosages under 200. ive tried using less whey, tried using less milk, focused on more meats. tried eating less simple sugars, tried eating leaner meats, tried washing more, i even trying praying. tried cod liver oil and ill admit i think consuming high quality refridgerated cod liver oil has done the most so far to be honest.
theres more things i could keep trying like eliminating vegetable oils, cleaning out more to let shbg recover a little, eliminate soy, this that and everything else but there comes a point where a person is frustrated. and id like to explore easier options because deep down i majorly lack discipline and want more instant gratification than i deserve dont we all.
to be fair ive gone from not considering health consequences and having a deathwish to caring a little. instead of 6 months blast cycle maybe ill just do 3 or 4 months on this next one im starting in a month or so. maybe ill spend more money on supplements for my mood. like pregnenolone or selank.
baby steps though. maybe instead of getting my cardio purely from sex, ill try to ride my bike more and not get anyone pregnant. baby steps progress not perfection
instead of jumping straight to a gram and a half of gear this round I am going to increase more gradually, and get some experience with insulin. im trying to use a less is more approach , possibly try 5mg day of MENT or tranbolone
if i cant make up my mind it will be 750test/700primo/ 6iu gh a day + insulin
but i really would like to try a small amount of 19nor like( 150 deca, or 35mg tren or 35mg ment) i would lower the test appropriately for whatever i switch up.
thinking of getting a continuous glucose monitor to get better ideas of timing and degree of blood sugar fluctuations from eating or gh or mk677 dosages. or just testing the finger constantly. i want to really figure out and get the feel of insulin. in hopes of really changing the game for myself and not have my cycles being so androgenic at such high dosages. want to dip my toes into slightly more anabolic drug choices including insulin.
is anyone else as irresponsible as me? i hope so but if you told me im a disgusting monster I think i could still live with myself and be nice to people still . cheers