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Humans can live 3 weeks without eating.

Let's say hypothetically there were no negative health effects from fasting that long.

I offer you $100,000 to not eat that long.

There's food in the house. There's a grocery store down the street.

After 1 day of not eating you'll be really hungry.

After 2 full days of no food you'll be famished.

By day 5 you'll be absolutely starving. You'd begin hallucinating about food. Dreaming about. It would occupy every thought. Think that's in your control?

By day 10 it will be absolutely impossible for you to not eat. I could raise my offer to a million, and you will break down and eat what's around you or go get something.

By day 12 you'd eat your pets. You'd kill them with your bare hands and eat them raw.

What do you call that drive to eat? Is that a "decision" you'd make to eat? A failure of willpower or morality? Or an increasingly powerful biological drive that will ultimately override your willpower, even a knuckle dragging god like creature like you.

What if something in that biological mechanism was broken and the same drive that exists at day 7 of your fast exists all the time for someone? Like people who get hiccups lasting days, or a nerve issue that causes a perpetual itch?

You're just too willfully stupid to believe, or even have the intellectual curiosity to understand the science,

Can you even eat 8000 calories a day? I bet you can't. Yet they can. If you had two brain cells you'd find that odd and ask why that might be.

If they're eating out of gluttony and selfishness, why do these drugs that raise glucagon levels and reduce appetite successfully result in weight loss for nearly 100% of people? Aren't they eating for pleasure and not out of appetite?
i would argue that even a very sick person with a very sick liver would be producing ketones well before day 12. and not be as desperately hungry as youre talking about by that point.

on carnivore diet i would have to remind myself to eat some days. body just had no requirement for food some days.
I was really about to stir the pot and say that 300 lbs of solid muscle is harder on the heart than being 300 lbs of a fat body.
there is a real arguement both ways. it really depends , each example of person could have sky high or actually decent blood pressure
Oversimplified version. You know how high protein foods and high fiber foods satisfy you more than "empty carbs"? The presence of high protein and the stimulation of certain cells by fiber in the gut trigger the release of glucagon, which among a million other effects, stimulates the satiety portion of the brain.

This is also why these glucagon level increasing drugs seem to reduce alcoholism and addictions of all sorts, even gambling. It reduces "cravings". Some women complain of reduced sex drive as well.

Glucagon has a very short life. Minutes. So just like steroid esters make them last longer, the breakthrough with GLP drugs was making them last a week.

Month long lasting versions are coming soon, and a once a year shot may very well become an "obesity vaccine".
Show me a study where an individual becomes obese eating at maintenance.
Honestly guys, whether you’re team Roids or team GLP- give it 2 months and you’ll be balls deep.

I found this forum back before or at least the genesis of GLPs, hoping to find a cheaper source for BPC & other peptides I was spending too much on with peptidesciences.

Maybe a month or two later I was on Test, Primo & HGH. 8 months later I ran Tren.

So, give it time. You stick around this forum the bug will bite you. You’ll stare at that price list and justify to yourself “man I can get a lifetime of testosterone for $200”

Then next thing you know you’re on Tren A, 8% BF with frikken abdominal veins and your girlfriend is hurting from the intensity of your libido now.
i read this and just laughed really fucking hard
Honestly guys, whether you’re team Roids or team GLP- give it 2 months and you’ll be balls deep.

I found this forum back before or at least the genesis of GLPs, hoping to find a cheaper source for BPC & other peptides I was spending too much on with peptidesciences.

Maybe a month or two later I was on Test, Primo & HGH. 8 months later I ran Tren.

So, give it time. You stick around this forum the bug will bite you. You’ll stare at that price list and justify to yourself “man I can get a lifetime of testosterone for $200”

Then next thing you know you’re on Tren A, 8% BF with frikken abdominal veins and your girlfriend is hurting from the intensity of your libido now.
^^^this right here...lol. Down 70 lbs, best shape in my life, and wife walking with a limp. Love this place.
i would argue that even a very sick person with a very sick liver would be producing ketones well before day 12. and not be as desperately hungry as youre talking about by that point.

on carnivore diet i would have to remind myself to eat some days. body just had no requirement for food some days.
Every time someone says they cannot medically stop eating, I would immediately think how? There is no way you can get fat if you don’t have access to food or else there would be an epidemic of fat people in areas with little to no food access.

Go live a life of self sustenance, produce all your own food away from the stores and I guarantee you, either your fit or malnourished because of lack of nutritional variety of food.
Because amphetamines weren't the original diet pill. Speed doesn't suppress appetite, they've just all coincidentally decided to focus their "self control" on eating fewer calories.

Lay off the anabolics and work to earn that body you weak willed pussy.
No matter the anabolics it's bout eating consistently and discipline day in and day out.
Your a wormy ass dude it seems. Let's see a progress pic or is your vagina not looking at its best right now?
If you think I care bout what you think of me your wrong. Mutual combat is legal in my state btw homeboy !!
Every time someone says they cannot medically stop eating, I would immediately think how? There is no way you can get fat if you don’t have access to food or else there would be an epidemic of fat people in areas with little to no food access.

