Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

For anyone curious. The discord is a complete cluster with 1000 people giving different opinions. But Tracy just asked everyone to stop arguing and said he will reship to everyone.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Since you have already agreed to honor the reship, if you can ask everyone individually what they want, I would do that (credit or reship or nothing).

But if that will take more time and cost more money on hours worked, the just reship them all.

Sorry you're in this predicament but people will greatly respect you for the decision you made.
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I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
Damn that's a rough one. I respect the fact you're reaching out and asking for advice though. There's some good, although varied, advice being given here and hopefully it limits the fallout from this.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals i think you should lower the guarantee. But how much lower is something that should be based on more data. Not random numbers. Test a vial of product for one month or two under harsh conditions to assess how much degradation will take place and base the guarantee on that. This way you are relying on some actual data.
I like this idea. Real data is what is important and the parameters can be announced in the following group buys. The purity guarantee would have to be lowered as a result but it would show people that it doesn't necessarily have to do with manufacturing problems.

I hope rather than just re shipping to everyone Q is just saying to reach out for a re ship. Maybe the majority of people are reasonable and won't ask for one and this won't be too costly of a mishap.
Of all the recent controversies here, from contaminated product to long delayed deliveries, I don't recall one where the vendor so quickly acknowledged responsibility (which may not even be the case given the margin of error) and took action this quickly. Most others fight tooth and nail before reluctantly admitting their screwup and drag their feet in offering a solution.

It might not please everyone, but imo it sets a good example for other vendors to follow.
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
i thought there was a 5-10% deviation tidbit in your group buy clauses for testing 97% would fall withing that margin, no? cant remember where i read that on your discord. frankly id be just fine with 97-98% as a customer. maybe just have the folks not satisfied reach out and figure out a way to make them happy. you're gonna have a shit ton of folks reaching out just to get something for nothing.

honestly though. how you handle this from a CS point of view will make or break you guys in the eyes of the community. hopefully you are able to make a decision that satisfies the majority!
Of all the recent controversies here, from contaminated product to long delayed deliveries, I don't recall one where the vendor so quickly acknowledged responsibility (which may not even be the case given the margin of error) and took action this quickly. Most others fight tooth and nail before reluctantly admitting their screwup and drag their feet in offering a solution.

It might not please everyone, but imo it sets a good example for other vendors to follow.
I agree, this Tracy is setting the stage for how shit needs to take place in the future. He may not be able to make 100% happy but he's damn sure trying to do best by customers and his business equally. honestly i dont see how 97% on a 99% guarantee (if margin of error on testing was spelled out as 5-10%) is refund worthy. im still plenty happy i got 97% tirz at this GB reduced price. not about to bother QSC over this shit. broken vials, and underfilled 20% oils is another story that Tracy implemented changes to fix.
I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
Honor the deal and any deals you have under guarantee by offering either full reship or store credit.

For the future aim for 97%, overfill and reship. 97% for delicate peptides with not controlled shipping conditions from multiple 3rd parties is ok in my book.

By standing true to your guarantee you will GAIN respect and new customers.

Following the results of this first Group buy, QSC will produce a new batch of tirzepatide 10mg, production take 10-15 days, and we will reship it to the buyers who choose to take advantage of it, the testing on that batch will follow up. The buyers can contact us between 15 June and 30 June for the reship of that particular GB n°1. We do not plan to offer any refund, nor credit store and we will stick to the GB terms.

People who are confortable with the results, and find it acceptable, and decided to be fair and supportive for QSC and not ask for a reship, knowing that Janoshik confirmed that the impurity is just degraded tirzepatide, QSC thank you in advance for minimizing the loss and helping the continuity of this relationship. This will motivate us to offer you much better and frequent deals in the future.

The same terms will apply for all the current GB and past ones.

For the next Group Buys, we will start them only after we receive the testing results from Janoshik.
We will be offering only the batchs that initially tested +99%. We will always keep targeting +99% and we do not plan to lower the standards. Seeking for offering quality products is our priority and an outlier won't change that.

We will keep compensating the volunteers on testing vials the same way as we did before, but if the testing came up lower than 98%, we will run an extra impurity test if needed, if Janoshik confirms it's possible and helpful, like LCMS.

If it's just degraded original molecule due to storage, or summer heat, or any unknown reason that production have no control on it, the batch will not be eligible for compensation. If the impurity is a contamination, the batch will be eligible for reship. We do not plan to set a lower bar such as 97% or 95% or any particular number, all what matters is the safety of use of the batch.

And in the meantime, we will investigate why that particular batch degraded faster compared to the other batchs, such as the BPC157 10mg GB results.
Curious to see how this plays out. The commitment should be honored however if there is an additional value option to choose I think most of us would choose it. Could be a win win to be honest
Following the results of this first Group buy, QSC will produce a new batch of tirzepatide 10mg, production take 10-15 days, and we will reship it to the buyers who choose to take advantage of it, the testing on that batch will follow up. The buyers can contact us between 15 June and 30 June for the reship of that particular GB n°1. We do not plan to offer any refund, nor credit store and we will stick to the GB terms.

