LOL, I'm not the one who OD'd (have in the past though) so I'm not gonna to assume anything,
Here's what I've experienced first hand and seen in others.
You know a signature effect of these drugs is eating increasingly smaller portions.
Force yourself to eat too large a portion for the dose (beyond your appetite) and throwing up is a common reaction. (often preceded by incessant hiccups for some reason). I'm not saying that's what you did.
The physical adverse reaction to too large a portion kicks in before the appetite reduction effects for that dose do.
So while you can be eating what's fine for 3mg, take a much higher dose, and if that 3mg acceptable quantity of food's still in your gut, you'll get as sick as if you ate it after you felt the 7.5mg appetite reduction and ate beyond that. Truthfully the next normal titration level will make you feel a bit ill for the same reason, but the big jump makes the differential higher and intensity of "punishment" much worse.
To make matters worse, a lot of UGL glps are overdosed by 20%-25%.
So while I advocate for a faster titration, 2 weeks per level if sides are tolerable, never skip a level, never take a "top up" midweek because you're not feeling it.
Kudos to you for not quitting after that. You do eventually reach stasis with no side effects whatsoever.
I said 7.5mg. Nobody is taking 7.5mg of Sema. I also said it was a year ago, before Reta was sourceable. Am I really giving you too much credit to assume that you could deduce it was Tirz?
I hear what you're saying, but you're making false connections. People are not vomiting from overeating, they're vomiting because they're still in the adjustment period with the drug.
You're just straight up incorrect dude, I've been on 8mg for a long time now, and if I ate a massive pre-tirz meal (I have) I absolutely would not vomit. That's simply not how this drug works.
What happens, is I simply do not desire to eat a massive meal like that. The idea of it sounds unpleasant, and I only do it on occasion for fun, or if I just did a big workout, or haven't eaten in a very long time. As normal people do. Without the GLP's I'm eating massive meals at all times and I'm uncontrollably ravenous.
If I increase my dose, food becomes even less appealing. But I then need to stay at that dose, and there is a maximum dose you are supposed to take. Which is EXACTLY why you need to titrate up SLOWLY. Because you want to maximize the advantages of each dose as you climb the ladder.
That is how the drug works, plain and simple. It doesn't make you sick or 'punish' you for overeating. That's the adjustment period doing it's thing. You lose a lot of lbs during that adjustment period, because you get side effects, but that's not the goal of this medicine, not by a long shot.
I'd shame you for spreading misinformation, but nobody on this board takes you seriously. You're doing a disservice to your friends that's for sure. -- Check this site out. It discusses how GLP's and glucagon affect our bodies.