Go live a life of self sustenance, produce all your own food away from the stores and I guarantee you, either your fit or malnourished because of lack of nutritional variety of food.
no U
Because the studies show the weight loss is in the form of muscle AND fat.

None of the clinical trials use body composition as a metric which is a terrible idea. GLP-1 agonists work whether or not the the person using them keeps up with protein and resistance exercise that is required to preserve muscle in a caloric deficit.

In terms of how they work, it's fairly complex, here's a diagram of the different effects of GLP-1, GIP, and Glucagon receptor behavior:


It's from this reddit post. I know reddit is terrible, but that particular post is a good one.

I personally know that it's possible to retain muscle while using a GLP-1 agonist. Last year I cut from September to January utilizing semaglutide and lost 25lbs of fat and gained 1lb of muscle mass in the process. Mostly I focused on getting 1g/lb of bw in protein and my normal training routine.

I also personally know that it's possible to cut weight and keep it off without the help of a GLP-1 agonist as I went from 340lbs to ~220lbs over the course of 15 years or so without any help. I got to 340 by living on soda mostly, being sedentary, and giving myself metabolic syndrome. Recovering from that took some time.

Presently using GLP-1 agonists as it's been difficult to stay below 200lbs without tanking NEAT. Even while doing a ton of cardio or whatever, and eating "clean" I'd stall and barely be able to move during the day. GLP-1 agonists help me get through that nicely. Presently sitting at 10.7% BF as measured by dexa last week and beginning my next cut.
to be fair and honest i have big lack of discipline and whatever my strengths are i make up for it with plenty of weakness.

i would never speak for everyone else but i can only imagine.

for example my cruise dose was 210 test 180 primo
so no shit i kept most of my gains from the blast LOL

i have some kind of mind muscle connection issues similar but different to ryan russos, i recovered from a major head injury. and had a bad reaction to lions mane in attempt to use it for healing. so my strength progress is abysmally slow, currently squatting 225 for reps or 275 1 rep max pr

im weighing 190 lbs , not shredded out of my tree to the socks, but pretty damn lean and vascular

mood during this cruise has been abysmal, thoughts?

kept most of my weight while looking lean and have had SOME strength gains while losing no total body weight from last blast, and also at the end of my last 6month long blast cycle i got my girlfriend pregnant somehow. i have quite the dick i guess.

going to cave in and try accutane, primobolan really makes my acne miserable. even at low dosages under 200. ive tried using less whey, tried using less milk, focused on more meats. tried eating less simple sugars, tried eating leaner meats, tried washing more, i even trying praying. tried cod liver oil and ill admit i think consuming high quality refridgerated cod liver oil has done the most so far to be honest.

theres more things i could keep trying like eliminating vegetable oils, cleaning out more to let shbg recover a little, eliminate soy, this that and everything else but there comes a point where a person is frustrated. and id like to explore easier options because deep down i majorly lack discipline and want more instant gratification than i deserve dont we all.

to be fair ive gone from not considering health consequences and having a deathwish to caring a little. instead of 6 months blast cycle maybe ill just do 3 or 4 months on this next one im starting in a month or so. maybe ill spend more money on supplements for my mood. like pregnenolone or selank.
baby steps though. maybe instead of getting my cardio purely from sex, ill try to ride my bike more and not get anyone pregnant. baby steps progress not perfection

instead of jumping straight to a gram and a half of gear this round I am going to increase more gradually, and get some experience with insulin. im trying to use a less is more approach , possibly try 5mg day of MENT or tranbolone

if i cant make up my mind it will be 750test/700primo/ 6iu gh a day + insulin
but i really would like to try a small amount of 19nor like( 150 deca, or 35mg tren or 35mg ment) i would lower the test appropriately for whatever i switch up.

thinking of getting a continuous glucose monitor to get better ideas of timing and degree of blood sugar fluctuations from eating or gh or mk677 dosages. or just testing the finger constantly. i want to really figure out and get the feel of insulin. in hopes of really changing the game for myself and not have my cycles being so androgenic at such high dosages. want to dip my toes into slightly more anabolic drug choices including insulin.

is anyone else as irresponsible as me? i hope so but if you told me im a disgusting monster I think i could still live with myself and be nice to people still . cheers
Oh god more -tides. What are these ones now let’s find out..

Cagrilinitide is an amylin and calcitonin receptor agonist that complements semaglutide and in conjunction yields efficacy similar to tirzepatide another dual agonist. It's being developed by Novo Nordisk and they're calling it "CagriSema"

Mazdutide is a dual GLP-1 and Glucagon receptor agonist being developed for the Chinese market.

I don't believe that either will show greater efficacy than tirzepatide or retatrutide, but folks will certainly stack them experimentally to see what they can achieve.
You act like none of us have ever chosen to eat caloric surpluses & deficits then followed through with our intentions.
You act like everyone is the same as the little cult we are in. No they are not. And that doesn't make them better or worse, just different. I bet your self control and just eat less mentality, just translates to just not be poor mentality of the rich. There are people that have brains better than Nancy Pelosi, but that ugly biotch still has more money than most of them, simply because they have different situations and connections.

Stop being judgemental of others, because your shit stinks too brother.