Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yep sure did … you said, “I’m an idiot and won’t read to know about how to tell what is what. Again I’m an idiot”

Yep that’s what I read small fry :)
READ WHAT ? you stupid fuck. There wasn’t a single written ANYTHING indicating anything anywhere, even when ordering nothing was said. Not even an indication that the sku actually means anything. I haven’t been following the thread to be able to read 2490 pages either. And it turns out when you take the vials out of the individual box to flip it over, it just so happens they have to leave the box. There’s zero reason in my mind that the ID to the actual product can’t be on the inside of packaging not the outside of a box.
You can’t even read what I’m saying, if you did you’d understand how this can be an issue. Change your name to small dumb fry.
READ WHAT ? you stupid fuck. There wasn’t a single written ANYTHING indicating anything anywhere, even when ordering nothing was said. Not even an indication that the sku actually means anything. I haven’t been following the thread to be able to read 2490 pages either. And it turns out when you take the vials out of the individual box to flip it over, it just so happens they have to leave the box. There’s zero reason in my mind that the ID to the actual product can’t be on the inside of packaging not the outside of a box.
You can’t even read what I’m saying, if you did you’d understand how this can be an issue. Change your name to small dumb fry.
There's a saying about assuming things, y'know? Seriously, anyone who refuses to read the thread back-to-front or use the search function to find out how to identify product after they receive it is failing to do their own due diligence, period. Full fucking stop.

You ask questions BEFORE you send payment. This is not some new, strange approach to purchasing products directly from sellers whether via the internet or *gasp* via postal mail in the days prior to the internet.

You also need to realize that you not understanding why a seller doesn't do things the way you assume or think they should be done is not on the seller but rather on you, the buyer. It is your assumption after all. Rule of thumb in all types of business, never assume; always ask questions for clarity.

You were the one who said you weren't about to read through the thread or the like, yes? That comes off as entitled thinking. I was glad to see that unlike some others who have had similar problems in this same thread, you didn't stoop to the type of racist epitaphs and slurs that they have. Thank you for that.

Caveat emptor. Let the buyer be aware.
READ WHAT ? you stupid fuck. There wasn’t a single written ANYTHING indicating anything anywhere, even when ordering nothing was said. Not even an indication that the sku actually means anything. I haven’t been following the thread to be able to read 2490 pages either. And it turns out when you take the vials out of the individual box to flip it over, it just so happens they have to leave the box. There’s zero reason in my mind that the ID to the actual product can’t be on the inside of packaging not the outside of a box.
You can’t even read what I’m saying, if you did you’d understand how this can be an issue. Change your name to small dumb fry.
The sku will tell you what is what. If you cant figure it out find one of the kids in the neighbor with at least a 5th grade education to decode it for you
The sku will tell you what is what. If you cant figure it out find one of the kids in the neighbor with at least a 5th grade education to decode it for you
The sku does not tell you what it is, it’s a bunch of random letters after sigma, have you ever even ordered anything from him ? Doesn’t fucking look like it.
READ WHAT ? you stupid fuck. There wasn’t a single written ANYTHING indicating anything anywhere, even when ordering nothing was said. Not even an indication that the sku actually means anything. I haven’t been following the thread to be able to read 2490 pages either. And it turns out when you take the vials out of the individual box to flip it over, it just so happens they have to leave the box. There’s zero reason in my mind that the ID to the actual product can’t be on the inside of packaging not the outside of a box.
You can’t even read what I’m saying, if you did you’d understand how this can be an issue. Change your name to small dumb fry.
Lol guess I’m not the only one telling you to read and use that little search bar. It’s quite amusing
Lol guess I’m not the only one telling you to read and use that little search bar. It’s quite amusing
Bro you should be focusing on using a dumbbell
Testosterone = T + number
Deca (Nandrolone) = N + number

It's not that hard...
There is more then 1 compound with a T you stupid fuck. and the Deca didn’t even come with a “N” anywhere on the box LMAO why is a bunch of clowns who have never ordered a single thing trying rectify this.
Bro you should be focusing on using a dumbbell

There is more then 1 compound with a T you stupid fuck. and the Deca didn’t even come with a “N” anywhere on the box LMAO why is a bunch of clowns who have never ordered a single thing trying rectify this.

You get the idea though, if you are not completely retarded
I get the idea tho ? I just completely voided what you said. What idea am I getting other then you have no clue what you’re even saying.

I think it's obvious for everyone that you are not the smartest out here, asking for jano credit for your own fuckup. Being not the smartest and having high estrogen can be a bad thing
READ WHAT ? you stupid fuck. There wasn’t a single written ANYTHING indicating anything anywhere, even when ordering nothing was said. Not even an indication that the sku actually means anything. I haven’t been following the thread to be able to read 2490 pages either. And it turns out when you take the vials out of the individual box to flip it over, it just so happens they have to leave the box. There’s zero reason in my mind that the ID to the actual product can’t be on the inside of packaging not the outside of a box.
You can’t even read what I’m saying, if you did you’d understand how this can be an issue. Change your name to small dumb fry.
This problems was completely created by yourself, if you can't manage to understand the basics of ordering and how to identify your items you shouldn't be ordering in the first place. Read the fucking room, this aspect of qsc logistics has been beat and answered to death.
This problems was completely created by yourself, if you can't manage to understand the basics of ordering and how to identify your items you shouldn't be ordering in the first place. Read the fucking room, this aspect of qsc logistics has been beat and answered to death.
Okay, so as stated it’s identifiable through a sku on the outside of a box correct ? So without trying to bash the supplier and only to better things why not put the sku on the inside of the package on the bags they come in ? This would fix every issue (in the future) that you said multiple people have been having. I can’t see a single issue on how this would change anything negatively whatsoever in any aspect of anything
I think it's obvious for everyone that you are not the smartest out here, asking for jano credit for your own fuckup. Being not the smartest and having high estrogen can be a bad thing
First of all it was a joke. Followed up with if I get a third party test can I get store credit as another joke/half serious lol