People who are confortable with the results, and find it acceptable, and decided to be fair and supportive for QSC and not ask for a reship, knowing that Janoshik confirmed that the impurity is just degraded tirzepatide, QSC thank you in advance for minimizing the loss and helping the continuity of this relationship. This will motivate us to offer you much better and frequent deals in the future.

The same terms will apply for all the current GB and past ones.

For the next Group Buys, we will start them only after we receive the testing results from Janoshik.
We will be offering only the batchs that initially tested +99%. We will always keep targeting +99% and we do not plan to lower the standards. Seeking for offering quality products is our priority and an outlier won't change that.

We will keep compensating the volunteers on testing vials the same way as we did before, but if the testing came up lower than 98%, we will run an extra impurity test if needed, if Janoshik confirms it's possible and helpful, like LCMS.

If it's just degraded original molecule due to storage, or summer heat, or any unknown reason that production have no control on it, the batch will not be eligible for compensation. If the impurity is a contamination, the batch will be eligible for reship. We do not plan to set a lower bar such as 97% or 95% or any particular number, all what matters is the safety of use of the batch.

And in the meantime, we will investigate why that particular batch degraded faster compared to the other batchs, such as the BPC157 10mg GB results.
I applaud you for rapid response and adhering to your word. I’m personally not going to ask for a reship or store credit. I only micro dose Tirz now and yours is much stronger than others I’ve used. I do share my supply with family and they’ve had tremendous success.
Idk man good on you for being transparent and honest about the whole ordeal. The GB option really benefits some of us and I was included in the Tirz 10mg. I will say the 99% guarantee sort of bit you this time around but making it right will pay dividends to your future sales. I’d drop the guarantee on GB items to 97% moving forward after this and call it a day. I do however agree a deal is a deal and appreciate the professional approach to the whole situation.
I’m surprised another option wasn’t offered tbh. You get a reship or a thank you kind of a no brainer unfortunately.
Following the results of this first Group buy, QSC will produce a new batch of tirzepatide 10mg, production take 10-15 days, and we will reship it to the buyers who choose to take advantage of it, the testing on that batch will follow up. The buyers can contact us between 15 June and 30 June for the reship of that particular GB n°1. We do not plan to offer any refund, nor credit store and we will stick to the GB terms.

People who are confortable with the results, and find it acceptable, and decided to be fair and supportive for QSC and not ask for a reship, knowing that Janoshik confirmed that the impurity is just degraded tirzepatide, QSC thank you in advance for minimizing the loss and helping the continuity of this relationship. This will motivate us to offer you much better and frequent deals in the future.

The same terms will apply for all the current GB and past ones.

For the next Group Buys, we will start them only after we receive the testing results from Janoshik.
We will be offering only the batchs that initially tested +99%. We will always keep targeting +99% and we do not plan to lower the standards. Seeking for offering quality products is our priority and an outlier won't change that.

We will keep compensating the volunteers on testing vials the same way as we did before, but if the testing came up lower than 98%, we will run an extra impurity test if needed, if Janoshik confirms it's possible and helpful, like LCMS.

If it's just degraded original molecule due to storage, or summer heat, or any unknown reason that production have no control on it, the batch will not be eligible for compensation. If the impurity is a contamination, the batch will be eligible for reship. We do not plan to set a lower bar such as 97% or 95% or any particular number, all what matters is the safety of use of the batch.

And in the meantime, we will investigate why that particular batch degraded faster compared to the other batchs, such as the BPC157 10mg GB results.

I think initial testing of 99% and after shipment 97% is fair due to no control over shipping handling and storage conditions. I know mail trucks in my area have to be well over 100* F in the summer. Would high heat cause degradation in peptides? Would be interesting to do testing before and after heating to see if/when it happens. And if so no maybe guarantees on summer batches or to hot climates
What's the average time for international to the U.S.? Still roughly 3-4 weeks?Mine has been roughly that amount of time. My last two, one shipment was 4 weeks, one was 2.5 weeks. People that pay with crypto get shipped out immediately. Bank wires wait until funds are transferred so it can take a bit longer, depending on the bank. Mine transfer within a couple of hours.
No it wasn’t, that person asked about international to US. I asked about US to US. You can’t read and are a rude little retard.
Oh no, I was rude?! Lol man up dude this is a steroid forum. Shipping takes a few days for any domestic source. Don’t get your panties in a bunch
Oh no, I was rude?! Lol man up dude this is a steroid forum. Shipping takes a few days for any domestic source. Don’t get your panties in a bunch
The only person with bunched panties is you, you read something wrong and bitched about it. Move on little guy.