Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think group buys are still around Tracy has said multiple times in the discord that they plan on only opening the group buy after they have Jano testing results back on the batch. No more selling the GB ahead of the Jano testing
To all who want a free shipment or refund ( which I know he’s not giving)

If he guaranteed 99% on the dot and it came back at 100% would you ask for your money back and would you send product back as well.

You’re just wrong. You can’t separate your personal opinions or beliefs from a business or transaction. Which is exactly what this is. It has no reflection of character. This is what the Chinese no very well. The decision they made to honor the commitment and not offer another solution banks on the fact that you are weak and emotional and believe there are feelings here. In turn you will not take them up on the reship. They could have very easily offered an additional more palatable for your feelings solution but the fact is you would have taken that one and felt really good about yourself in reality it costs them more. You are sheep my friend
have 36iu kits been offered by QSC before? search reveals this is a new product.

for those in the know, are their any cons to the higher dosage kits? combined with the GB pricing, the 36iu offer seems like a no brainer.’
You’re just wrong. You can’t separate your personal opinions or beliefs from a business or transaction. Which is exactly what this is. It has no reflection of character. This is what the Chinese no very well. The decision they made to honor the commitment and not offer another solution banks on the fact that you are weak and emotional and believe there are feelings here. In turn you will not take them up on the reship. They could have very easily offered an additional more palatable for your feelings solution but the fact is you would have taken that one and felt really good about yourself in reality it costs them more. You are sheep my friend
It’s 100% a reflection of character, see some of the members above who have good character that are willing to accept other things of lesser value.
Nope sure didn’t, just laughable at the greedy individuals, karma is going to say hi soon. I’ll be around to say I told ya so
Fat """people""" want everything for free with no work, effort, and money. That's why you see so many fat fucks on the anti work reddit. I use the word "people" loosely in this instance as most contribute nothing to society but a burden in resources and a general eye sore on the community.
It’s 100% a reflection of character, see some of the members above who have good character that are willing to accept other things of lesser value.
Oh ok.. next time you make a deal with a vendor do not honor your end of it and send them less money. See if they are empathetic and except “lessor value” lol. I understand the need to feel good but this is just transactional for a lot of people.
Oh ok.. next time you make a deal with a vendor do not honor your end of it and send them less money. See if they are empathetic and except “lessor value” lol. I understand the need to feel good but this is just transactional for a lot of people.
I'm not even going to comment again. These jokers keep mixing emotions with business.
Fat """people""" want everything for free with no work, effort, and money. That's why you see so many fat fucks on the anti work reddit. I use the word "people" loosely in this instance as most contribute nothing to society but a burden in resources and a general eye sore on the community.

Sure man, that's why so many pay a small fortune for GLP drugs, the diet industry is worth hundreds of billions, get over the resistance to inject themselves, and subject themselves to the potentially nasty side effects of those meds.

Most of the lefty commie types I see are skinny fux. And what are you doing in anti-work, or reddit at all?

I think a calorie deficiency is affecting your thinking.
have 36iu kits been offered by QSC before? search reveals this is a new product.

for those in the know, are their any cons to the higher dosage kits? combined with the GB pricing, the 36iu offer seems like a no brainer.’
I don't think so. They had ~36iu cartridges before but not vials.
Fat """people""" want everything for free with no work, effort, and money. That's why you see so many fat fucks on the anti work reddit. I use the word "people" loosely in this instance as most contribute nothing to society but a burden in resources and a general eye sore on the community.
Did your wife fuck a fat guy?