Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Most of the studies from the last decade say loss of bone density doesn't appear to happen, at least in a single course of normal, high dose accutane. The low dose protocols should be even safer.

However Vitamin D absorption is reduced, and its recommend that users take a supplement to compensate.

If I were in your shoes I'd avoid it too, even with the whiff of a possibility of worsening it.

Do you get any of the bone density improving shots? They seem to be really effective, I know a few women getting them.
Thanks for the info. I may reconsider low dose (<=10mg) if I can't get it under control with topicals.

I'm 6 weeks in on differin gel and a slight improvement, but still breaking out regularly and my back looks pretty bad.

I wasn't offered any of the bone meds due to my age and T-scores not being quite bad enough, but have had some decent success with TRT, HGH and small blasts including NPP and anavar.

Over 1 year since starting I got:

* Spine T-Score: 0.0 -> 0.4
Femoral Neck T-Score: -2.3 -> -1.7
Total Hip T-Score: -1.8 -> -1.2

Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

Test Report #40786 (1).png

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

Test Report #40785 (2).png

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

Test Report #43013.pngTest Report #43014.png

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
Last edited:
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he suspected at 70% it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
Anyone who’s not okay with those results is fucked. I know for a fact there’s gonna be people who are not okay with it and want the replacement which is crazy to me. I would lower purity guarantee and if it doesn’t meet their expectations they can keep it moving.
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he suspected at 70% it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
He suspected at 70%? What do you mean? 70% of the orders degraded or?
Are we really nit picking 2%? Its overfilled, 97% of 11mg still puts the active above the 10mg
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he suspected at 70% it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
I wouldn’t be looking for a refund if I was part of the group buy. The only way I’d be annoyed is if they were underdosed and bellow 97% purity.
In my opinion, if this were my business, take the lesson and move forward, keep the good elements (sharp prices, reimbursed testing inspiring confidence), and what you can control (quantity guarantee) to keep these very attractive deals going.

They undoubtedly bring you new customers, and are a win for all parties.

I don't think anyone wants to see you suffer from this minor purity miss so badly it stops you from offering more great GB deals.

First, with the current situation, to honor the guarantee offer the option of a reship or a credit toward a future purchase. Draw a line under this loss. This is going to be less expensive to you than a refund, and anyone demanding a refund for this miss, which is within the margin of error, isn't a reasonable customer. In case of reship, I'd allow additional product to be ordered at the same time, saving customers from extra shipping and the extra sale offsets some of your loss.

The quicker this is done the better it will reflect well on your integrity and maintain trust. I would not offer a vote on this, as that will only create a group of dissatisfied people.

You only need to make small changes and should keep everything else in this winning formula.

Drop the purity guarantee, but keep the quantity guarantee, because that is within your control.

Continue offering reimbursed testing.

Provide the pre sale testing so buyers have an idea of product quality, and let a documented, transparent record of delivering high quality via the 3rd party testing speak for itself and be the guide for those who consider future buys.
Last edited:
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
This loss is part of business risks unfortunately. You must bear the loss if you gamble with guarantees.

If a mechanic guarantees a part, and it isn't functional as advertised, They must bear the labor and parts and replace it.

I personally think fat people should bear the burden here through and no guarantee. Bpc tested good so bodybuilders on top again.
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..

You set the rules. Time to follow them.
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
You guaranteed 99% purity. A deal is a deal. Reship or refund people and change the terms on future GB if you wish. Are you good to your word or not?
I think
Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..

I think you are stuck with keeping your promise. I would ask everyone on discord to understand the unexpected denaturing and to know that it puts you in a tough situation.

I would request your loyal customers to support you by not asking for a reship but to reship to those folks who still want the reship.

I will not be requesting a reship. I understand what you are going through as a business owner.

I would also try to figure out if there’s anything more you can do on your end to protect the product from degrading. Is it temperature related?

Hopefully not too many folks will insist on getting a BOGO out of this.

Either way. We all know that this is not what you wanted to happen.

And great job on the BPC.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals i think you should lower the guarantee. But how much lower is something that should be based on more data. Not random numbers. Test a vial of product for one month or two under harsh conditions to assess how much degradation will take place and base the guarantee on that. This way you are relying on some actual data.
At the risk of sounding like a shill, 99% purity is still possible with these samples, being well within the margin of error.

It is not reasonable to assume testing is 100% accurate just because doing so would be profitable for those who want to use the guaranty to their greatest advantage. Of course, this should've been addressed when the original terms were offered. Now you know why the terms and conditions for so many product guarantees are 50 paragraphs long.

Even if these were given special treatment to reduce the margin of error, unless @janoshik can rule out 99% purity from being within the realm of possibility, given the unknowns a compromise offer short of a refund should be acceptable.

This is just my opinion, I'm not part of this group buy but am considering what I would consider fair if I were.
You are right, I gambled with the guarantees and it's time to honor the deal
I would do it differently . I would basically announce that ;

Since You committed to 99 % and you are to hold your word - Anyone who is not comfortable with the 98 % result is welcome to ask for a reship / refund .

Anyone who is a reasonable and fair person would firstly appreciate you coming through and keeping to your word , and accept that 98 % is perfectly amazing and not request a refund ... whoever asks for a refund Is IN MY OPINION being greedy... We see Pharma Grade peptides scoring even sub 96 % at times... Let's be reasonable here..

Should at least minimise your loss even if its by just 10 % .... I am by no means trying to Defend QSC here ... I am however being as politically correct as possible ...